Pancreatitis is a painful process characterized by inflammatory and degenerative changes in the pancreas. The enzymes that this organ produces are involved in the digestion of food and are intended for transport to the intestines. With such a disorder, they are activated ahead of time, even in the pancreas, which leads to a destructive process when the mechanism of "self-digestion" is activated. The disease is divided into chronic and acute pancreatitis. Consider the signs, symptoms and treatment of the latter.
Material Content:
- 1 Causes of the disease
- 2 Symptoms and signs of acute pancreatitis
- 3 How to distinguish chronic pancreatitis from acute
- 4 Severity classification
- 5 Diagnosis of the disease
- 6 Treatment of acute pancreatitis
- 7 Diet for acute pancreatitis: what you can eat and what you can’t
- 8 Possible complications
- 9 Preventive measures
Causes of the disease
The main cause of pancreatic inflammation is recognized as increased production of necessary enzymes, which entailed a violation in its work. Aggressive environment adversely affects the tissues of the organ, which leads to their gradual death. In medicine, this process is called necrosis.
Factors that can provoke such failures include:
- damage to the pancreas during an instrumental diagnosis or surgery;
- hormonal imbalance;
- infection processes affecting the gland;
- pathological changes in the gallbladder;
- disturbances occurring against the background of excess or lack of calcium in the body;
- injuries of the abdominal organs;
- unbalanced diet or starvation for weight loss;
- prolonged use of drugs that affect pancreatic function;
- alcohol abuse
- Surgery to remove the gallbladder when the gland is overloaded.
Attention! It is believed that a violation may occur due to a hereditary predisposition. Therefore, persons in the family of whom there are people with a similar disease should pay special attention to their health and take preventive measures.
Symptoms and signs of acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis is the basis for hospitalization. To assist the patient at home and treat him with "improvised" means is not recommended.
The acute process can be recognized by the following symptoms:
- acute girdle pain in the abdomen;
- frequent vomiting with spotting;
- dry mouth and mucous membranes;
- heart palpitations;
- excessive sweating;
- chills;
- bloating in the absence of gas and stool;
- general weakness.
On a note. The duration of the attack depends on the form and stage of the inflammatory process. It can last from a few minutes to a week.
How to distinguish chronic pancreatitis from acute
The difference between the acute form and the chronic one is, first of all, during the course of the disease. In the first case, the malaise appears spontaneously, with pronounced symptoms, and does not last long.
The chronic form of the pathology proceeds against the background of slow destruction of organ tissues and causes a number of complications. In the process of the disease, the stages of exacerbation are replaced by remission.
In addition, in the acute process, iron is damaged by substances produced by it itself, and in the chronic form, the tissues of the body mutate, becoming glandular cicatrices.
Severity classification
An acute pancreatic attack is classified by severity.
He can be:
- Light, with minimal organ damage. This condition is characterized by edema of the gland and is well treatable. The forecast in this case is quite favorable.
- Severe, when severe disorders develop in tissues and organs, accompanied by various pathologies.
Common complications of severe acute pancreatitis include:
- accumulation of fluids within the body;
- necrosis, infection, and suppuration;
- the formation of a false cyst.
To avoid such conditions, it is necessary to seek the help of doctors immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of acute pancreatitis.
Diagnosis of the disease
To make a diagnosis and determine the severity of the patient’s condition, the following measures are taken:
- general analysis of urine and blood;
- biochemical blood test and detection of white blood cell count;
- ionogram for determining the concentration of potassium, sodium and calcium.
In addition to analyzes, the following instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed:
- sonographic examination of an organ;
- roentgenography;
- computed tomography;
- laparoscopic examination.
Since a pancreatic attack is easy to confuse with other conditions, it will be necessary to exclude cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, perforation of the stomach and acute bleeding in the abdominal cavity.
Treatment of acute pancreatitis
In the absence of serious complications and a satisfactory condition of the patient, conservative treatment is performed. And in cases when the attack proceeds in a serious form, which entailed certain violations, the intervention of surgeons will be required.
Drug treatment of acute pancreatitis
In the treatment of the acute process, medications are used to achieve the following results:
- relieve pain (Tramadol, Baralgin and blocking compounds);
- eliminate signs of shock ("Albumin" and "Polyglukin");
- remove excess enzymes produced by iron ("Lasix");
- prevent purulent formations and peritonitis (Metronidazole, Ciprofloxacin, Imipenem);
- restore water and electrolyte balance (compositions containing potassium and sodium);
- improve microcirculation processes (Hemodez and Reopoliglyukin);
- reduce the production of destructive substances (Gordoks, Kontrikal, Kvamatel, Omeprazole and Somatostatin).
In the presence of concomitant diseases and disorders leading to an attack, additional treatment is carried out.
Surgical intervention
Surgical treatment is required in approximately 10-15% of cases. This is necessary when signs of suppuration are detected.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and parts of the pancreas with dead tissue are removed during the intervention.
Is it possible to cure acute pancreatitis with folk remedies
To increase the effectiveness of the therapy, you can resort to the following methods of alternative medicine:
- drink decoctions of a golden mustache, caraway seeds or rose hips several times a day;
- prepare a remedy from yarrow, calendula and chamomile before each meal;
- eat a mixture of potato and carrot juices on an empty stomach;
- eat several rowan berries or a small piece of propolis after eating;
- drink green tea with mint and honey.
To prepare decoctions, you need 35 to 40 g of the main component per glass of boiling water. Juices of vegetables are consumed no more than 80-100 ml at a time, and tea with honey can be drunk up to 5 times a day.
Attention! It is impossible to cure acute pancreatitis using folk remedies; they are used as auxiliary to the main therapy with the permission of a doctor.
Diet for acute pancreatitis: what you can eat and what you can’t
To avoid dangerous consequences, it is important not only to have information about the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis, but also to know how to organize the patient’s nutrition, what you can and cannot eat.
After an attack, the patient should starve for the first 3 to 5 days. On the second day, it is required to introduce alkaline mineral water in large volumes in order to normalize the electrolyte-salt balance.
After a hunger strike, such a diet is indicated for acute pancreatitis:
- lean meat and fish;
- vegetable soups;
- cereals, except for wheat and pearl barley;
- non-acidic fruits;
- dairy products;
- coarse fiber-free vegetables.
When feeding a patient, you must adhere to the following principles:
- Giving food often, up to 5 times a day.
- Maintain a serving volume of not more than 300 g.
- Grind cereals and soups.
- Introduce meat and fish gradually, after about a week after the attack.
- Limit salt intake.
- Exclude spices and seasonings.
- To give food in a warm, but in no case hot.
From drinks not only mineral water is allowed, but also fruit juices, kefir and fermented baked milk, tea with honey and rosehip broth.
It is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, spicy and salty dishes, canned food, coffee, pastries and products from cocoa beans.
Possible complications
The outcome of the disease and the favorable prognosis are individual for each case, it depends on many factors, namely:
- severity and form of the disease;
- degree of damage to the organ;
- concomitant violations;
- the presence of complications;
- age and individual characteristics of the patient.
Full recovery is possible only if there are no necrotic foci. When the process of cell death was not stopped in time, the gland functions will be impaired. In such a situation, a favorable outcome is possible when the patient leads a healthy lifestyle, follows a diet, and follows the entire prescription of a doctor.
The probability of death due to acute pancreatitis is less than 10%. This occurs when severe gland lesions are present, resulting in various complications.
The most common pathologies that occur due to pancreatitis include the following conditions:
- general exhaustion of the body;
- damage to the endocrine system with the development of diabetes;
- bacterial attacks and infectious processes;
- the formation of pseudocysts with subsequent rupture;
- respiratory distress;
- development of cancerous tumors of the pancreas.
Serious disorders that can cause death can be avoided in the case of timely and adequate treatment, as well as subject to preventive measures.
Preventive measures
To prevent inflammation and subsequent destruction of the pancreas, you need to adhere to these recommendations:
- Properly organize meals.
- Observe the regimen and volume of food intake.
- Monitor body weight and adjust if necessary.
- Practice moderate physical activity.
- Limit drinking.
- Give up cigarettes.
- Timely treat digestive disorders.
When the disease has already occurred, prevent exacerbations and relapses by the following measures:
- Start treatment for pancreatitis immediately after detection.
- If necessary, go to hospital.
- Visit your gastroenterologist regularly.
- Follow the instructions regarding medication and nutrition.
- Avoid stressful situations and physical overwork.
- Stop drinking and quit smoking.
- At the first signs of deterioration, contact a medical institution.
It is important to remember that the pancreas is a very delicate organ requiring delicate handling. Damaged cells and tissues are not able to recover, and with the development of the disease it is extremely difficult to stop the destructive process.