Thoracic osteochondrosis is a serious disease in the course of which numerous pathological changes occur in the bones and cartilage. As a result, the ligaments, intervertebral discs and joints are destroyed, which significantly impairs the patient's quality of life. According to the WHO, osteochondrosis is very common and ranks 5th among all causes of hospitalization in the world.
Material Content:
- 1 Causes and symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
- 2 The degree of development of the disease
- 3 Symptoms and signs
- 4 Syndromes due to osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
- 5 Disease treatment
- 6 Medicines
- 7 Folk remedies
- 8 Massage with thoracic osteochondrosis
- 9 Physiotherapy
- 10 Physiotherapy
- 11 Prevention
Causes and symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
The spine is the support of the whole body, which is always the main load. Any discomfort in the back should be an alarming bell and an occasion for examination. The thoracic region is inactive and not so much loaded as the lumbar. For this reason, this part of the spine is least likely to be injured, but any pathological changes are most difficult to correct in this department.
The sternum has a rounded shape, due to which there is an uneven load on the vertebrae. If a failure occurs in the body, as a result of this, extraneous seals, osteophytes, form on the vertebral discs.
The first symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are easily confused with other diseases. Doctors jokingly even call this disease a "chameleon." It is difficult to determine the localization of minor pain at first, but over time, the symptoms become more pronounced.
The reasons may be different:
- age over 40;
- curvature of the spine;
- bad heredity;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- sedentary work;
- constant stress;
- lack of physical activity;
- hormonal problems;
- circulatory disorders;
- previous injuries;
- a similar effect of atherosclerosis or diabetes.
Violations of the normal nutrition of the intervertebral discs and uneven load distribution lead to compression of the nerves, the occurrence of pain and the development of dysfunctions of other internal organs.
The degree of development of the disease
Diagnosis is based on x-ray, CT, or MRI.
The disease has 4 degrees of development:
- First one. The initial stage is characterized by rupture of the intervertebral disc. Most often, such a development of events is provoked by a sharp movement and excessive physical activity. There is severe pain and tension in the back. For some people, this pain sensation resembles an electric discharge.
- The second one. Diagnosis determines the occurrence of protrusion symptoms - protrusion of the disc up to 0.5 cm. The intervertebral column is unstable.
- The third. Frequent companions of this stage of the disease are hernias. The patient complains of persistent pain, difficulty breathing, and heart failure.
- Fourth. It carries the greatest danger to human health. Osteophytes appear on the disks, which disrupt the functioning of the spinal cord, pinching the nerve endings.
The disease is often accompanied by various complications.
Symptoms and signs
Characteristic symptoms:
- acute short-term bouts of pain (dorsago);
- weak but prolonged pain (dorsalgia);
- stiffness of the body;
- a feeling of numbness in the chest;
- burning in the lower extremities;
- loss of sensation in the center of the back;
- a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the throat;
- giving pains in the heart, liver, stomach.
Most symptoms worsen at night, in the morning they usually wane, but reappear with sudden movements or too low air temperature.
Of the complications, thoracalgia (chest pain), intercostal neuralgia, hernia, protrusion, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction are often found.
Syndromes due to osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
A vivid manifestation of the disease is considered gastrological syndrome. This means that the patient suffers from discomfort in the stomach, not associated with gastritis or a change in diet. This is often misleading to doctors, and such patients are previously given appropriate diagnoses - pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis. Pain in the epigastric region appears precisely because of osteochondrosis.
This disease is always accompanied by chest radicular syndrome. However, the syndrome itself develops only a few years after the onset of the disease, it is then that irreversible changes begin to occur in the spine. The syndrome occurs due to the systematic compression of the spinal nerves and their pinching.
Disease treatment
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is a laborious and lengthy process. The optimal results are obtained by the integrated use of drug therapy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy. In emergency cases, the patient is shown surgery. Do not self-medicate, as the disease is quite serious.
During the period of exacerbation, it is necessary to limit mobility, exclude physical activity, rest and observe bed rest.
Conservative medication includes taking drugs from several groups:
- anti-inflammatory - elimination of pain, fever and inflammatory process;
- muscle relaxants - decreased tone of skeletal muscles;
- hormonal - reduction of pain of a neuralgic nature;
- vitamins - strengthening the vascular walls;
- diuretics - removal of puffiness of the clamped nerve roots.
Medications are also often prescribed to improve metabolism and regenerate damaged cartilage.
Folk remedies
Osteochondrosis can be treated with alternative methods, but only with the consent of the doctor and as an addition to the main methods of therapy. As a rule, such remedies do not remove the disease itself, but only alleviate the symptoms.
To remove inflammation, ointment based on lard is often made. The product is thoroughly mixed with chopped hop cones in equal proportions and applied to the sore spot.
Good results are obtained by taking infusion of bay leaves. 5 g of raw material is poured into 1.5 tbsp. boiling water and insist in a thermos for 12 hours. It is most convenient to do this at night, and during the next day, drink the prepared infusion in small portions. The use of the drug helps in 2-3 days to get rid of acute pain.
To relieve spasm, it is recommended to use a calendula-based grind. Freshly picked flowers (100 g) are poured with alcohol and triple cologne (in a glass). The medicine is insisted for 2 weeks, then used for grinding.
Massage with thoracic osteochondrosis
The patient is often prescribed a massage course. This helps to relieve increased muscle tone, enhance normal blood circulation, improve nutrition and the condition of cartilage, and remove pain. Therapeutic massage can be divided into several types: acupressure, classic, lymphatic drainage, vacuum, segmental. All of them have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.
Massage can not only be included in complex therapy, but also used as a method of prevention.
Physiotherapeutic techniques are represented by the following types:
- magnetotherapy;
- pharmacopuncture;
- traction;
- laser therapy;
- balneotherapy;
- acupuncture.
If the disease is not started, then a dozen and a half sessions can relieve the patient from pain for a long time. Only a doctor can choose a method of physical impact on the body, since each method has certain contraindications. Physiotherapy is absolutely contraindicated for cancer patients, pregnant women, people with mental disorders.
Exercise therapy is an excellent way to resume mobility of the sternal and costal joints, proper breathing. Properly selected gymnastics for breast osteochondrosis can work wonders.
Before a workout, it’s good to take a warm shower that perfectly relaxes your muscles.
At first, classes are held under the supervision of a qualified instructor, but then the same gymnastics can be carried out at home. Exercises for osteochondrosis should be performed only after a general warm-up, warming up the muscles and preparing them for further exercise.
All movements must be done smoothly, without sharp jerks. If any technique causes pain, you need to stop gymnastics and take a break. Classes should be regular and daily, only in this case we can talk about a favorable prognosis.
This disease most often affects people who engage in monotonous sedentary work (programmers, copywriters, web designers) or whose work is associated with constant physical exertion (movers, professional athletes). A long stay in one position, as well as an excessive load on the vertebrae, significantly increases the risk of illness.
Prevention measures are quite simple:
- avoid overcooling the body;
- alternate sedentary work with workouts;
- avoid excessive physical exertion;
- monitor weight;
- eat right by cutting back on high cholesterol foods
- try to lie correctly during sleep.
Following these simple rules will help to avoid illness.
However, do not be vigilant. Even slight discomfort in the back is an occasion to consult a doctor.