The compatibility of Aries and Aquarius is quite high. Despite the fact that the representatives of these zodiac signs have different characters, they get along well together. Expressive but stable Aries complement the changing Aquarius, and as a result, the pair is strong and stable.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

Aries are strong in spirit, attractive, and always in the spotlight, although they themselves do not want it. They are rare lucky ones, and often get what they want without much effort.

Despite the many fans and admirers, when Aries meet "that same man", they do not want to see anyone except him.

If Aries sincerely fell in love, it is easy and simple in relations with him: he does not make scandals over nothing, he is always ready to support his other half. The only problem that Aries's partner may face is unjustified jealousy on his part.

In turn, Aquarius is very sensitive, and the zealous attitude of Aries offends them more than flatters them. They are perplexed as they, such faithful monogamous people, can be suspected of treason. Representatives of this sign are popular among representatives of the opposite sex, but their fans can’t count more than friendship.

Aquarians try to choose a life partner once and for all and keep fidelity to their soulmate.

Aries man and Aquarius woman: compatibility

Aries-man and Aquarius-woman are a union of two bright and charismatic personalities who always turn out to be in the spotlight.They have a lot of fans, but both signs are true to their partner and dream of a relationship until the last common breath.

In a love relationship

Compatibility horoscope, this pair has all the chances to have a strong family. The beginning of a relationship, as a rule, occurs at the initiative of Aries. And the strength of this union depends on the man. The Aquarius girl does not flaunt her sympathy, because sometimes it seems to her partner that their relationship is a one-goal game. This causes some problems in the pair: Aries is jealous, trying to get an open recognition of feelings from her partner, but in the end everything returns to normal.


A greater chance of a long marriage of the couple, which has played a wedding in adulthood.

Young Aries is too quick-tempered, and not be able to get along with your partner's temperament. With age, the emotion subsides Ram and his wife becomes more compliant. It was then that the partners have the potential to become a truly native to each other people.

In friendship

This is - one of the most sincere friendship pairs of all the zodiac signs. They are always ready to lend each other a helping hand and get out of an unpleasant situation, even at the cost of his own reputation. This occurs in spite of the differences of Aries and Aquarius on some issues. They do not always concur, but over the other are always ready to defend each other to the last breath.

How compatible are Aries women and men of Aquarius

The compatibility of the zodiac signs Aries and Aquarius is above average. An attractive Aries girl is confident, cheerful and knows a lot about pleasures. She always gets the desired sometimes willing to go for it on the head. Aquarius greatly appreciates in her wonderful companion her loyalty and devotion, although sometimes hidden behind a mask of coldness.

In a love relationship

The Aries woman and the Aquarius man feel great in union, but rarely can open up to each other at 100%. Each of them values ​​their freedom and personal space, therefore hides a certain number of secrets from their partner.

The paradox that is happening in the soul of the Aries girl is noticeable here: she is in no hurry to reveal herself to her closed partner and initiate him into her secrets, at the same time she is greatly offended if he does the same.

Aquarius guy has a habit to maintain friendly chat with his former passion. By this, he causes attacks of jealousy at his fiery companion, who is used to breaking off all contacts with previous lovers. If Aquarius does not explain to his beloved the role of those who were in his life or simply does not stop communicating with most of them, a serious scandal could ripen in the pair.

In other spheres of life quarrels between fire and air signs do not arise. This harmonious union where two partners grow with each other and help to cope with disabilities. If Aries ceases to control every movement of his no less jealous companion, he will cease to encroach on his girlfriend’s personal space.

There is no place for boredom in these love relationships. Blinded by his strong spirit lover, Aquarius ready to follow behind her anywhere. Aries do not agree to sit in four walls and constantly chosen journey. On this basis, Aries and Aquarius appears common interest that stirs the senses.


The main problem in this marriage is a strong jealousy on the part of the Aries girl. She herself is undoubtedly beautiful and attractive, she has many admirers even after the wedding. At the same time, she does not notice the explicit hints of representatives of the opposite sex, but sees hints of treason in the most innocent communication of the spouse with colleagues.

In order for the Aries girl to calm down, Aquarius needs to be wrapped in her care. If the problem persists, Aquarius will soon begin to spend his time with friends, and not with his wife.

His companion will also be saved from loneliness in the company of friends.Among them, there will certainly be either envious people or young people in love with Aries girl who will daily remind her that such a beautiful girl needs a husband who is more interesting at times than a passive Aquarius. But if sincere love reigns in a pair, no persuasion will spoil Aries’s attitude to his chosen one.

In bed, the couple is fully compatible. Under the influence of the wife’s full passion, a softer Aquarius can become more confident, more active in sex. Aries girl will also like the tenderness of Aquarius.

In friendship

The strongest friendship between Aries and Aquarius originates in childhood. At an early age, representatives of both signs are energetic and reckless. In addition, Aries can persuade, and it will not be difficult for them to incite Aquarius to a reckless act. Thus, this couple seeks to be in the spotlight.

As a rule, the parents of Aquarius are not too happy about such a friendship: they are sure that the Aries girl has a bad influence on their son. In fact, Aquarius and Aries are ready to stand for each other until the victorious end, for no reason giving offense.

In addition, Aquarius will always be happy to help her friend with the choice of a companion. He easily weeds out of the dozens of fans of the girl those who are really interested in her whole, and not just her beautiful face. Aquarius perceives Aries as a younger sister, therefore she will be very responsible in choosing her partner.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Despite some differences, the main views of Aries and Aquarius on life converge.

This pair has many positive aspects:

  • These two are never bored with each other. They are always open to communication, joyfully receive guests and go to friendly meetings.
  • They complement each other and evenly distribute responsibilities around the house.
  • Creating a strong home is important for both. Therefore, if this couple started a family, they begin as if the second candy-bouquet period: the number of quarrels is minimized, the attractiveness of partners in the eyes of each other increases.

When problems with causeless jealousy are resolved, partners respect each other’s personal space and understand that everyone needs time to be alone or with their friends.

But the couple also has misunderstandings.

Most of them are based on jealousy and temperament differences:

  • Aries are sure that they have much stronger feelings for Aquarius. In fact, this is not so, but Aquarians are not inclined to advertise their love, and often one can only guess about it.
  • Scandals are often paired due to Aries jealousy.

If the problem of jealousy is solved, Aquarius and Aries try to do everything possible for each other. They are able to be happy together if they get used to some features of the character of the partner.