Bran contains a large amount of fiber. Therefore, they are so useful for the human body and are included in many modern diets. How to use bran for weight loss correctly, is described below.

How to choose and use bran for weight loss?

Oat, wheat and rye bran are especially popular among people seeking to make their figure perfect. To really get rid of extra pounds with the help of such a product, you need to know how to choose and use one or another of its variants.


For a long time, grain husks were considered garbage and simply thrown away. This happened until scientists were able to find out that this part of oats is a rich source of plant fiber. Regular use of the product helps to improve the digestive tract, reduce blood cholesterol, and regulates the release of glucose into the blood. In addition, oat bran very quickly saturates and slows down the absorption of sugar.

The quality product under discussion should be free of harmful impurities. Before buying such bran, you need to study the packaging and make sure that the composition does not contain flour, sugar and flavorings. The first-class product has no lumps.

The daily dosage of oat bran should not exceed 30 g. The first acquaintance with them begins with a portion equal to 1 tsp. It is best to add such bran to soup, vegetable salads or cereals before cooking. You can simply pour the product with fermented baked milk, yogurt or mix with cottage cheese. This is the perfect breakfast.

Wheat bran

No less useful are wheat bran. Wheat husk contains not only a large amount of fiber, but also essential minerals and vitamins. As a result, the product helps to remove toxins from the body, toxins and other harmful substances. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of constipation and helps to cope with an existing problem that often accompanies various diets.

From the whole variety of wheat bran, it is better to choose the simplest option in the store, presented in the form of an ordinary husk. The composition of the product should also not contain sugar, flour, cereal and other unnecessary components that increase its calorie content and deprive of usefulness.

You need to start using wheat bran with 5 g per day. In the future, the daily norm can be brought to 30 g. Bran is simply poured into a bowl, poured with boiling water and left for about half an hour. Then the excess liquid is drained, and the finished dish is used as a wholesome hearty breakfast.


The main value of rye bran is the presence of coarse fiber in their composition. The product regulates the secretion of bile acids, cleanses the intestines and generally accelerates the transit of food through the digestive tract. In addition, it perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger.

When choosing rye bran in a store, you must first pay attention to their composition. In addition to grain shells, a minimum amount of salt is allowed in the package. The larger the grinding of the product, the better it will cleanse the intestines. But you need to start acquaintance with bran with the option of fine grinding.

Rigid rye husk always requires steaming before use. About 1 ml of boiling water is used per 1 teaspoon of product. The resulting slurry will become the daily norm of rye bran for an adult. It can be added to any soup, porridge, baking dough and various sour-milk products.

How to use bran with kefir?

Few losing weight decides to use any bran in its pure form without any additives. It is much tastier and easier to eat such a healthy product with various first and second courses. If there is no time to cook, bran with kefir will become an ideal breakfast or a snack between the main meals. By the way, it is useful to use such a mixture shortly before bedtime instead of a harmful and high-calorie late dinner. This will contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, better absorption of food eaten per day and, of course, weight loss.

For the preparation of the drink in question, non-fat fresh kefir is used. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to choose a skim milk product. In a full glass of kefir, the daily norm of the selected bran is stirred. Suitable oatmeal, and wheat, and rye. The latter before adding to kefir also need to be steamed with boiling water.

Kefir with bran can become the basis of fasting days, which allow you to maintain a figure after the completion of the main process of losing weight in the form. The drink is prepared according to the above recipe. Only it is used throughout the day (every three hours). The main thing is not to repeat such fasting days too often. Enough 1 time in 3-4 weeks.

Slimming Recipes

If you don’t get the selected bran in the form recommended by nutritionists (with porridge, dairy products and soups), you can learn how to cook various tasty independent dishes on their basis.

Bran stewed vegetables

Ingredients: large meaty tomato, young zucchini, eggplant, onion, a little olive oil.

All prepared vegetables are washed, peeled and cut large. Then they are stewed in a pan with olive oil until soft. If the components are juicy, then you do not need to add water. A couple of minutes before being ready for vegetables, 3 tablespoons are poured. tablespoons of bran. It is allowed to slightly add salt to the treat.

Bran sweets with dried fruits

Ingredients: a small handful of dark seedless raisins and prunes, 2 tbsp. spoons of any bran.

First bran steamed boiling water. When they soften, excess liquid is drained from the product. Then, together with dried fruits, you can send bran to a blender. Lemon juice is added to taste. Small balls are rolled from the resulting mass, which must be cooled before taking the sample.

Which are better: rye, wheat or oat bran?

It is difficult to say unequivocally which bran is better for losing weight. Each of the product options has its advantages for a figure.

Oat bran normalize metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins. In the stomach, they can increase by 20-25 times, so you can not worry about the feeling of hunger. The product also improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver.

Wheat bran slimming is usually used as an addition to the main diet. Hateful kilos go away by cleansing the intestines and removing decomposition products from the body.

More materials:wheat bran: benefits and harms, how to take

Rye bran is least often used to deal with extra pounds. They also help to lose weight by cleansing the intestines. Coarse fibers greatly increase in volume, which means that they quickly “give” a feeling of satiety. With the regular use of such a product, the losing weight will soon begin to feel a pleasant lightness in the body.

Possible harm from use

No matter how useful bran is, it is necessary to use them with caution so as not to harm your body.

The product is prohibited when:

  • acute gastrointestinal ailments;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • children under 16 years old;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Flatulence and bloating may occur as a side effect of eating bran. Also, when removing harmful substances, it is possible to wash out vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you need to correctly compose your diet at the time of losing weight and be sure to include in it a sufficient amount of fluid.