Consumers from around the world are increasingly showing interest in olive oil. The benefits and harms, how to take oil for diseases, properties - all this is of interest. Let's talk in detail about this fragrant product.
Material Content:
Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of olive oil
The chemical composition of the oil provides its gastronomic and therapeutic value.
The product contains many useful substances for the human body:
- omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - up to 1%;
- unsaturated omega-9 fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, up to 80%;
- unsaturated omega-6 fatty acids, in particular linoleic acid, up to 15%;
- saturated fatty acids, in particular palmitic, stearic and heptadecanoic acids, up to 15%;
- vitamin E (tocopherol);
- vitamin A;
- B vitamins;
- vitamins K and C;
- phenols, polyphenols and phenolic acids;
- squalene;
- β-sitesterol;
- terpene alcohols;
- trace elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others).
Table "Nutritional value of olive oil"
Vital substances | Amount in 100 grams |
Squirrels | No |
Fats | 99.8 grams |
Carbohydrates | No |
Water | 0.2 grams |
The calorie content of the product is 898 calories per 100 grams. This is 63% of the daily norm of the required number of calories for the average person.
The healing and beneficial properties of olive oil
The value of olive oil was known many centuries ago. The peoples of Greece, Italy, Spain, Eastern Europe and Asia appreciated this product. Ancient doctors and cosmetologists used both pure oil and medicinal mixtures based on it.
Modern medicine also actively uses olive oil for the treatment of various somatic diseases. And cosmetologists use this golden gift to rejuvenate the skin, hair and nails. Olive and oil based products are used all over the world.
Useful and healing properties of the product:
- helps restore normal acidity in the stomach, as if enveloping the mucous membranes;
- prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes by minimizing the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
- increases brain activity (improves memory, increases mental activity);
- carries out the prevention of nervous diseases;
- boosts immunity;
- It has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects;
- contributes to the normalization of the musculoskeletal system (cartilage tissue is restored, increases the endurance of muscle fibers);
- beneficial effect on the state of the digestive tract (increases the production of bile, normalizes the digestion process);
- It has a rejuvenating effect on the whole body thanks to the antioxidants it contains;
- prevents the degeneration of cells and the formation of malignant tumors.
Benefits for men
The male body responds positively to the use of olive oil. Even in antiquity they noticed that the product has a beneficial effect on potency. To increase it, formulations were prepared that were taken orally.
How exactly the components of the oil affect the sexual sphere:
- The production of male hormone, testosterone, is increasing.
- Blood rushes faster to the genitals, stimulating an erection.
- The stamina of the male body increases.
What is the beneficial oil for women?
For the female body, olive oil is a storehouse of valuable substances. This is a real elixir of youth and a beauty salon in one bottle. It is useful for women to take oil both internally and do external procedures.
Oil is useful for such properties:
- cleanses the skin, makes it smooth and velvety;
- nourishes tissues, increases their elasticity;
- interferes with premature aging of the body;
- removes all toxins, waste and free radicals;
- provides shine, silkiness and well-groomed appearance. You can purchase cosmetic hair oil in the store, or you can make a mask yourself;
- strengthens nails, smoothes the nail plate and nourishes the cuticle;
- improves hormones and sexual function, as it promotes adequate blood supply to the genitals.
Olive oil during pregnancy and for children
During pregnancy, the female body needs all the beneficial components of olive oil. Unsaturated acids, vitamins and minerals benefit both the mother and the baby. For a pregnant woman, oil is also useful as a source of additional stimulation of the immune system. It increases the resistance of the pregnant body to various infections.
During the development of the fetus, olive oil contributes to the proper formation of the brain, all the nervous system and bone tissue. Without the substances contained in the oil, the child will not receive the necessary components for growth and development. During the period of breastfeeding, it is olive oil that helps the infant's fragile intestines adapt faster to adult food. Pediatricians recommend adding it to dishes of the first feeding.
How to take olive oil for medicinal purposes?
Therapy with olive oil is not news for a long time. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use extra virgin oil. This is a cold pressed product that retains all the beneficial properties.
For intestinal diseases, oil is used in the form of compounds, microclysters or rectal suppositories. The most common pathologies that oil can prevent or cure are constipation associated with impaired motility, bowel cancer, accumulation of toxins and toxins, and chronic inflammation.
There are 2 ways to cleanse the intestines:
- Take 1 tablespoon of oil daily with warm water (the best way to use oil for chronic constipation).
- Make microclysters using heated oil. To do this, 100-150 ml of oil is heated in a water bath to body temperature and an enema is made. After 10 minutes, empty.
Olive oil for the liver
Olive oil has a very beneficial effect on the liver:
- toxins and free radicals are removed from tissues;
- the liver is rejuvenated and renewed;
- blood flow improves;
- produces a choleretic effect, which is extremely useful in gallstone disease;
- contributes to the relief of pain in liver diseases.
Application in gynecology
In gynecological practice, olive oil is valued for its medicinal properties:
- the ability to have anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects;
- prevention of malignant neoplasms.
Most often, olive oil is used to make medical tampons. They are made of gauze and cotton. Oil-soaked tampons are placed in the vagina, where they have a therapeutic effect. Olive oil swabs are one of the best adjuvant treatments for cervical erosion.
Fasting olive oil - good and bad. How to use?
Fasting olive oil has a powerful therapeutic effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Normalization of cholesterol, increased appetite and normalization of peristalsis are only a fraction of the healing properties that the product has.
Nutritionists around the world are strongly advised to consume first-pressed oil on an empty stomach. Doing this is preferable in the morning. In the morning, the body receives the maximum amount of nutrients from the consumed foods. You can drink oil both at the height of gastrointestinal diseases, and for the prevention of relapse.
But this product does some harm. It can provoke an exacerbation of certain pathologies. Therefore, you can not self-medicate. Before taking, it is worth consulting with a therapist.
Slimming Oil
Although the product is fat, it can contribute to weight loss. Olive oil does not have a powerful fat burning effect. It differently provides normalization of weight.
The benefits of losing weight:
- normalization of the level of "bad" cholesterol;
- ensuring normal digestion;
- cleansing the liver and intestines from toxins and free radicals;
- normalization of appetite;
- providing the body with useful vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids.
Olive oil in cosmetology
In cosmetic centers, products based on olive oil are quite popular. They are used for dry skin, and for dull hair, and for brittle nails. The most useful properties for the body are the products of the first extraction. It is used in the manufacture of luxury cosmetics.
Skin Benefits
The product contains many useful components that positively affect the condition of the skin:
- phospholipids normalize metabolic processes;
- carotenoids have a calming and restorative effect;
- copper, calcium and iron remove free radicals, thereby preventing wilting of the skin;
- unsaturated fatty acids protect against the harmful effects of the environment;
- Vitamin A nourishes skin cells with moisture and stimulates blood circulation;
- B vitamins have a rejuvenating effect;
- Vitamin E renews the cellular structure, gives the skin an even relief and velvety;
- Vitamin K eliminates pigmentation and evens out the overall tone.
For dry skin, olive oil is used in its pure form or with several auxiliary components, and for oily skin it is recommended to dilute the oil with citrus juices. Do not abuse facial oil. With prolonged use of pure oil, the functions of the sebaceous ducts change. The skin becomes oily and the pores are clogged. Black dots and comedones form.
Hair Beauty Application
Olive oil has a good effect on the scalp and split ends. Most often, a hair mask based on olive oil and sea salt is used. The components are mixed and rubbed into the scalp. Wrap hair and leave for an hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo and rinse with water and lemon or grapefruit juice. Such a mask nourishes the scalp, makes the hair obedient and silky.
IMPORTANT! Before using this component, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test.
To do this, drop a drop of the product on the bend of the elbow. If after 15 minutes there are no unpleasant phenomena (itching, redness), you can safely use it for home procedures.
Olive oil for nails
Female hands, and especially nails, need nutrition and care. Olive oil perfectly affects the condition of the nail plate. It prevents its delamination, providing a strong manicure.
The most popular home treatments are a bath with olive oil and rubbing oil into the nail bed and cuticle. Warm baths contribute to the accelerated growth of nails. They nourish not only the nails, but also the skin of the hands. And rubbing oil with lemon juice overnight helps to whiten and strengthen the nail plate.
The harm of olive oil to the human body
Despite just a huge number of positive effects, olive oil can have a negative effect on the body.
When to refrain from using this product:
- with inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder in the acute stage;
- with gallstone disease in the stage of relapse;
- in the presence of individual intolerance to olive oil;
- during the development of diarrhea;
- hypotonics should be discarded from a large amount of oil, since it can lower the pressure.
When using the product, be careful:
- daily oil norm - 2 tbsp. l A larger amount of product can cause unwanted processes in the body;
- oil is best consumed fresh rather than heat-treated;
- the shelf life of this oil is 1 year. If the selected product has more, most likely it is a fake with preservatives, which will not bring the body any benefit.
IMPORTANT! It is worth remembering that olive oil is, above all, a fatty product. And, despite its high value, it is worth observing the measure. Otherwise, there is a risk of obesity, impaired digestion and other systems.