Olive oil in ancient times was often used not only as a food supplement, but also as an effective general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. The Greeks even called it "liquid gold." Even then, people found that taking olive oil on an empty stomach is much more beneficial than just using it when cooking different dishes and salads.
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What is the benefits of fasting olive oil for the body
Taking oil in the morning on an empty stomach has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive tract, helps to reduce weight and cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, so it can rightfully be called a natural medicine.
The benefits of oil are huge, as its regular intake has a beneficial effect on the work of all body systems:
- lowers bad cholesterol;
- activates the immune system;
- cleanses blood vessels;
- reduces appetite;
- improves metabolism;
- prevents the occurrence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- heals stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- ensures the normal functioning of the intestines and gall bladder;
- improves well-being;
- prevents cell aging;
- strengthens bones and teeth;
- positively affects the condition of the skin.
The product has a mild laxative and choleretic effect, so it is often recommended to take with problems with stool.
What diseases does it help
Olive oil can be taken as a prophylaxis of many diseases in order to get a portion of biologically active substances, as well as for weight loss. Treatment with olive oil can quickly improve the patient's condition. The product can be used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, radiculitis, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, hypertension. It is also recommended to use it for quick healing of wounds, cuts, scarring, hair loss, brittle nails.
What olive oil is best to drink on an empty stomach
You only need to buy a high-quality natural product obtained by the first cold pressing method. “ExtraVirgin” must be indicated on the label. You should not buy second or third pressed oils, they have much less benefit. The presence of any additives or impurities is unacceptable. In no case can the oil be warmed up, as it loses its usefulness; moreover, carcinogenic substances are formed in its composition.
How to take
Nutritionists and doctors argue that it is better to take the product on an empty stomach before breakfast. It is at this time that the body maximally assimilates all the beneficial substances.
For weight loss
This product is recommended for those who want to get rid of excess fat accumulations. It is enough to drink 1 tsp every day. oil about 30 minutes before the meal. This causes a quick feeling of fullness, as a result, a person eats much less during lunch, while olive oil continues to do its effective work inside the body.
Also, to improve metabolism and normalize the digestive tract, which is directly related to the problem of excess weight, it is advised to drink 1 tsp daily on an empty stomach. oil a third of an hour before breakfast, drinking it with 70-100 ml of water diluted with lemon juice.
To cleanse the body
One way to cleanse is to take the oil on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. It is not necessary to immediately start taking a large dose. For starters, just 0.5 tbsp is enough. l If the body responded normally, then from next week the dose can be increased to 1 tbsp. l Oil should be washed down with 1 tbsp. warm boiled water. During these two weeks you need to completely switch to a vegetarian menu.
An enema can be done to cleanse the rectum. 0.5 tbsp. pour a little warmed oil into a pear and put inside. Hold for 10 minutes, then go to the toilet. This method is recommended for constipation and hemorrhoids.
In some cases, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with olive oil every day in the morning for 10-15 minutes. This procedure not only cleanses the body, but prevents the formation of tartar and the occurrence of diseases of the oral cavity, larynx and pharynx.
Olive oil with lemon: benefits and harms
A mixture of oil and lemon juice can quickly normalize the body. It thoroughly cleans the cells of various “debris” and helps restore the functioning of all organs. Reception of such a mixture is a kind of daily gentle cleaning of the liver and other organs. The first effect will be noticeable after about 5-6 days, but it is better to take a course lasting 1 month, then take a short break, then repeat again.
Every morning you need to drink 1 tbsp. l olive oil mixed with freshly squeezed juice from one half of a lemon.
This ratio is optimal, because in its pure form, the oil is quite heavy for the digestive tract and for oral administration. Lemon juice helps soften the dense texture and gives the mass a more pleasant taste. In addition, lemon removes sand, dissolves stones in the urinary tract, improves joint function, strengthens the immune system and is an excellent prevention of colds.
Regular intake of such a product for several weeks helps to open the ducts of the liver and gall bladder, gently cleanse the intestines, break down fats, and remove toxins.The digestive tract will work much better, problems with bowel movements will disappear, and energy and vigor will appear. Lightness and a surge of strength will be felt throughout the body, the skin will become clean, supple and fresh.
Is it possible during pregnancy
Many people wonder if it is good to drink olive oil during pregnancy. Taking this product is not only possible, but also necessary, because it has a positive effect on the development of the fetus.
And not only that, because oil:
- beneficial effect on skin condition;
- prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
- prevents constipation and late toxicosis;
- makes uterine tissue softer and more elastic.
But if taking oil in the morning on an empty stomach causes nausea, it is better not to do this, and just add it to cereals and salads as a seasoning.
Possible harm from use
As with the use of each product, while taking olive oil, the benefits and harms always go together. Olive oil has a rather heavy consistency, so many find it difficult to force themselves to drink it. In no case should you abuse it, since the product has a high calorie content and in large quantities can cause considerable harm.
It should be borne in mind that people with diseases of the gallbladder, stomach and intestines should be approached with great care with oil.
It is best to consult a doctor about how safe its use is in a given health condition. If there are stones in the gallstone, the intake of oil can provoke their movement, which can result in surgical intervention. The presence of chronic diseases and individual intolerance is also a reason to abandon this product. Taking olive oil in many cases can exacerbate chronic diseases.
Both traditional and official medicine are firmly convinced of the benefits of olive oil, the main thing is to take it in reasonable quantities.