One of the most common diseases in otolaryngological practice is considered angina (acute tonsillitis). This disease affects the tonsils, most often found in children and adolescents, since the immune system in this group of people is not yet perfect. But suffer from sore throats and adults. Tonsil inflammation is an insidious disease, because it can occur not only in the winter season, but also in the summer.
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Causes of acute tonsillitis
Palatine tonsils, they, as they are popularly called, tonsils, are lymphoid tissue. Their role in immunity is very important. The task of the tonsils is to protect the respiratory tract and pharynx from pathogens penetrating from the outside.
The microflora of a person normally consists of pathogenic microorganisms (those that live in the body constantly) and obligate pathogens (that is, those that penetrate from the outside). Subject to the natural balance, the immune system works properly, but begins to malfunction when the number of pathogens becomes high.
Immunity in case of a failure in the balance cannot produce enough interferons, gamma globulins and lymphocytes to resist fungus, infection and viral bacteria.
During frequent colds, as well as in protracted inflammatory processes, tonsils cannot resist pathogens. Their number in the gaps and on the surface of the glands becomes huge, and the tonsils themselves are already the focus of infection.
On the surface of the glands, more than three dozen different microorganisms are detected, but in gaps (special compartments where bacteria accumulate), staphylococci and streptococci are observed in high concentration.
The following conditions contribute to the development of angina:
- adenoiditis, sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
- gingivitis;
- caries;
- scarlet fever;
- tuberculosis;
- measles;
- low immunity.
There are other reasons for the appearance of an infectious and inflammatory disease:
- insufficient amount of vitamins in the body - an inadequate diet can contribute to this;
- insufficient fluid intake;
- hypothermia;
- susceptibility to sudden changes in temperature (for example, being in the summer heat in an air-conditioned car, consumption of ice cream in the heat can contribute to this);
- depression, emotional overstrain, depletion of nerve cells;
- gas contamination of the environment, excess of harmful substances in the air;
- adverse working conditions;
- immunity-lowering habits - smoking and alcohol abuse.
The prevalence of tonsillitis is very high: found in 10% of the population of Europe. Acute tonsillitis causes not only general discomfort. A long stay in the body of the infection is dangerous with possible complications, we will talk about them in the future.
Symptoms and signs
As a rule, acute tonsillitis begins to appear sharply and unexpectedly. The first thing that the patient begins to feel is weakness, general malaise, loss of strength and performance. In the first hours of high body temperature may not be. On the contrary, often the sick person begins to sweat, which leads to a decrease in temperature.
The main symptoms of angina with its development:
- Fever begins to throw in the heat, then in the cold, so the temperature rises. The body can warm up to the highest rates, often it is 39-41 degrees! Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition, measure the temperature, which is difficult to get off with antipyretic drugs.
- Chills. The patient is trembling, he needs to be covered with the warmest blanket, not even one.
- Hunk in the whole body.
- Drowsiness.
- Pain in the larynx and nasopharynx is especially aggravated by swallowing.
- Swelling of the tonsils, palate, which interferes with normal swallowing, breathing through the nose.
- Enlarged glands, submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.
- Severe redness of the throat, purulent plaque observed on the tonsils.
Together, all of these symptoms cause severe suffering to the patient. Difficult angina not only children, but also adults.
Diagnostic measures
The doctor will easily recognize the disease and make a diagnosis. Angina is detected by pharyngoscopy.
This study identifies the following symptoms:
- pain when touched;
- redness and swelling of the mucous membranes;
- the presence of films and plaque in the form of pus.
Laboratory tests are also required:
- Fence with a smear of biological material, which will be used for bacteriological examination. This is necessary to determine the pathogenic organism, which led to such an acute inflammation that will allow you to prescribe a more appropriate treatment.
- Smear for the analysis of BL.
Since the doctor does not receive the data from the laboratory immediately, after examining the patient, he will prescribe him a universal treatment for angina, which includes drugs that affect all types of viruses and bacteria.
Treatment of angina in children and adults
Treatment of acute tonsillitis should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable not only in case of illness in children, but also in adults. Angina is an insidious ailment that, with improper therapy, gives serious complications!
Acute tonsillitis in adults and children is treated equally. A range of measures is included in the therapy: this is a course of antibiotics, and vitamins, and drugs to increase immunity. It is necessary to gargle with herbal decoctions and water with soda. We offer to talk in more detail about the methods of getting rid of the disease.
Antibiotics are necessarily included in therapy.
Without antimicrobial agents, conquering a sore throat will not work out quickly, and without them, the disease is more likely to give complications.
With a severe form of the disease, it is better to use antibiotics for intramuscular administration, but you can also use tablets and suspensions. Penicillin, ampicillin and erythromycin-based drugs are used. There are a number of fairly productive and relatively inexpensive means.
It can be:
- Amoxiclav;
- “Augmentin”;
- "Sumamed";
- Azitroks
- Hemomycin;
- "Cefuroxime";
- "Cephalexin."
Acute tonsillitis in a child under one and a half years old is most often treated with antibiotics in the form of injections: this allows you to keep the intestinal microflora unchanged. Children under six are given suspensions. For older patients, pills are suitable.
Throwing a course of antibiotics, which consists of 7-10 days, is impossible, even if you feel that you have recovered.
Antimicrobial agents have an accumulating effect, and their constant concentration in the body suppresses the causative agents of the disease. If the course is interrupted, then the remnants of bacteria will begin to multiply rapidly again again. And weakened immunity can not cope with them.
Antipyretic drugs are also a mandatory item in the treatment of tonsillitis. But you need to understand that you can bring down the temperature only when the thermometer reaches over 38 degrees. The fact is that the immune system itself tries to resist the disease and kills microbes with fever. If it is below 38 degrees, then the virus will stand and continue to inhibit the body.
If the child tolerates heat well, then do not give antipyretics at 38.5 degrees. If there were already cramps against a background of elevated temperature, then you need to reduce the heat when the thermometer shows 37.9-38 degrees.
Adults need to bring down the fever at the same rates. It is important not to let the temperature rise above 39 degrees, otherwise it will be difficult to bring down.
The following antipyretic drugs help with angina:
- "Ibuklin";
- Ibuprofen
- Nurofen
- "Panadol".
For children up to 1.5 years of age, in order not to harm the stomach, suppositories are prescribed. Over 1.5 years old, syrups are well tolerated, tablets can be given from 6 years.
Preparations for the treatment of the throat are used necessarily, they affect the focus of infection directly.
The following remedies have proven themselves well:
- "Lugol";
- "Ingalipt";
- Hexoral.
- Grammidine
- "Dr. Mom."
Handle the throat and dissolve the tablets only after rinsing the oral cavity.
Than to gargle, the doctor will prescribe. You can use the following folk methods:
- a decoction of chamomile;
- broth with sage;
- water with soda;
- water with salt, with salt and soda;
- weak manganese solution.
Herbs are brewed like this:
- 1 tbsp. l collection - a glass of boiling water;
- insist, strain, gargle.
Saline or soda solution:
- 1 tsp prepare any of these products in 0.5 l of warm water;
- stir well to completely dissolve the grains.
Rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day.
For children under three years of age, the means for treating the throat in the form of a spray are not suitable. Kids still can not hold their breath during injection, so the product that has got into the airways can cause a spasm. If a spray is prescribed, then they can be treated with a dummy or sprayed under the cheek, with saliva, the medicine will fall on the throat.
During pregnancy, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If you were offered a hospital, then do not refuse, think about the health and safety of your and your baby.
It is important to remember that a patient with a sore throat needs rest and bed rest.
If the disease is tolerated on the legs, complications may occur! When you are the guardian of the outbreak, then ask relatives to help with the housework, prepare food, and clean up: you cannot overtax during an illness.
Important! Ventilate the room, stably wipe the dust, because pathogenic microorganisms settle in it.
Possible complications
With improper or inadequate treatment, as well as with advanced tonsillitis or lack of rest during the illness, serious complications can appear. The consequences of a sore throat are very serious.
It can be:
- arthritis;
- paratonsillar abscess;
- kidney damage
- heart damage.
Not completely cured acute tonsillitis becomes chronic, and tonsillitis will appear even with mild colds, with minimal hypothermia.
Is acute tonsillitis contagious
This disease is contagious. The danger of infection to others remains for 12 days from the time the disease manifests itself in the patient.
How is the disease transmitted:
- through kisses, the use of one dish;
- airborne droplets.
Security measures:
- the patient’s dishes should be processed after use with antimicrobial agents;
- the patient needs to wear a gauze bandage;
- whenever possible, children should not be allowed into the patient's room.
Those around you can start a course of antiviral drugs, vitamins.
How to prevent infection with tonsillitis? There are a number of rules that must be strictly observed:
- Wash your hands after visiting public places. It is also recommended to rinse your nose and gargle.
- Avoid overcooling and sudden temperature changes.
- Take vitamins all year round.
- In the midst of colds, take antiviral medications.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- If working in adverse conditions, you are overloaded physically and emotionally, be sure to relax. Remember, the weekend should be the weekend.
- Drink more water and any liquid other than carbonated drinks. Gas negatively affects the mucous membrane of the throat, irritates it.
- Do not eat ice cream in the heat. It will be much more productive to save hot tea from heat!
Do not disregard even the mildest catarrhal disease. Immediately begin a course of treatment, which should include antiviral medications, throat preparations, nasal drops, herbal decoctions and lemon tea.
Infection attacks millions of people every year. In order not to be among the victims of tonsillitis, follow the rules of prevention.
If you suspect a sore throat, immediately consult a doctor, this will save time and strike a disease before it affects the body. Health to you!