You never cease to be surprised that in their homeland - somewhere on the islands of Indonesia, orchids grow like simple weeds. In Russia, they seem to be the standard of sophistication and require personal care, just like capricious ladies. Something stands out among other orchids is a flower called Dendrobium Nobile. Firstly, this plant is less whimsical than other orchids. Secondly, his flowers do not crown a long, dry stem, but grow along it, which is very beautiful.

How to care for an orchid

An orchid is not cheap, and it would be a pity to destroy a beautiful and expensive flower with improper care. So, we learn to do with the orchid in accordance with all the rules.

Substrate: special soil for planting

Before you start transplanting Dendrobium nobile into another pot, you need to purchase a “light” soil mixture, that is, one that conducts air and water well. Perfectly, as the basis of such a mixture, pine bark. Pieces of moss can be added to it, and if available, coconut fiber. Remember that the orchid does not tolerate acidic soils. To prevent this disaster, include some coal in the mix.

For a plant such as an orchid, the composition of the soil is associated with light. If you place your Dendrobium nobile on the windowsill of the south window, then the soil (and, therefore, the roots of the orchid) will need to be protected from drying out. Therefore, they put more moss in the soil mixture.

If the orchid has to move to the northern window, it is necessary to take preventive measures so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil. You can crumble a little foam and mix it with the soil mixture.

Lighting and temperature

Lighting is an important factor in itself, even outside of its effect on the soil. If the window where the orchid stands faces south, or southwest or southeast, then on sunny days the orchid will need to be protected from direct rays. This can be done using matte paper, which you obscure the window, thin gauze, gauze.

The plant will also need fresh air, so the house will have to be ventilated. But at the same time, the flower pot should not be in a draft.

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Particular attention should be paid to the Dendrobium nobile when the plant is preparing to bloom. At this time, if you are going to rearrange the pot, you need to make sure that the angle of illumination does not change. Otherwise, the capricious orchid may simply drop the buds.

Orchid should be lit at least 10 hours a day. In winter, when the days are short and cloudy, you can turn on the fluorescent lamp for your flower with the onset of the evening.

The temperature in the room is preferably maintained at least 20 C in the summer, and 16 C in the winter.

But the moist air orchid simply adores. In the cold season, when the air in the rooms is dry due to central heating batteries, you can keep a spray bottle ready, and from time to time arrange a shower for the flower. A wet terry towel hung on a battery will also help prevent dryness.

Watering and feeding Dendrobium Nobile

Watering is what the plant needs regularly, throughout the year, so let's start with it. Recommendations depend on the air temperature in the apartment. The hotter and drier it is, the more often you will need to water the flower. It is preferable to use for this not the water that you just scored from the tap. Minimum - water must be allowed to settle. Even more preferable is to pass it through a filter or boil it. In winter, if you live in an ecologically clean area, you can use the water obtained after melting snow, and warmed to room temperature.

Unusual advice from experienced gardeners: orchids love to take quite hot showers from time to time. The water temperature can reach 45 C. With this care, orchids will bloom especially generously. Just do not forget to blot the leaves with a clean cloth so that moisture does not stagnate in them.

In winter, during the dormant period, watering is reduced, and the soil is loosened slightly, all this is done so that the roots do not begin to rot.

Now about fertilizers. Since your flower lives in a rather tight pot, and the soil remains the same day after day - the plant needs to be fed. Now in specialized stores a lot of fertilizers are sold, designed specifically for orchids.

Feed the Dendrobium nobile start in the spring, when the orchid is just about to bloom. Fertilizers can be applied according to the system: after two irrigation, on the third.

In preparation for flowering, it is best to use those fertilizers that contain not nitrogen, but phosphorus.

Propagation and transplantation of orchids at home

You can multiply your orchid in several ways:

  • separating the "kids" from the plant;
  • dividing the bush itself into several parts;
  • preparing for planting cuttings.

The "children" are separated from the "mother" when their roots reach a few centimeters. As a rule, they safely take root in a new place, and after 2 years they begin to bloom.

If the orchid is already “mature” and has grown considerably, then 1 time in 4 years or even less, it can be divided into parts. In this case, all the "received" plants will soon bloom.

Cuttings from Dendrobium nobile are obtained from those peduncles that have already stopped flowering. The length of the cuttings should be about 9-10 cm. They are planted, after sprinkling the places of cuts with chopped chalk, in pots filled with wet moss. Actually, they don’t even plant it in the usual sense, but lay it on moss, and cover the pots with a film on top.

Warm and humid.If such an atmosphere is preserved under the film, then after 3 weeks the cuttings will take root. And after a couple of months, young orchids can be transplanted into the soil that is most suitable for adults Dendrobium nobile.

It is best to use special pots designed for orchids to breed capricious beauties. In flower shops there is always their choice.

When replanting an orchid, try not to damage the roots. If any root still breaks, then, in order to avoid rotting, sprinkle the damaged area with charcoal or chalk.

At the bottom of the pot, under the ground, there should be a small layer of drainage. When planting, they try not to unnecessarily deepen the orchid so that the pseudobulbs do not hide underground. If the flower is tall enough, provide support in advance for it.

The transplanted plant is not kept in bright light for some time.

Possible Content Issues

Most orchid owners care about the situation when the plant refuses to bloom.

There may be many reasons for this:

  • excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers applied;
  • shaded room;
  • excessive moisture, due to which the roots begin to rot;
  • low air temperature.

“Uncle” orchid will not wish to bloom even if it is in the room of the heavy smoker.

Dendrobium nobile diseases and pests

It would seem, what pests can have indoor flowers? But orchids have both pests and diseases characteristic of these plants.

Leaf spotting. Dark spots appear on the leaflets. In this case, diseased leaves must be removed. For spraying, Bordeaux liquid can be used.

Root rot. A common and very dangerous disease. Sometimes it’s possible to notice what’s the matter only during a plant transplant. A characteristic sign is that an unpleasant smell starts to come from the pot. An orchid needs a transplant, during which the damaged parts of the roots will be neatly carved, and the sections sprinkled with chalk or charcoal. Also, for disinfection, you can use an unsaturated solution of potassium permanganate.

Powdery Mildew White plaque appears on the leaves and even on the buds. First, it is recommended to spray the affected areas with soap and water, then “Fitosporin” can be used.

Aphid. What these insects look like - all gardeners and gardeners know. Aphids can be washed off with water. And then use tinctures of onions or garlic to preserve the orchid.

Spider mite. Orchids are covered with silver threads. In this case, rubbing the leaves with alcohol tincture will help. Just remember that in a quarter of an hour the orchid will have to “take a shower”.

Features after flowering

In hot climates, plants can bloom several times a year. With proper care, this can also be achieved from orchids.

In the spring, up to 2 dozen flowers can appear on the Dendrobium Nobile. When the long flowering period ends, the orchid goes into the growth phase, "children" begin to develop.

At this time, it is advisable to make fertilizers, and phosphorus is replaced by nitrogen.

Winter content

Winter can be called a "rest period" for the orchid. Even if you use fluorescent lamps, the flower will “feel” that the light intensity has decreased compared to summer. The air temperature in the room at this time can be reduced to 16-17 C, watering should be very moderate.

The “resting phase” is an important time for the flower. From how far the necessary conditions are provided to the orchid, its spring flowering depends.

In fact, growing a Dendrobium nobile on your windowsill is not difficult. You only need to master the necessary skills to care for the plant. For this, it will thank you with abundant and long flowering.