Treating cough is a long process that requires the right approach. For the treatment of unproductive cough in children, a special tool is needed, for example, Omnitus - a central syrup. This drug reduces the frequency of attacks, facilitates their course and contributes to a quick recovery.

Syrup for children Omnitus: release form, composition

The active substance of the drug is butamirate citrate. One milliliter of syrup contains 0.8 mg of active ingredient. It is available in 200 ml opaque bottles. Each package is equipped with a special measuring spoon.

Excipients in the composition of the medication:

  • 70% sorbitol;
  • benzoic acid;
  • anise oil;
  • alcohol;
  • vanillin;
  • water.

The syrup has a sweet taste and pronounced aroma of vanilla. It is often prescribed for the treatment of both children and adults.

Pharmacological properties and indications

Butamirate, which is the main active ingredient of the drug, refers to antitussive drugs that directly affect the cough center, thereby reducing the reflex response to irritation of the mucosa and reducing seizures.

The drug is intended to treat only dry cough.

Pharmacological properties of the drug:

  • reduces the frequency and intensity of coughing attacks;
  • stimulates sputum production;
  • provides easy discharge of mucus;
  • relieves inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The tool is highly bioavailable and quick action. Excretion of metabolites is carried out by the kidneys.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of unproductive cough of any nature.

Indications for use:

  • cough for influenza and SARS;
  • whooping cough;
  • the need for planned bronchoscopy;
  • surgical treatment of the respiratory system;
  • chronic dry cough.

The components of the syrup act directly on the cough center located in the brain. At the same time, the medicine relieves dry mucous membranes, relieves sore throat, and reduces respiratory irritation, in response to which coughing attacks begin. Reception of syrup allows you to normalize sputum production and improve its excretion, which turns a dry type cough into a wet one and helps to recover faster.

At what age can children be given?

Omnitus is a cough syrup for children and adults. He is appointed from three years. In this case, it is important to consider the ethanol content in the pharmaceutical agent, in connection with which children should be given the drug with caution.

The instructions say that for the treatment of babies, it is better to breed the medicine in a small amount of water.

What cough is prescribed for syrup - when dry or wet?

Any centrally acting drugs are intended to treat dry cough, and Omnitus syrup is no exception. The main direction of its action is the inhibition of the cough center, in response to the activity of which a cough reflex appears.

The main goal of unproductive cough therapy is to turn it into wet. All dry cough syrups stimulate sputum production by the bronchi.

Omnitus also has an expectorant effect, contributing to the speedy removal of the discharge accumulated in the bronchi. This helps to relieve the respiratory tract of potentially dangerous contents (sputum), which, with influenza and SARS, acts as a favorable environment for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms and the spread of the inflammatory process.

Omnitus syrup: instructions for use for children

Syrup for children should be used strictly according to the instructions. It is recommended that you consult your pediatrician first. If treatment with syrup did not bring relief three days after the start of taking the drug, you should definitely consult a doctor. Prolonged use of the medicine can greatly damage health.

The dosage of the drug is calculated depending on the age and weight of the child. It is necessary to collect and take the medicine with the help of a measuring spoon, the volume of which is 5 ml. If a spoon is lost or broken, you can replace it with a regular teaspoon.

Reception scheme for children

The instruction for children warns: the product can be taken only by persons whose weight exceeds 15 kg. Children under 6 years old must take 10 ml of the drug. Reception is carried out in the morning and in the evening. As prescribed by the doctor, the number of receptions can be increased up to three times a day.

For patients over 6 years of age, the following dosage regimen is recommended: 15 ml of the drug (3 scoops) three times a day. This scheme must be adhered to if the child's weight is more than 22 and less than 30 kg.

Children over 9 years old should take 3 tablespoons of the medicine 4 times a day, maintaining equal intervals of time between doses of the drug. This treatment regimen is suitable if the child is less than 14 years old.

Teenagers should be given the drug in adult dosages - 6 tablespoons three times a day. Since taking a large amount of syrup is uncomfortable, it is recommended that adolescents and adults take Omnitus tablets.

How to take syrup?

The instruction for the drug does not lead to strict restrictions on the time of taking the syrup. Since it contains sorbitol and a small amount of alcohol, it is better to take a couple of minutes before a meal in order to minimize the negative effect on the gastric mucosa.It is especially important to adhere to this recommendation for people suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer and digestive disorders.

Omnitus syrup for pregnant women

Syrup should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. The decision to prescribe a drug in the second and third trimester depends on the evidence and is taken by the doctor. During this period, the medicine is allowed to be taken, but only if the intended benefit for the woman is many times higher than the potential risk to the fetus.

Central antitussive drugs pass into breast milk, as they have a systemic effect on the body. During lactation, taking the medicine is contraindicated.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

Studies of the characteristics of the drug interaction of butamirate have never been conducted. Since the drug affects the brain center, simultaneous therapy with antipsychotic drugs should be avoided. It is recommended that you do not use any drugs that inhibit the activity of the nervous system during cough treatment, as this can reduce the effectiveness of the syrup. The drug should not be taken with any alcohol.

Contraindications, side effects, special instructions

There are few contraindications for the drug in the form of syrup - this is a pregnancy in the first trimester, age up to 3 years and severe renal impairment. Like any other drugs, the drug can not be taken with individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

The drug can cause allergic reactions manifested by the skin. These include urticaria, exanthema, pruritus, and rash. Due to its alcohol content, syrup should not be prescribed to adult patients with alcoholism and taking tetures.

Proper storage conditions for syrup

The bottle should be stored with a tightly closed lid, away from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Recommended storage temperature - not less than 15 and not more than 250 C. Shelf life - 5 years from the date of manufacture. After the first opening of the bottle, it must be used within three weeks.

Drug Analogs

Absolute analogues of the drug, with the same composition and dosage:

  • Sinecode;
  • Panatus;
  • Codelac Neo.

All these syrups are allowed for use by children older than three years.

With intolerance to the main active substance, you can pay attention to the following drugs with a dry cough herbal composition:

  • Althea syrup;
  • Dr. Mom;
  • Herbion with plantain.

These drugs are used in pediatric practice and are approved for the treatment of children older than 2-3 years. Older children (from 6 years old) can take combined medications - Glycodin, Ascoril. These funds are well-deserved because of their quick action and good tolerance. They also contain salbutamol, which eliminates mucosal irritation.

When choosing a medicine for a child, you should consult a specialist, since any drug is unsafe and can cause side effects.