Each couple experiences certain problems from time to time. Many of them are trivial in nature. But at some point, these little troubles can turn into one serious problem, which will already seem impossible to solve. To prevent this from happening, you need to quickly level out small quarrels and misunderstandings. To do this, consider the mistakes that couples make in a relationship.

The problem of delineating borders

One of the problems that couples may encounter is the problem regarding the personal space of each partner. Relations are compromises, not hardships. Everyone should give space and freedom so that there is no feeling that a person is in a cage. Because of this, many, however, break up, as one of the partners does not allow the other to live the way he lived before.

Attempt to change satellite

One of the inherent disadvantages present in some couples today is the attempt to change another person based on your own preferences. Each person has his own personality, which should not be changed. No one has the right to take uniqueness from a partner. Relationships are accepting a person as he is. If you don’t like that your young man often eats junk food, watches football, doesn’t make the bed, It’s worth trying not to change a person’s behavioral characteristics, but to accept them. Believe me, it is from this moment that harmony will come in your relationship.

Lack of trust

Trust is considered the most important factor in a relationship.Many girls are categorically not attracted to men who have spoiled their reputation with treason. No matter how good a person may be, but if he ever cheated on his girlfriend, then he will no longer be taken seriously.

And if there is no trust in the relationship, this can become the basis for many quarrels, and serious ones. Some couples do not stand up and eventually part with a partner. Lack of trust is seen as a time bomb. Someday you will get tired of worrying about your companion every day, and you will leave him.

Unjustified jealousy

Jealousy is precisely the consequence of a lack of trust. If a girl is jealous of a guy, then she is not self-confident. To cope with such paranoia should be either on their own, Having talked with friends, parents and colleagues, or signing up for a psychologistwho can definitely find out the true causes of your negative emotions.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between unjustified jealousy and caring. For example, you left for a week in another city with your parents. Your partner calls you every half hour, checking where and with whom you are. This is not to say that he is jealous. Perhaps he is so attached to you for all the months or years of cohabitation that now he can’t live without you even a minute. He is probably just worried and worried about you. This is a concern.

If there is unjustified jealousy in a couple, there is no place for love in a relationship. After all, it is impossible to focus on those who are too jealous.

Lack of self confidence

Uncertainty in one of the partners can be a problem in a relationship. Uncertainty often arises due to many factors, for example, when a woman believes that her companion is much more beautiful, richer, more status than her. Yes, sometimes girls are just such a deal and happy. But some individuals will never be able to come to terms with such a picture, and yet part with a more successful person.

Physical violence

The abuse of power is extremely common in relationships today. People who look strong on the outside but are actually weak on the inside tend to physically abuse their partners. This may damage the physical condition of the partner.

If your partner raised a hand against you, this will never end. Better to run away from such a man.

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse is just as serious as physical abuse. In fact, sometimes mental health needs to be monitored more carefully than physical health. Since one affects the other.

And if you notice that psychological pressure is exerted on you, you are humiliated, insulted, belittled honor and dignity, it is worth breaking off relations with such a person. Do not take these words seriously. Be morally stronger.


Probably every second pair was destroyed under the yoke of betrayal. Many at first forgive the unfaithful man, thinking that this really happened by chance, that the partner changed his mind. But then they see it again. And they choose to live with a person, reconciling with cheating, all their lives or find a loyal partner.

Psychologists recommend immediately breaking off a relationship in which one of the partners changes. It is also a way of psychological violence that needs to be eliminated.

Lack of understanding

Misunderstanding is a demon that can stop the progress made in any relationship. People can love each other for a long time, but because of a misunderstanding, they end up parting precisely because they do not see support in their companion. In principle, this problem is solved. The main thing to remember is that you are not entitled to change people. If you want your partner to encourage your hobby, understand that sometimes this is not possible, as this hobby may contradict any of his views on life.

Communication skills

Many couples currently lack communication skills, and they are extremely necessary for each of us. It is by communicating that you can agree on something, resolve the conflict, and compromise.

A person may want to say something, but due to a misunderstanding, a certain phrase may sound different. So find out all at once, determine for yourself what exactly your partner had in mind. Perhaps there is nothing provocative in this, and you should not swear.

Lack of unity

Lack of unity is another problem that may be responsible for the many partings we see today. If a couple is in a relationship, then her partners must be one. And if there is any discord, many problems and quarrels can arise on this basis.

Ignorance of the basics of time management

It would seem that time management is a useful skill for a business. But this is not so. You can transfer this knowledge to absolutely any area of ​​your life. If you are in a relationship, you need to add everything related to the partner to the list of priority and important matters. For example, you should definitely make time for a walk with your loved one, for a trip with him to a restaurant or overnight.

If a man does not have enough attention, he may leave you (or even begin to change). Do not forget to devote enough time to your companion. After all, he really needs you. You cannot just ignore the person and his need for you.


The desire for intimacy should come from both partners in a relationship. One woman or one man should not force or force intimacy. Everyone in a pair must have their own voting right. And everyone should listen to him.

If you eventually realized that unwillingness to intimacy is not due to mood, but to physiological needs, then part with your partner. Apparently, your sexual temperaments do not match. Do not torment your companion.


Finance is one of the reasons that causes the breakdown of many relationships.

Some girls are specifically looking for rich and wealthy people, as they have their own needs and requirements. And if they come across men with low incomes, for sure the relationship will end quickly.