Recently, schools, universities and other educational institutions have been striving to incorporate the most advanced technologies and creative ideas into the education system. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, children have the opportunity to study in specially equipped classes and using unusual gadgets.

All this allows not only to improve the process of obtaining knowledge. Most importantly, both students and teachers just like to be in the walls of such institutions! Today we have collected a collection of the most unusual inventions from schools around the world, thanks to which the doctrine turns into real creativity.

The Technical University in Munich equipped the premises with pipes for descent.

Door to the math class.

The same idea, but in a brighter version.

Kindergarten in Japanbuilt around a tree.

Within the walls of another Japanese school, children can have fun splashing in a puddle without leaving the building.

School parking for skateboards.

Clock in the math class.

“So at our university they decidedfight theft of calculators. "

Noise detector in the library.

Another slide for going down in elementary school.

An Israeli school that focuses on teens with ADHD.

Treadmill and computer -so that students can study and warm up at the same time.

“One of the classes in our school is windowless. It is glued on the ceiling pieces of sky fluorescent panels«.

Would you like to study or teach a child in any of these educational institutions? Share in the comments.