Not sure if there is an even more reliable union of people according to the signs of the zodiac than Aries and Aries, compatibility in love relationships, in which they are very low. All because the representatives of this sign are very stubborn, straightforward, impatient. Even one of the signs mentioned above is enough to complicate the life of another person. And if they are all at once and both partners?

Does this mean that when they first meet Aries with Aries, they need to immediately run away from each other? Not really. Indeed, there is a compatibility horoscope to indicate possible problems and their causes. But how to manage knowledge is your business. After all, you can continue to "pull the blanket over yourself", or you can become a little softer and more tolerant of a partner, so that, relying on great feelings, together overcome the features of your sign, make concessions and build relationships.

Characteristics of Aries as a sign of the zodiac

The first sign in the zodiac horoscope Aries has incorporated the features of a leader, which helps him to go through life, making his way forward even when circumstances interfere with this.

If you put together the character traits of a person of this sign, you get a very interesting list:

  • stubbornness and energy - the two first qualities for Aries;
  • indefatigability - it seems that the will and forces of this person have no end;
  • absolute inflexibility - it greatly harms him throughout his life. A man born under the sign of Aries is simply not created for compromise, which is especially evident in youth. Only over the years, gaining a worldly mind and wisdom, Aries begins to behave a little more prudently and succumbs at least for tactical reasons;
  • natural fervor - continuation of the previous paragraph;
  • vanity - this sign more than otherwise needs praise and appreciation from others.He longs for recognition, for his sake he is ready to turn mountains. However, at the slightest criticism from close people, Aries becomes literally unsettled;
  • optimism from nature - he saves Aries even when situations develop in the most unfavorable way;
  • longevity - the sharp and impatient Aries is hot, but quickly cools.

These are common traits for women and men. However, few signs play their gender roles so differently. Therefore, women and men here are so different that sometimes they seem to come from completely different stellar forms.

So, possessing all the features of Aries, a naturally strong woman of this sign is much milder than a man, which is understandable by her nature. But at the same time, she is an idealist, as a rule, who is not able to really evaluate people's actions and accept life as it really is.

Men are outwardly strong, sometimes cutting, but if they fail, they just need sympathy, while in a successful period they usually do not heed useful advice. By the way, with all his grip and assertiveness, Aries men remain children in the depths of their souls. Not always able to correctly separate the important from the secondary, Aries sometimes spend their nerves and strengths on something that is not at all worthy of it.

Aries and Aries Compatibility

The compatibility of the same type of zodiac signs is always a bit in doubt, especially if it concerns impulsive Aries. Their relationship in marriage or in friendship can be called constant rivalry and competition.

In a love relationship

At first, when a girl and a guy meet, they go through a period of love, passion, and everything looks more than good. They easily converge on the basis of a strong attraction, quickly get to bed and may even soon decide to get married. Sex with this couple can be called crazy, because it contains an explosive mixture of passion and desire to achieve goals. Aries are ardent, energetic, but both of them may lack the sensitivity and understanding of the partner. And if we talk about the long-term relationship, then here they may just not have enough fuse for a long distance.


As soon as the couple enters the next stage after a love relationship, problems arise. First of all, from the fact that neither one nor the second wants to listen to each other, both are stubborn, jealous, with strong leadership inclinations. Since their sex is usually bright and varied, in the name of preserving love relationships in general, one could stop and not go further into marriage.

However, the character characteristics of Aries do not mean at all that any family union is doomed to failure. If everyday wisdom comes in marriage, then this union has a prospect. Only everyone should understand that only through mutual concessions, through overcoming "private ownership" sentiments and giving the partner some freedom, can a conflict be resolved.

In principle, it’s not so difficult for them to get along, because the “Aries-Aries-Aries-Women” union is interesting because the other half in it is an almost complete copy of yourself. Therefore, the Aries woman should try to restrain her habit of categorically criticizing her husband, even though he deserves it. And a man should be a little more affectionate with a partner, since a woman of this sign needs support and affection just like other signs. Aries men experience similar feelings, although they hide it behind harshness and rudeness. Although, to tell the truth, a woman to maintain such an alliance will still be incomparably more difficult than her partner.

In friendship

As for friendships, Aries is a very good and faithful friend. Both representatives of this sign, deprived of the passionate fire inherent in love affairs, in friendship show understanding of each other literally, preserving the stability of relations. And although the communication between the two Aries can be infrequent, episodic, it will still be a good and long-term friendship, regardless of whether the men or woman and the man are friends.

Pros and cons of the union

Two Aries in one pair are both plus and minus. On the one hand, they are passionate and vivid in love, while active, and therefore hot feelings can remain so for a long time.

On the other hand, their vanity and the need for constant approval can play a cruel joke. After all, not every partner is able to praise constantly, and Aries perceives any criticism very sharply, especially if it comes from a loved one, and even more so, the same sign as himself.

The downside of such an alliance is that both are impatient, restrained and also jealous. Aries is the owner, and like any "owner", he is extremely jealous of his object of attention. He has his own idea of ​​what cheating or flirting is. And if the partner suddenly begins to show simple attention or friendliness to others, the jealous second half will immediately perceive this as flirting.

Since rams are touchy, impatient, unrestrained, lasting alliances are obtained infrequently. Even excellent sexual compatibility does not help if Aries begin to manage each other the way they both know how.

Despite the fact that they think alike, it is sometimes difficult to understand. The thing is that they do not know how to listen to their opponent, hence the constant misunderstandings and quarrels. If these weaknesses, or, on the contrary, the strengths of Aries’s character cannot be curbed, making the union lasting and lasting will be problematic.

When, in the name of preserving the family, everyone, even in part, sacrifices his own ambitions and principles, the marriage will be able to survive.

An important point: both Aries in the family, as a rule, differ in a rather poor idea of ​​how to deal with money. Therefore, the poor financial situation will also be dangerous for the strength of marriage. Aries is simply vital to develop a clear concept regarding money and certainly follow it.