Pain in the lower back most often affects people after 35 years. In the vast majority of cases, the ailment is associated with deformation of the vertebrae and its consequences. A timely visit to a doctor will speed up recovery, because the symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are interrelated concepts.
The greater the progress of the disease, the more serious its consequences, the more difficult the process of restoring health.
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Signs and symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
The lumbar region is located between the sacrum and the thoracic region and consists of five vertebrae connected by intervertebral discs.
The development of osteochondrosis means the wear of the intervertebral discs, performing a shock-absorbing role with loads on the spine. The basis of the disks is a gel-like mass protected by a dense fibrous ring and cartilage, and the inner space is filled with a liquid pulpous core.
As the loads on the vertebrae increase, the elasticity and flexibility of the intervertebral discs is lost, as well as their height, and microcracks form in the fibrous ring, which eventually lead to its rupture and damage to the pulpous nucleus.
The destruction of tissues is accompanied by pinching of the nerve roots located on both sides of the vertebrae and causes severe pain.
The main signs of lumbar osteochondrosis:
- back pain;
- fatigue and depression;
- weakness or excessive muscle tension;
- loss of sensation in the extremities, buttocks or hips;
- sharp or aching pains and cramps in the lumbar region, often extending to the legs;
- impaired motor function.
Against the background of serious lesions of the vertebrae in the lumbar region, other symptoms are also observed, most often, dysfunctions of other organs - the urinary and reproductive systems, gastrointestinal tract.
Causes of occurrence
Like most diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis can develop for many reasons. Some of them lie in the lifestyle and diet, the other part is formed against the background of the physiological characteristics of the body.
Quite often, treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is required for athletes whose back is subjected not only to constant power loads, but also to periodic injuries.
The second category of people at risk is people who, because of their profession, spend a lot of time in one position - teachers, hairdressers, cooks, movers, waiters, programmers, office workers and drivers.
Among other reasons for the development of pathology:
- excess weight;
- metabolic disorder;
- incorrect posture, stoop;
- genetic predisposition;
- injuries
- bad habits;
- lack of useful trace elements and vitamins in the diet;
- abnormal development of the musculoskeletal system, flat feet;
- hypothermia;
- immobility, static;
- frequent stresses.
All these factors can affect the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, as they contribute to circulatory disorders or the appearance of a deficiency of nutrients entering the vertebral tissues.
Vertebrae are able to perform their functions, subject to regular updating of tissues. With any disturbance in the nutrition of the vertebral tissues, whether it is a lack of blood circulation or metabolic problems, regeneration processes slow down, or completely stop. Thus, drying and dystrophic changes in the cartilage and fibrous ring of the vertebrae occur.
The degree of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
Depending on the level of damage to the spine, there are four degrees of development of osteochondria processes, manifested in stages, as the disease develops.
First degree.
Pathological processes in the spine begin long before their first clinical manifestation. As a result of moisture loss, the intervertebral discs become less elastic resilient. The height of the discs remains normal. The patient feels discomfort in the lumbar region.
Second degree.
Against the background of moisture deficiency, microcracks appear in the fibrous ring, tissue inflammation develops. The hook-shaped processes of the vertebrae gradually increase. Seals appear in the cartilage. The patient complains of back pain, giving to the legs or groin. Perhaps the limitation of motor capabilities. Malfunctions occur in the work of internal organs.
Third degree.
The integrity of the fibrous ring is broken, the intervertebral disc protrudes, forming a hernia. The vessels and nerve endings are compressed. Muscle cramps, pelvic dysfunction, lower limb sensitivity disorder, and prolonged bouts of radiculitis are observed.
Fourth degree.
The most complex, non-treatable stage during the course of the disease. As a result of the complete destruction of the intervertebral discs, scars form in their place. Vertebrae come together as much as possible and gradually become deformed. With the development of spinal cord compression, paralysis of the lower extremities is possible.
If timely treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is not provided, vertebral destruction will progress and may lead to disability.
To identify the disease and determine the exact diagnosis, neurologists apply a set of measures - taking an anamnesis, physiological examination and hardware studies.
History taking.
It provides for the study of patient complaints:
- cause of concern;
- place of localization of discomfort;
- duration and intensity of discomfort;
- the duration of the disease;
- possible causes of the disease;
- frequency of exacerbations;
- factors provoking exacerbations;
- factors that improve well-being.
In addition, the doctor examines information about the patient’s lifestyle, diet, work and rest, the presence of bad habits, hereditary factors and injuries.
Physiological examination.
It is performed to determine pathological changes and make a preliminary diagnosis.
During the examination, the doctor assesses the patient's motor capabilities - gait, posture, amplitude and range of motion. By palpation examines the condition of the muscles - tone, size, volume, presence of cramps. Using minor tingling sets the level of sensitivity. Tapping with a hammer makes it possible to recognize areas of pain radiating.
Hardware Research
To obtain complete and accurate information about the location of the pathology and the degree of tissue damage, doctors use studies using various types of medical equipment.
Roentgenography. X-ray examination of the lumbar allows you to establish the anatomical parameters of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, the tendency to narrow the holes between the bases, the presence of bone growths.
Tomography. The use of electromagnetic waves provides the output of the image of the studied area on the screen for further study and analysis of the state of the vessels supplying the tissue of the spine, nerve processes and intervertebral discs.
CT Pictures of several segments of the spine are performed using x-ray radiation. The image is displayed on a monitor to determine the nature of changes in the vessels, the lining of the vertebrae and spinal cord, marginal growths.
For differential diagnosis, various types of studies are used to exclude pathologies of other body systems.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine
The duration and features of treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis depends on the results of diagnostic measures. In the early stages of the development of the disease, conservative treatment is indicated. For more complex lesions of the spine, surgical intervention is used.
The optimal therapeutic effect is achieved through complex therapy, which involves the use of topical drugs, physiotherapy, massage, health gymnastics.
Drug treatment
To relieve symptoms, non-steroidal drugs are prescribed for internal and external use - tablets, injections, ointments. In addition, chondroprotectors, neuroprotectors, diuretics, vitamins, muscle relaxants are used.
Drug treatment allows you to:
- eliminate soreness;
- relieve inflammation;
- relax the muscles;
- restore damaged cartilage tissue;
- improve blood circulation;
- reduce swelling;
- increase physical activity;
- normalize brain nutrition.
In acute pain, novocaine blockades are used, providing instant action.
Folk remedies
Treatment with alternative methods is effective as an additional means to drug therapy. The main methods of traditional medicine are based on the use of plant materials, animal products and chemicals.
On the basis of various components, ointments and compresses, decoctions and infusions are prepared, used for internal and external use, as well as for therapeutic baths.
Physiotherapy for lumbar osteochondrosis
Physiotherapeutic procedures are an excellent way to restore the motor functions of the spine after osteochondrosis.
The main physiotherapeutic methods include:
- electrotherapy - exposure to weak electric currents to enhance blood circulation in tissues;
- magnetotherapy - the use of magnetic field properties to restore tissue at the cellular level;
- laser therapy - a complex activation of biological processes in vertebral tissues and nerve endings;
- shock wave therapy - improving microcirculation and metabolic processes in affected tissues by the action of an acoustic wave;
- balneotherapy - the use of the healing properties of mineral water.
Physiotherapeutic procedures not only several times increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, but also contribute to the healing and strengthening of the body as a whole.
Massage for osteochondrosis of the lumbar
A visit to massage procedures is one of the most pleasant and effective methods of treating osteochondrosis.
With the help of therapeutic massage:
- eliminate muscle cramps;
- improve blood supply to the affected areas;
- improve lymph outflow;
- restore muscles that have undergone atrophy;
- remove mobility restriction.
Massage is prescribed when pain syndromes are eliminated.
The main task of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is to restore the functionality of the spine and its correction. However, you can attend classes only after eliminating the symptoms of exacerbation.
The most effective methods of therapeutic gymnastics are:
- charging;
- visit to the gym;
- water therapy, swimming.
At home, you can use a hoop for sports. Some doctors recommend yoga to their patients to restore spinal flexibility.
Exercises for exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis
Any exercises for osteochondrosis should be performed slowly and without sudden movements.
To strengthen the muscles supporting the vertebrae, suitable exercises performed lying on the stomach. In this case, the arms are pulled up with a little sipping, but without tension. Repeat 4 times.
Surgical intervention
Treatment of the spine with the help of surgery is resorted to in particularly difficult cases - with significant neurological disorders, as well as with loss of control over bowel movements.
During surgery, the source of the disease is removed, and measures are taken to stabilize the spine. The postoperative period lasts several months.
What is dangerous lumbar osteochondrosis?
Degenerative changes that occur with lumbar osteochondrosis contribute to the development of many diseases dangerous to human life. Against the background of an intervertebral hernia, protrusion, lumbago and sciatica occur.
Further progress of the disease can cause prolapse of the intervertebral disc and the formation of spinosis. In addition to the severe pain accompanying the pathology, the person's motor abilities are violated, up to their complete loss. Lower limb paralysis develops.
With significant damage to the lining of the spinal cord, a fatal outcome is inevitable.
To avoid devastating changes in the spine, you need to take care of a healthy lifestyle:
- go in for sports - swimming, hardening;
- adhere to a balanced, nutritious diet;
- eliminate bad habits;
- maintain posture;
- support the spine during sleep with an orthopedic mattress.
In addition, it is advisable to avoid hypothermia, lifting weights. Women are often advised not to wear high-heeled shoes.
You can preserve the health of the lower back if you adjust the lifestyle and do not forget about the importance of physical activity.