Every expectant mother dreams of a healthy baby. Invaluable help in carrying a child will be provided by some drugs, often prescribed by gynecologists. Among them is Omega Mom.

Description of the release form and composition

Omega Mom is not a cure. This is a very useful biological supplement, available in easy-to-use gelatin capsules, enclosed in blisters of 15 pieces. Each carton contains 2 blisters.

The weight of the capsule is 0.7 g, and its content is 0.5 g. The gelatin shell dissolves in the stomach and excludes the contact of the contents and taste buds of the oral cavity.

The shell contains fish oil, but not the one we are used to, but refined using the innovative ROPUFA technology. Hamsa and saury, used for its production, are characterized by a high content of PUFA and do not live long, not having time to accumulate heavy metal salts in their body.

In the composition of one capsule "Omega Mom" ​​purified fish oil - at least 23%. It includes up to 150 mg of polyunsaturated fatty acids - PUFA, and the most important of them - docosahexaenoic - 105 mg.

A pair of capsules taken during the day is enough to ensure the norm of consumption of this substance indispensable for humans, since the body does not synthesize it.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The fish oil dissolved in the stomach is absorbed by its walls and enters the bloodstream, spreading with it to organs and tissues.Since omega-3 is one of the membrane elements in each cell, it is slowly excreted from the body, the main part is built into its structure, settling in the brain and in the reproductive organs, connective tissues.

After undergoing oxidative reactions in the body, the remaining PUFA with bile enter the intestine, where it is again absorbed by its walls. The unspent portion is excreted through the intestine along with feces.

When is Omega Mom prescribed?

The ideal option is to start taking the dietary supplement when the parents are still just dreaming about the child, and not to stop taking the course all 9 months of his expectation during lactation, since PUFA in the human body is of great importance:

  • docosahexoenoic acid, abbreviated DHA, is part of the brain and retinal tissues, is present in human cell membranes;
  • eicosapentenoic acid, abbreviated as EPA, helps to restore cell membranes, normalizes lipid metabolism and absorption of fats, and has antioxidant properties;
  • alpha-linolenic acid, abbreviated ALA, helps the skin, nails and hair to be strong and healthy, it successfully copes with stress, lowers cholesterol and pressure, and helps the synthesis of other PUFAs.

All these acids are necessary for any person, but they are especially important during pregnancy and planning the conception of a child, since they positively affect the reproductive organs of both the expectant mother and father. Therefore, the drug is useful to dad.

It is prescribed in the following cases:

  • habitual miscarriage;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • diagnosed intrauterine growth retardation;
  • the possibility of premature birth;
  • late toxicosis, including the risk of developing hypertension and preeclampsia in the last trimester;
  • postpartum depression.

“Omega Mom” is able to prevent many problems of a future mother, accompanying pregnancy, and help to get out of postpartum depression.

PUFAs contribute to the production of the hormone of joy in the body - serotonin, which stabilizes the emotional background.

Benefits for mom:

  • the skin becomes clean, without rashes and pigmentation;
  • nails and hair in excellent condition;
  • the emotional background is stable, healthy and sound sleep, which is so important for a pregnant woman;
  • there is no weakness and fatigue, working capacity is not impaired;
  • the heart functions well, and the vessels are clean - there are no cholesterol plaques in them;
  • blood clots do not form in the body;
  • the risk of miscarriage and premature birth is reduced;
  • immunity at altitude, colds bypass.

It will also provide invaluable assistance for the proper development of the fetus.

Benefits for the child:

  • the possibility of fetal abnormalities is reduced;
  • good blood circulation in the mother improves the function of the placenta, and, therefore, the baby is supplied with the necessary nutrients and oxygen for development.

Without PUFA, the correct development of the fetal nervous system is impossible - they are part of the brain tissue and myelin sheaths of the nerves.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

You can not take dietary supplements uncontrollably. A gynecologist should prescribe it. If he recommended taking "Omega Mom", you need to study the instructions for use of the drug well. She says that pregnant women should drink dietary supplements twice a day on a capsule, drinking 100 ml of water during meals. A break in admission is done after a month. Repeated courses of treatment are possible.

Drug interaction

What medicines cannot be combined with an omega mother during pregnancy?

  • When taking fish oil, it reduces the absorption of vitamin E in the body, so it is not taken at the same time.
  • DHA lowers the concentration of insulin in the blood, which is why Omega Mom is not suitable for diabetics.
  • Fish oil is an anticoagulant; it cannot be combined with other similar drugs because of the increased effect.
  • You can not take "Omega mother" with other drugs and dietary supplements, which include fish oil - an overdose is possible.

Before taking "Omega Mom" ​​requires a consultation with a doctor

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Contraindications for taking "Omega Mom" ​​are as follows:

  • individual intolerance to the components of dietary supplements;
  • diabetes;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • kidney stones or bladder;
  • increased content of fat-soluble vitamins (D and A) or calcium in the body;
  • problems with the thyroid gland with a violation of its functions;
  • an ulcer in the stomach or intestines;
  • some skin diseases;
  • pancreatic, liver, or kidney disease.

Most of these serious problems in the body are not compatible with pregnancy, so in real life there are not so many contraindications for taking dietary supplements.

If you do not exceed the dosage, side effects are rare. These are allergic reactions, problems with blood coagulation and malaise.

Overdose is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea
  • increased thirst;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • constipation
  • muscle weakness;
  • change in blood pressure.

When they appear, you must urgently consult a doctor, but it is better to call an ambulance. At home, you can rinse the stomach and provide a woman with peace before the arrival of doctors.

Analogs Omega Mom

There are a lot of analogues of this drug, but they do not repeat the entire composition of Omegamam. They have a different dosage. Equally important is the presence of additional components.


  • "Doppelherz Omega 3" - a preparation of salmon fish;
  • "Vitrum Cardio Omega 3" - in the composition of all three main PNZ;
  • "Omega-3 Norvesol" - is made from seal fat;
  • "Carlson Labs Super Omega-3 Gems" - a drug with a high dosage of deep sea fish;
  • "Solgar omega 3" with a higher dosage of active substances.

Before replacing the drug, you need to consult your doctor. He will recommend the most suitable option in each case, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the features of its development.