What kind of tricks do the girls not go in order to give their bust a beautiful rounded shape. Often it is the small breast size that becomes the main reason for the appearance of various complexes and dissatisfaction with their own appearance. In our article we will tell you what the breast grows from, and also reveal the main tricks of increasing the mammary glands with the help of exercises and all kinds of folk methods.
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What affects the growth of mammary glands
Female breasts are formed even in adolescence, when, against the background of puberty, a serious hormonal change is observed in the body. It is under the influence of the female hormones estrogen that the subsequent development of secondary sexual characteristics occurs. The body weight changes, the shape of the skeleton, hair growth is activated, and the mammary glands also increase.
In addition to hormones, heredity has a significant effect on breast growth. Not only the size of the bust, but also its shape and elasticity depends on the genetic predisposition. Breast enlargement can also occur due to overweight. However, it should be understood that in this case, not glandular, but adipose tissue increases, as a result of which the mammary glands lose their elasticity and original shape.
Breast formation also depends on the diet and your lifestyle in general. Lack of nutrients, vitamins, lack of physical activity lead to hormonal imbalance, and this, in turn, negatively affects the appearance of a woman.
How to Speed Up Exercise Bust Enlargement
Do not hope that with the help of only one exercise you will be able to increase the bust by several sizes. A special training complex to a greater extent contributes to an increase in the chest, due to which the shape of the mammary glands is adjusted. For best results, it is recommended that you exercise on a regular basis.
The following exercises are considered the most effective:
- Prayer. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder width apart. Connect your palms in front of you, with the elbows pointing to the sides. Next, begin to squeeze your palms as hard as possible so that the muscles of the chest are tensed. Remember to keep your spine level. This exercise is performed for 5 minutes.
- Push ups. Classical push-ups from the floor work wonderfully on the pectoral muscles. At the initial stage, a lightweight version of the exercise is performed when the knees are on the floor. It is necessary to lower the chest as low as possible during push-ups to maximize the use of our muscles. To increase the load, you need to put your palms on the floor as wide as possible.
- Crescent. This exercise helps stretch your chest muscles. To begin with, lie on your stomach, then grab your ankles with your hands and straighten your elbows. It is necessary to make the maximum deflection in the back. We are in this position for 30 seconds, after which we gradually lower ourselves to the floor. Repeat the exercise 5 more times.
Massage Efficiency
Massage of the breast improves the blood circulation in the tissues, due to which the growth of the mammary glands is activated. Please note that this technique has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to massage the breast during pregnancy and lactation, as well as if you have a thyroid disease, densification in the area of the mammary glands or a violation of the cardiovascular system.
The massage technique is quite simple, so it can be performed even at home.
- At the initial stage, light pressure is performed from the nipple to the base of the chest. Make sure that there are no painful or uncomfortable sensations.
- Next, the mammary glands are massaged in neat circular motions, first in one direction and then in the other.
- At the final stage, we hold the right chest from the bottom with our left palm, and with our second hand we perform neat grinding from the center to the armpits. The same thing is repeated with the left breast. The total duration of the procedure is about 5 minutes.
The benefits of folk remedies
Folk methods allow you to maintain the beautiful shape and elasticity of the mammary glands, improve blood flow, due to which there is a visual increase in the bust. Any home procedures should be carried out only if the chest is absolutely healthy.
Various compresses based on base and essential oils help activate microcirculation and lymph flow. To do this, the tissue is moistened in a warm oil mixture, after which a compress is applied to the chest for half an hour. It is recommended to use olive, linseed, sesame or apricot oil. A few drops of lavender, grapefruit or rosemary essential oil are also added to the recipe.
In addition to compresses, you can also make special wraps at home. The main ingredients are vegetable oils, cosmetic clay, sea kale or honey. These components saturate the skin with valuable trace elements, moisturize and nourish the dermis, as well as strengthen the turgor. The prepared composition is applied to cleansed skin, the chest is wrapped with cling film and the mixture is kept for 20-30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to make a contrast shower, which improves the elasticity of the skin.
Products for bust growth
In this case, we are not talking about yeast or ordinary cabbage, which do not have any effect on the growth of the mammary glands.The effectiveness of these products is nothing more than a myth that has become widespread among people.
And yet, there are many useful products for breast growth, with the help of which it is possible to increase the level of female hormones estrogen.
- Nuts. Enriched with a whole complex of beneficial vitamins and amino acids. The daily intake is 20-30 g. This amount will not do any harm to your figure, however, it will positively affect the state of the endocrine system.
- Spices. Various oriental spices, such as turmeric, cumin, fennel or anise, maintain the health of the female reproductive system. In addition, these spices are powerful aphrodisiacs.
- Vegetable oils. Do not know what to do to grow breasts? Try to eat a tablespoon of flaxseed or olive oil daily on an empty stomach. Polyunsaturated fatty acids regulate blood cholesterol levels, normalize hormones, and also participate in the synthesis of female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. The size of the mammary glands depends on their balance.
Useful Tips for Breast Growth
Radical methods of augmentation, involving surgical intervention, sometimes have sad consequences. No doctor can guarantee the patient absolute safety during the operation. In turn, homemade methods of breast augmentation will not be able to radically transform your bust in a short time.
To achieve the result, you must adhere to the following tips:
- Lead a healthy lifestyle. Any bad habits, whether alcohol or smoking, adversely affect the state of the endocrine system, and, therefore, the size of the breast.
- Avoid stress and nervous overwork. Stress is another reason that disrupts the natural level of hormones in the body.
- Sign up for the gym. Effective exercises such as bench press, as well as wiring dumbbells allow you to visually enlarge a small chest.
- Do not allow a sharp decrease in body weight. As a result of rapid weight loss, the mammary glands lose their shape and sag. Losing extra pounds should be gradual.
In conclusion, I would like to recall that a large bust, as a rule, gives its owner a lot of inconvenience. It is difficult for girls with large breasts to choose comfortable underwear, there is pain during sports, and the risk of curving the spine increases. A small neat chest shape, in turn, is liked by many men and does not cause significant discomfort in everyday life.