Rosehip broth is truly a life-giving drink. It is rich in vitamin C, has a beneficial effect on the heart, and helps treat a number of diseases. In summer, you can use fresh fruits, in the cold season - dry, and so provide yourself with broth all year. After all, it is not only healing, but also very tasty.

According to a legend that originated on the island of Crete, rose hips are drops of blood of the goddess Aphrodite. Of course, according to this legend, the fruits of a beautiful plant are also related to higher powers.

The benefits of rosehip broth for the body

Rosehip broth benefits all body systems: cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, etc. It normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What else is the beneficial effect of the fruits expressed:

  1. Vitamin deficiency is retreating, which is especially true for people living in Russia, with its long winters.
  2. Hemoglobin rises.
  3. The pressure decreases.
  4. The liver and gall bladder begin to work normally.
  5. Cardiac activity improves.

The composition of the fruits includes vitamins, as well as trace elements necessary for the body: iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, fruit acids, essential oils and other useful substances.

A syrup made from rose hips formed the basis of a popular and very effective drug for treating the liver. This is “Holosas”, which even children love for its pleasant taste.

In sanatoriums, an oxygen cocktail with rose hips is often prescribed to patients.It is useful for those who suffer from cardiovascular ailments, liver diseases, anemia.

For healthy people, regular intake of rosehip decoction can be an excellent way to prevent heart disease, atherosclerosis, it is also a good tonic.

What diseases does the drink help?

A decoction of rosehip berries is recommended for use in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, with weakened immunity, impaired heart function, as well as with:

  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • intestinal motility disorders;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis and cholangitis.

Rosehip is widely used in both official and traditional medicine. It is part of many medicines, herbal preparations.

It is especially recommended to drink a rosehip broth for those who are on a diet. It is known that the body at this time is in a stressful situation, it is deficient in vitamins and trace elements. A decoction provides a person with the necessary substances. Helps to lose weight and not harm your health.

You can even arrange fasting days, using only a healthy drink.

Also, a rosehip broth is used by cosmetologists. It has beneficial effects on the skin of the face. You can freeze it, and wipe the skin with ice cubes in the morning. Acne will disappear, inflammatory processes will subside, the skin will look young and beautiful.

And if you rinse the hair with a rosehip decoction, they will become strong, strong and shiny.

It is interesting:pancreatic treatment at home

The daily rate of use of rosehip broth

You can take a rosehip decoction both on the recommendation of a doctor, or on your own. If the doctor has not given his recommendations, it is advisable to drink up to 600 ml per day. Doctors usually prescribe 100 ml 3 times a day before meals, for 1.5 months.

Important: the positive effect of the decoction will be noticeable only with regular admission.

Those who suffer from anemia, it is advisable to replace ordinary tea and coffee with broth of wild rose.

Is it possible to drink a decoction during pregnancy

Almost always, doctors approve of the fact that pregnant women drink rosehip broth. It provides the body with vitamins and minerals, strengthens the immune system, helps to get rid of excess fluid, stimulating the kidneys.

Even those women who suffer from manifestations of toxicosis can usually drink rosehip broth. So it is easier for them to endure an unpleasant state. Due to the fact that the body receives vitamin C, the appetite gradually returns.

If the baby is not allergic to rose hips, it is recommended that young mothers drink the broth during breastfeeding. It promotes good lactation. Milk will have the best composition for the baby.

How to brew rose hips to preserve vitamins

Most often, rose hips are used in the form of a decoction, although some of the vitamins die during heat treatment.

To maintain the maximum quantity, it is recommended:

  1. Put the rosehip not in cold, but in boiling water.
  2. Do not keep on fire for longer than a quarter hour.
  3. Insist for about 3 hours.
  4. Instead of sugar, add a little honey to the broth.

How to cook a rosehip broth according to all the rules - from fresh or dried fruits?

Fresh Berry Broth

In order to get a glass of broth, you need a teaspoon of finely chopped berries. Before this, they are washed, cut in half, hairs are removed, otherwise they can irritate the throat during drinking. Then the berries are dried and knead. They put it in a thermos, pour it in very warm water and let it brew for about an hour. Then the dogrose is removed, transferred to a saucepan, poured with boiling water - 0.5 l per teaspoon of fruit, and kept on fire for half an hour. A strained broth is mixed with infusion.

This method allows you to fully preserve the vitamins and minerals available in the rose hips.

We make dried rose hips

A tablespoon of dried berries is rinsed with cold water, put in a jar or teapot, and 1.5 cups of boiling water is poured. Then wrap and stand for about 6 hours. Filter.

In practice, people use the broth of wild rose from dried fruits most often.

In a slow cooker

In this case, 250 g of rose hips, 2 l of water and a slice of lemon are required. Having filled the bowl, close the multicooker, select the “Extinguishing / Steam cooking” mode. It will take an hour to prepare, and for another 4 hours the drink is left heated. Before use, it must be filtered.

How to brew wild rose in a thermos

It is advisable to use a thermos, the bulb of which is made of glass, and not of metal.

About 100 grams of berries are washed, dried and placed in a thermos. Pour boiling water, leave for 8-10 hours.

Filter before use, drink 0.5 cups before meals, up to 3 times a day.

The fruits can be brewed again.

If desired, rosehip is not forbidden to mix with other herbs. For example, combine it with a decoction of oregano, mint, thyme. Add to tea, juices and nectars.

A chilled broth of wild rose quenches thirst. You can take it with you on the road in a thermos.


Even such a healthy drink as a rosehip decoction has contraindications.

So, it can gradually destroy tooth enamel. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to drink it as they drink mineral water from natural sources - through a straw.

Starting to be treated with broth, you need to make sure - whether you have allergies to it. And people who are prone to thrombosis need to ask a doctor if the drink will harm them.

Rarely, it happens in humans and hypervitaminosis. In this case, an excess of vitamins can only do harm, and it is not worth brewing rosehip berries.

It is possible to get rosehips without difficulty today. In autumn, they are collected from bushes growing in dachas, in gardens and parks, in winter - purchased at a pharmacy or market. It is better if there will always be at least a small supply at home. Healing broth will help to maintain health and strength.