About the beneficial properties and contraindications of olive oil say a lot. The unique properties of this gift of nature were known to representatives of ancient civilizations. The ancient poet Homer rightly called the product "liquid gold."
Material Content:
- 1 Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of olive oil
- 2 Olive Oil (Olive Oil): beneficial and healing properties
- 3 How to take olive oil for medicinal purposes
- 4 Fasting olive oil: benefits and harms, how to use
- 5 When losing weight
- 6 Olive oil in cosmetology
- 7 Contraindications and possible harm
Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of olive oil
Presumably, the homeland of the olive is Egypt. But thanks to the Phoenician merchants, it got to the European countries of the Mediterranean, where products based on it were widely used as effective cosmetic and therapeutic agents.
Olive oil is the basis of Mediterranean nutrition, which is recognized as one of the best for health. It positively affects the gastrointestinal tract and retains youth.
Composition of the product:
- polyphenols;
- oleic acid (up to 80%);
- carotenoids;
- omega-9 fatty acids;
- antioxidants;
- linoleic, palmitic, stearic acid;
- vitamins A, D, K, E.
All substances are absorbed almost completely, which makes the product unique. In 100 ml of Olive Oil, there are about 900 kcal. In 1 tbsp. l - not less than 150 kcal.
Olive Oil (Olive Oil): beneficial and healing properties
The product is easily absorbed by the body and has a beneficial effect on all organs:
- normalizes pressure;
- strengthens bones, prevents leaching of calcium;
- supports muscle tone;
- promotes rapid healing of wounds;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- lowers cholesterol;
- restores normal acidity in the stomach;
- accelerates metabolism;
- helps to moderate the constant feeling of hunger;
- improves eyesight;
- slows down aging.
"Liquid gold" is an excellent tool for the prevention of diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal ulcers, obesity, oncology, thrombosis.
Benefit for men
Men should pay special attention to the product. Regular use of Olive Oil is the prevention of many cardiovascular diseases. These diseases are the main causes of sudden death among men over 40 years old.
It is widely believed that olive oil increases potency. This was known in ancient Greece. The high content of fatty acids improves blood circulation, and this directly affects the sexual sphere of men.
What is the benefit of oil for women?
Studies have confirmed that high-quality cold-pressed oil reduces the risk of oncology, especially for malignant breast tumors. The product contains antioxidants that remove toxic substances, prevent healthy mutations and inhibit the reproduction of damaged cells.
Olive oil can be used both internally and externally. The constant presence of "liquid gold" in the diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
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During pregnancy and for children
In the diet of a pregnant woman, olive oil must be present without fail. It not only saturates the body of the expectant mother with nutrients, but also positively affects the unborn child.
In addition, its use prevents stretch marks, eliminates constipation and reduces the risk of late toxicosis.
The product contributes to an easier flow of labor, as it makes the uterus supple and soft. Therefore, many obstetricians even recommend that pregnant women in the last weeks before childbirth increase the amount of oil consumed.
For children, the product will also only benefit if taken in recommended amounts. It strengthens bones, tendons and muscles, regulates the digestive tract, nourishes the children's body with nutrients.
How to take olive oil for medicinal purposes
In order for the use of oil to produce a therapeutic effect, you need to choose it correctly.
Tips for choosing:
- Unrefined product is considered the most useful, as it is not exposed to high temperatures. But it can only be used as a medicine, for dressing salads and making sauces, it is not suitable for frying.
- It is better to opt for the option with the words Extra Virgin.
- It is undesirable to buy a product that says “mix”. This suggests that it consists of several varieties, which negatively affects its properties.
The color of the oil may vary depending on the variety of olives, their degree of maturity and time of collection. The product is stored in tightly sealed glass containers in a dark and cool room.
The beneficial properties of the oil are successfully used in the treatment of gallstone disease, atherosclerosis, diseases of the oral cavity, and liver cleansing.
To dissolve small stones in the bile use such methods:
- Make an enema. Transfer 100 ml of lemon juice and 100 ml of olive oil. Drink 2-3 hours after an evening meal. Sleep on your right side, putting a heating pad under the liver. In the morning, cleanse the rectum again with an enema.
- Prepare 500 ml of oil and 500 ml of lemon juice. After 6 hours after the last meal, drink 4 tbsp. l oil and drink it 1 tbsp. l juice. Every прием h. Repeat the reception. At the end, drink the remaining juice.
Such procedures can only be carried out after consultation with a specialist and laboratory tests, since the consequences can be dire. Large stones can get stuck in narrow ducts, and the patient will not escape surgical intervention.
Warm oil removes gum disease.You need to pick up a brush with soft short bristles and, dipping it in oil, gently massage the gums. It is also useful to rinse your mouth with oil at least 7-9 minutes daily before meals, without swallowing it.
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Fasting olive oil: benefits and harms, how to use
"Liquid gold" is recommended to drink on an empty stomach, so it brings maximum benefits and rejuvenates the body. It is in the morning that nutrients are absorbed much better, as a result of which cleansing processes are activated.
In the first 14 days, it is enough to take 0.5 tbsp. l in the morning on an empty stomach and ½ hour before an evening meal. Then this amount can be increased to 1 tbsp. l
During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the well-being and condition of the body. In the presence of chronic diseases, exacerbation may occur, therefore, before starting treatment, it is better to consult with a specialist and constantly be in touch with him.
When losing weight
To quickly lose weight, it is better to drink olive oil not separately, but in combination with honey and lemon. All these components, individually, have healing properties, and when combined, they give an amazing effect. Honey contributes to the rapid digestion of fats, lemon - removes excess water and lowers cholesterol, oil - saturates the body with useful substances.
This health elixir is especially useful to drink during a diet, when the body suffers from a lack of nutrients.
Olive oil in cosmetology
Even in ancient times, rich people used olive oil during various skin care procedures. Now the product is included in many cosmetics.
Skin Benefits
The oil contains unique substances that rejuvenate, help smooth fine wrinkles, make the skin healthy, radiant, smooth and silky, protect the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. The product is hypoallergenic, so it can be used even for people with sensitive skin.
Olive Oil:
- slows down the aging process and withering of the skin;
- starts the process of cell regeneration;
- retains moisture;
- smoothes fine wrinkles;
- cleanses pores.
The product can be used in its original form. To do this, it is enough to warm it up to a warm state and apply on the face with a cotton swab along the massage lines. Almost all masks have a contraindication - they can not be applied to the sensitive area around the eyes. The olive mask is an exception to this rule. It will not only not damage delicate skin, but also smooth out the existing “crow's feet”. The oil should be warm, you need to apply it with light driving movements. It can be left overnight or blotted through ½ hour with a napkin.
For a change, you can experiment with masks, adding new ingredients each time. With olive oil, any fruit and vegetables go well together. They are crushed into gruel, mixed with oil and applied to the face.
Oil is used as cosmetic milk, removing decorative cosmetics with its help.
Hair Beauty Application
Regular use of hair masks will restore their silkiness, elasticity and strength.
Mask Recipe:
- Combine olive and sunflower oil in the same ratio.
- Add whipped yolk.
- Apply to curls. Hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.
You can also prepare a vitamin mixture and regularly use it. To do this, take half a lemon, squeeze juice out of it, mix with 200 ml of honey and ¼ tbsp. olive oil. Store the resulting mixture in a cool and dark place and eat 1-2 tsp every day.
For nails
One of the easiest ways to restore strength and beauty to your nails is to massage them with olive oil. Heat a little oil in a water bath until it becomes pleasantly warm.Moisten a cotton pad in it and rub the nail plates with soft, but intense movements, as if erasing the varnish. After the procedure, massage all the nail plates with your fingers.
To enhance the effect, add other oils - lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, sandalwood. They will need very little - a few drops of 1.5 tbsp. l olive oil. As additional ingredients, oily solutions of vitamins E and A are used.
It is also useful to make baths. Warm oil is poured into a small container and the fingertips are lowered into it for 20-25 minutes. To prevent the oil from cooling, put a bowl with it in a small saucepan with hot water. The procedure is preferably carried out 2 times a week for a month.
With regular use of oil, the nail plates will become stronger, cease to exfoliate, and acquire a healthy structure.
Contraindications and possible harm
Despite the benefits of olive oil to the body, one should not forget about the negative consequences. There are few of them, but still you need to take them into account.
People who are diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the gallbladder can only use the product in limited quantities. Oil has a strong choleretic effect, and this can only exacerbate the disease.
A day is enough to consume 15-17 ml of oil. It is very high in calories, so people who are trying to lose weight need to consider this fact.
The body benefits only from oil that has not been exposed to high temperature. As a result of frying, it loses almost all its beneficial properties and can even be harmful.
Knowing how to take olive oil, you can not only cheer up and improve well-being, but also strengthen the body.