In the treatment of gynecological diseases and deviations, different compositions are used, among which homeopathy is very popular. There are many discussions around homeopathic remedies, but practice shows that such medicines give the expected effect. In gynecology, Ovarium Compositum, a multicomponent medicine manufactured by Heel, is available in the form of a solution for injections.
Material Content:
The composition of the drug
Composition Aquarium A composite composite, it includes components of mineral, animal and vegetable origin in homeopathic dilution, as well as suis-organ components.
Each of the ingredients has a complex effect, but is used to solve certain problems:
- Cis-aconitic acid. It provides normalization of the processes of oxidation and recovery in tissues, improves immunity, regulates the work of the heart, and helps with mood swings and depression.
- Bee venom. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, which are accompanied by the accumulation of exudate.
- Aquigelia. Used in the treatment of insomnia due to nervous disorders, stress, especially effective for menopause.
- Golovach giant. Used in the treatment of tumors of various origins.
- The shoe is small-flowered. It is used to treat insomnia caused by nervous shock or hormonal disorders.
- Canadian Yellow Root or Canadian Hemp.Effective in the treatment of inflammation, suppuration of the mucous membranes.
- The drug is from the pituitary gland. Effective in the treatment of hormonal abnormalities associated with the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Used in the treatment of mental disorders, putrefactive processes in tissues, inflammation.
- Snake poison. It is used in the treatment of nervous disorders of hormonal origin, normalizes metabolism, eliminates complaints with menopause.
- Tiger lily. Widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
- Dr. Schussler's salt (a mixture of magnesia sulfate and soda phosphate). It has analgesic properties, eliminates cramps.
- Mercury. It fights against inflammatory processes, it is especially effective in treating the mucous membrane of the urogenital organs.
- Extract from pork ovaries. Normalizes ovulation, eliminates disorders during menopause, hormonal imbalance.
- Pork placenta extract. Improves blood supply to organs, eliminates various disorders of the menstrual cycle.
- Ipecacuanha. Relieves nausea, vomiting, effective for bleeding.
- Pulsatilla (dream grass, snowdrop). Helps with various diseases of the female reproductive system, eliminates unpleasant manifestations during pregnancy, improves well-being with disorders of the central nervous system, insomnia.
- Cuttlefish liquid (ink). In homeopathy, it is used to treat various diseases of the female genital organs, sleep disorders, and nervous disorders.
- Extract from pork fallopian tubes. Used in the treatment of inflammation of the uterus, appendages, normalizes the level of sex hormones.
- Pork uterus extract. Corrects the level of sex hormones, eliminates inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system.
Due to the complex composition, a homeopathic medicine has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is indicated for women with various diseases of the reproductive system.
The medicine is released only in the form of a solution for injection, in ampoules. Each package contains 5 containers of glass.
Why is the Aquarium Compositum assigned?
Injections Ovarium Compositum are prescribed for the following violations:
- inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
- tumor processes in the uterus, ovaries, cervix, external genitalia (as part of complex therapy);
- hormonal abnormalities and diseases that have arisen due to an imbalance, including menstrual irregularities;
- infertility of various genesis;
- menopause (to eliminate symptoms);
- enuresis in girls.
Taking the medicine allows you to restore the metabolism, disturbed by the imbalance of sex hormones. The active components of the composition eliminate the inflammatory phenomena of both non-infectious and infectious nature. Due to the normalization of the level of hormones, cycle disorders disappear, the functions of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus are restored. The drug helps with severe PMS, negative manifestations of menopause, during puberty.
Pharmaceutical preparation is especially effective in the treatment of hormonal infertility, benign neoplasms, ovarian cysts, mastopathy. As practice shows, the medicine has a good effect not only on the reproductive system, but also on the body as a whole. Marked effect on the nervous system.
Instructions for the use of homeopathic medicine in injections
The tool can be used at any age, but mainly it is prescribed from the puberty period. Single dose - 1 ampoule. The average course of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. When used for children under 10 years of age, the dosage is reduced.
Ampoules containing 2.2 ml of the drug are prescribed according to different schemes, but the standard is the introduction of a solution from 1 to 3 times a week. It can be used in different ways - intramuscularly, intravenously, subcutaneously or intradermally, but IM is most often used.
Instructions for use are attached to each package of the medicine, it details all the rules for admission.
But how much and how many times a solution should be administered for a specific disease, only the attending physician should decide.
Each disease is considered separately, since in the treatment of PCOS, ovulation disorders, ovarian or uterine tumors, as well as menopause, different approaches are used. The same applies to infertility - each case is individual.
With infertility, not only Ovarium Compositum is used, the treatment regimen for conception contains other drugs, including hormonal ones. As a rule, medication injections are prescribed on the 5th, 8th, 12th and 14th days of the cycle. During therapy, the scheme is adjusted. Most often, the medicine is prescribed for 5-6 cycles, and in the future, the effect is monitored for another 3 cycles.
During pregnancy and lactation
Despite the safety of the composition, the drug is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Its components affect the functioning of the reproductive system and can provoke the appearance of complications in both the mother and the fetus.
Drug interaction
The medication goes well with any other medications, including hormones, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and vitamins.
Easy tolerance of injections is noted - therapy does not adversely affect the psychological state, does not cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular or respiratory system. The negative consequences of the combination with any means have not been identified.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
"Aquarium" has no contraindications except for the period of bearing a child or breastfeeding.
Of the side effects, increased salivation is noted - when it occurs, specialist advice is needed. He will decide whether to cancel the injection or reduce the dose of the medicine.
In some cases, exacerbation of symptoms may be observed in the first days of admission, in such situations it is also necessary to consult with an observing physician. Possible dose adjustment or cancellation of injections. It is possible that an allergic reaction to some components can occur - in case of their appearance, the medicine must be canceled.
As for overdose, like other homeopathic medicines, Ovarium is completely safe, even if the recommended amount of medication is increased several times. But it must be borne in mind that exceeding the prescribed doses reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
Currently, complete analogues of the composition does not exist. Commercially available complex homeopathic medicines used in gynecological practice. But their composition is significantly different from Ovarium. In particular, analogues do not contain suis-organ components. Among these drugs are Feminalgin, Remens, Klimadinon, Mastodinon, Agnukauston.
Despite the fact that all homeopathic medicines are safe, practically have no contraindications, are marked with a small list of side effects, you can not prescribe them yourself. Do not replace one remedy with another - all appointments should be made by a doctor.