"Omeprazole" is an effective tool that is used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. It is actively prescribed by gastroenterologists in inflammatory processes that are associated with the penetration of a bacterial infection into the body. It is important for patients to know why Omeprazole is prescribed. As a rule, this medicine has a beneficial effect on the overall level of acidity inside the digestive tract.
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The composition and form of the drug
This medicine contains a chemical compound of the same name - omeprazole. The drug is produced by different companies, but the composition is always identical. In pharmacies you can find medication from Russia, Israel, Hungary, Ukraine. Any of the options will be equally effective.
In total, patients are offered three forms of drug release, each of which has its own characteristics.
- Pills. Classic round tablets for oral administration. One package may contain a different number of tablets (7, 14 or 28). The volume is selected based on the duration of the course.
- Capsules This drug option is needed to solve the acidity problem in the duodenum 12. The capsule contains the active substance, enclosed in a special shell, which does not dissolve in the stomach, but passes unchanged. The medicine works directly in the intestine.
- Lyophilisate.He is a powder for the preparation of a solution. This form is for injection or infusion. Available in the form of plastic bottles with a dry preparation.
The form of pharmaceuticals is always chosen by the doctor. So, to eliminate small local disturbances in the stomach or intestines, capsules and tablets are suitable, and with serious pathologies, when you need to act immediately, the patient is injected with the drug intramuscularly or intravenously.
Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics
Omeprazole is a classic proton pump inhibitor. The chemical blocks the H + / K + -ATPase present in the cells of the walls of the stomach. Against the background of these processes, the synthesis of hydrochloric acid slows down. Consequently, the general level of acidity of the internal environment returns to normal.
Important! If the acidity is already in order, then there is no need to take the medicine.
Omeprazole slows down the secretion of hydrochloric acid, while this compound is necessary to activate the main digestive enzyme - pepsin. With its lack, other problems will appear, in particular nausea, bloating, heaviness and flatulence.
The active substance penetrates either the blood or the gastrointestinal mucosa and begins to act almost immediately. The peak concentration is observed 2 hours after administration. It is noteworthy that the drug has a pronounced prolonged effect. The active substance maintains a high level of activity during the day. This means that taking the drug in a number of situations is appropriate only once a day.
In plasma, the active compound binds to albumin. The spent drug is excreted in the form of metabolites due to liver tissue.
Why is omeprazole prescribed
Take "Omeprazole" is required for gastrointestinal pathologies associated with increased acidity. The task of the remedy is to normalize the pH and relieve the person of unpleasant symptoms, such as pain in the epigastric region, belching with a sour taste, heartburn. Indications for the use of the medication may be different.
- Gastritis. This disease is associated with the penetration into the gastrointestinal tract of pathogenic bacteria, which in the process of life release special substances that destroy the mucous layer. As a result, hydrochloric acid becomes dangerous for the stomach. Important! Some patients are diagnosed with gastritis with low acidity. In this case, it is most reasonable to refuse to use Omeprazole and its closest analogues.
- Therapy of peptic ulcer. In this case, the proton pump inhibitor becomes one of the elements of a complex treatment regimen. Omeprazole will complement antibiotics, histamine blockers and gastroprotectors. Only such an integrated approach will destroy the colony of pathogenic microbes, which will lead to the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.
- Reflux. This condition is associated with the release of part of the gastric juice into the esophagus or pharynx. The cause may be compression of the digestive tract or problems with the functioning of the sphincter - the muscle ring that separates the two organs. It turns out that digestive juice containing aggressive hydrochloric acid enters the tract, which does not have protection against this chemical compound. This is manifested by pain and heartburn.
Sometimes it is recommended to drink "Omeprazole" and with bouts of severe heartburn, not associated with any disease, but this advice should be treated with caution. It is important to understand what triggered the onset of the symptom. For example, if this is overeating or eating spicy dishes, the medicine will not help. Similarly with those situations when heartburn appears on the background of excess weight. Omeprazole helps stop excess acid secretion, but does not eliminate organ compression or the irritating effects of food.
Instructions for use of the drug
All forms of drug release work by a single mechanism.The difference will only be in the method of application.
Omeprazole Capsules
The medication in the form of capsules is taken orally without chewing or crushing it. Dragees are washed down with water. It is best to take the capsule in the morning before breakfast. With most gastrointestinal pathologies, it is enough to drink one capsule per day.
The duration of therapy may vary depending on the diagnosis and the severity of the symptoms. So, with dyspepsia, the drug is taken for 2 to 4 weeks, and with peptic ulcer, the course is extended to 4 to 8 weeks.
10 mg, 20 mg or 40 mg tablets
The drug in the form of tablets is taken by analogy with capsules.
Dosage is determined by the type of disease:
- 10 mg - for preventive purposes or with mild attacks of heartburn;
- 20 mg - with peptic ulcer, reflux;
- 40 mg - with a complicated course of these diseases.
Powder for infusion solutions in vials
In some cases, doctors are forced to decide on the use of the solution for infusion. In this situation, the lyophilisate is dissolved in glucose (concentration of 5%) or saline. A dropper is given to the patient for 20 to 30 minutes.
During pregnancy and lactation
This is a safe medication, but should be used with caution during pregnancy. The appointment decision can only be made by a doctor. The tool will be recommended if the specialist is sure that it will bring benefits to the expectant mother.
Natural feeding is usually considered one of the contraindications to taking the drug under discussion, so lactation should be discontinued during therapy.
Can I take omeprazole constantly
The issue of regular use of proton pump inhibitors often worries patients with chronic heartburn or pain. Doctors recommend to refrain from self-medication and immediately contact the clinic to determine the diagnosis.
The patient is referred to the FGDS procedure, during which they find out if he has gastrointestinal damage. Additional studies showing acidity levels will also be prescribed. If it is elevated, the doctor will prescribe Omeprazole.
Without consulting a specialist, even with severe heartburn, taking the medicine is constantly impossible. The maximum allowable duration of therapy is 2 weeks, and the dosage should be minimal.
Drug interaction
The drug goes well with many other drugs, which is especially important in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection.
This condition requires complex therapy. Omeprazole is combined with:
- antibiotic agents (Clarithromycin);
- gastroprotective agents ("Fosfalugel");
- antacids ("Rennie");
- histamine blockers ("Ranitidine").
Additionally, preparations containing bismuth ("De-nol") are prescribed. Such drugs simultaneously destroy bacteria and stimulate the rapid healing of the surface of the digestive tract. Omeprazole also goes well with them.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The drug is almost always appropriate.
Its reception can be organic only with:
- breastfeeding;
- hypersensitivity;
- body weight less than 20 kg.
The medicine is not prescribed for children under 5 years old. In all other cases, if there is evidence, it can be safely used.
Side effects during treatment are rare.
As a rule, they appear:
- allergic skin rashes;
- mild itching;
- upset stool;
- myalgia;
- visual impairment;
- edema;
- fever.
Against the background of existing pathologies of the central nervous system, a deterioration in health is possible. So, a number of patients complain of headaches, dizziness, general weakness.
In case of an overdose, the signs of side effects of the drug are amplified.
Additional symptoms of drug intoxication are:
- confusion of consciousness;
- decreased visual acuity;
- drowsiness;
- nausea;
- headache;
- draining the mucous membranes.
In this case, symptomatic therapy is usually performed.
Doctors often prescribe analogues of Omeprazole with a similar mechanism of action.
The list of such drugs includes:
- "Barol";
- "Lantsid";
- "Beret";
- Noflux
- Pantoprazole;
- "Gastrozole".
However, most often among similar means, doctors choose Omez. This drug contains the same base as Omeprazole, as well as a number of additional auxiliary components. It is believed that it is absorbed as quickly as possible and begins to work.
Omez is an expensive medicine, so many people prefer Omeprazole to it.
You should ask your doctor about which drug is best suited for your situation. The specialist will prescribe the medicine based on the answers of the tests and examination of the patient, so the therapy, prescribed individually, will really be effective.