Slimming wrap is a very effective way to cope with extra pounds and defeat cellulite. We suggest figuring out what the benefits of such procedures are and how to conduct them correctly.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Slimming Wraps
This cosmetic procedure has its pros and cons. The main advantage of home wraps is accessibility. For the procedure, you just need simple, cheap products and a film.
Efficiency is not in the last place, because in one procedure you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight and significantly reduce the manifestations of the “orange peel”.
But the procedure has its own significant shortcomings. Firstly, the body loses a lot of fluid, which can lead to disastrous consequences. Secondly, increased sweating can lead to the development of dermatitis and inflammatory processes on the skin.
Effective techniques at home
But, despite some drawbacks of the technique, many women have experienced its effectiveness.
Hot Slimming Wrap
This technique is very attractive in that it allows you to quickly lose weight in certain areas of the body. You just need to lubricate the desired areas with a prepared composition that warms the skin.
The heating of the skin causes a sharp expansion of the capillaries, accelerating the flow of blood and metabolism. Pores open, and toxins and excess fluid exit through them.During hot wraps, fats quickly break down, resulting in reduced weight.
The mixture is preparing the consistency of the cream. It is important that the composition is not too thick, but also does not drain. After cooking, the mixture is heated in a steam bath to 38 degrees.
The composition for wrapping is applied to the prepared skin in a dense layer. It must not be rubbed! After lubricating the problem areas, they need to be wrapped with cling film to additionally create a sauna effect.
During the procedure you need to lie down and take cover with a blanket. The exposure time is 40 minutes. Hot body wrap for weight loss of the abdomen and other problematic areas of the body - this is one of the most affordable and effective beauty procedures.
- A mustard wrap recipe with sugar is very effective: 30 g of mustard powder is mixed with 10 g of sugar, a pinch of salt is added and apple cider vinegar diluted in half with water is added. The mixture should be viscous. Then it is slightly warmed up for a couple and applied to the body.
- The honey wrapping for losing weight in hot form also gives excellent results, since honey contains many active substances that help fats to break down faster.
Cold way
The principle of operation of cold wraps is reversed to hot. During the procedure, pores narrow under the influence of cold, as a result of which the internal blood circulation in the skin improves. This contributes to the outflow of excess fluid, and the fat begins to melt.
Cold wrap has the following advantages:
- the skin becomes smoother;
- after the first procedure, the number and depth of folds decreases;
- cellulite disappears;
- liquid is removed.
During the procedure, the body begins to independently produce heat, which is achieved by a significant effect of weight loss.
Cold wrapping at home is used mainly for silhouette correction, for example, after childbirth. Before applying mixtures, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with a scrub. The composition lubricates the problem areas with soft, patting movements.
Most often, vinegar, essential oils, natural honey are used for wrapping.
Using clay
One of the most common products used in cosmetology is clay. The clay used for wrapping immediately immediately improves skin condition, reduces the appearance of cellulite, and eliminates excess weight.
During the wrap, the microcirculation improves, the cells actively remove excess water, and the fat begins to melt. After the first procedure, the skin becomes smoother, firmer, fresher.
To achieve a sustainable result, a minimum of 10 procedures should be performed with an interval of 2 days. The maximum number of wraps is 25. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes.
Clay is the main, but far from the only component in homemade wrap mixes. You can add olive oil and almond oil, egg yolks, fat cream to the compositions. The choice of ingredients depends on the type of skin. To warm the skin further, pepper or cinnamon is added to the mixture.
Wrap with clay and thick coffee is very effective.
For cooking you need:
- 5 tbsp. l black or red cosmetic clay;
- 5 tbsp. l sleeping ground coffee.
The components are mixed and diluted with water so that a spreading mass is obtained. This recipe is suitable even for sensitive skin. Wrap has a strong exfoliating effect.
To quickly drive away extra kilos, you can prepare a wrap with clay and red pepper.
Will be needed:
- 4 tbsp. l blue clay;
- 1 tsp pepper.
The components are first mixed in dry form and then diluted with water until a thick mass is obtained. The maximum duration of the procedure should not exceed half an hour.
With vinegar
Acetic wrap is very effective if you need to quickly lose weight and cope with cellulite.
In vinegar, there are a lot of organic acids that affect the body quite aggressively - fat begins to quickly go away, and skin folds are smoothed out.During the course of vinegar wraps, you can easily lose about 5 kg of excess weight.
A very exotic product is coconut vinegar. As part of the wrap mixtures, it gives amazing results from the very first procedure.
You can make vinegar wrap from different products. For example, a honey-vinegar mixture will quickly help to cope with cellulite and reduce body volume.
Will be needed:
- 100 ml apple cider vinegar;
- 100 ml of water;
- wheat flour as a thickener mixture.
Water is mixed with vinegar and so much flour is added to make a spreading paste. The mixture is applied to the desired zones and wrapped with cling film.
Acetic wrap with salt is very effective. After the first procedure, the body becomes unusually smooth and tender.
Will be needed:
- 100 ml of vinegar;
- 50 ml of water;
- 30 g of sea salt.
The components are mixed until the salt is completely dissolved, and then flour is added as a thickener. Mass lubricate the problem areas and wrap them in film.
Coffee wrap
If the purpose of the procedure is not only to lose weight, but also to improve the condition of the skin, then the ideal solution is a wrap with natural coffee.
If the skin of the body has become dull, loose and saggy, coffee wrapping with lemon juice will help to save the situation.
Will be needed:
- 50 ml of olive oil;
- 50 g of coffee grounds;
- 30 ml of lemon juice.
The oil is mixed with coffee, and then juice is added. The gruel is evenly distributed over the problem areas and the body is wrapped with a film. Ideally, if the procedure lasts about one and a half to two hours.
A mixture of: will help get rid of cellulite and excess kilos:
- 1 tbsp. l coffee grounds;
- 1 tbsp. l Epsom salts;
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 2 tbsp. l coconut oil.
Before applying the prepared mixture, a light massage of the problem areas should be done to warm the skin. Particular attention should be paid to the knees and buttocks.
Algae vs. extra pounds
Algae is an excellent product for wraps, as their rich chemical composition helps to cope with many skin defects.
Seaweed wraps can be hot or cold. For a cold procedure, the product purchased at the pharmacy should be soaked in cold water for a couple of hours. Plants prepared in this way are superimposed in a thick layer on the problem areas, and the body is wrapped with a film.
For hot wrapping, algae need to be soaked in water at a temperature of about 60 degrees. Then a warm product is applied to the body. Be sure to cover yourself with a thick blanket during the procedure to create the effect of a sauna.
We can say that a hot procedure with algae is more effective than a cold one. Under the influence of heat, the pores expand rapidly, blood circulation accelerates and, as a result, the fluid leaves and the fat melts.
Chocolate Delight
Chocolate wraps help not only to cope with excess weight and cellulite, but also give a charge of vivacity and good mood.
For cooking, only a bar of dark chocolate and plain water will be needed. You need to steam the chocolate and add a little water to it. The composition is applied warm to the body. The procedure takes about 2 hours.
You can make chocolate wrapping with cocoa powder. To do this, 3 tbsp. l mix cocoa with hot water to make slurry. The problem areas are coated with a warm mass, the body is wrapped in a film. Keep about 2 hours.
The best pharmacy wraps
One of the best pharmacy drugs for home wraps is papaverine and caffeine. It is required to combine the contents of 2 ampoules of papaverine and 2 ampoules of caffeine. The volume of ampoules is standard - 2 ml. Then, a little liquid honey should be added to the mixture by eye. Next, the resulting composition is coated with problem areas and the body is wrapped with a film.
How to do weight wraps
Little to know how to make the mixture.You must also learn how to properly carry out the procedure so that it is truly effective.
It is advisable to take a hot bath or shower before all the manipulations to warm up the body.
While bathing, you should wipe the problem areas with a scrub and a hard washcloth to open the pores.
Mixes for wrapping are applied only on clean and dry skin with a sufficiently dense layer. After application, the body is wrapped in plastic wrap in several layers to create a sauna effect.
It is advisable to wear a warm suit for the duration of the procedure or lie down and cover yourself with a thick blanket. Usually, unless otherwise stated in the recipe, the procedure should last about an hour.
After wrapping, the mixture is washed off in the shower and a moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream is applied.
Wraps are carried out in courses. The minimum course is 10 procedures.
Contraindications to the procedure
Despite all its effectiveness and significant advantages, these beauty procedures have some contraindications.
- You can not carry them out with fungal diseases, in the presence of wounds.
- Cosmetic wraps for gynecological and oncological diseases are contraindicated.
- You should not risk it and carry out the procedure if there are even the slightest problems with the heart and diseases of the endocrine system.
Wraps against cellulite and excess weight - this is an effective, affordable and simple procedure that can easily be done independently, at home. Choosing one of the recipes and going through the entire course to the end, you will notice stunning results - the skin will become smooth and delicate, and the extra kilos will melt!