Indications for use of Noshpalgin are widespread. Quite often, the cause of pain of an unclear nature is a spasm of smooth muscles. Noshpalgin contains complementary components, the complex effect of which distinguishes this drug from its analogues.

No-hairpin - indications for use

The combination of the components of the drug has an analgesic effect.

The direct purpose of No-hairpin is to relieve painful headaches, relieve spasms of cerebral vessels, and relieve migraine attacks.

The tool relieves headaches of various origins, including those associated with nervous and physical overstrain or overwork. It is used in the acute and chronic stages of the disease. It copes with pains of a pressing or intense nature.

Instructions for use

No-shpalgin is a combined drug that belongs to the group of analgesics and antispasmodics of a non-narcotic nature.

Composition, physico-chemical properties, price

The main active ingredients of the drug are paracetamol, drotaverine hydrochloride and codeine phosphate in the appropriate dosage of 500, 40 and 8 mg. These components determine the physicochemical properties of the drug.

It is interesting: indications for the use of noshpalgin

Additionally, the composition includes: magnesium stearate, povidone, ascorbic acid, talc, starch and dye.The listed substances are used as fillers, preservatives and builders.

The main components individually act as follows:

  • Paracetamol inhibits the production of enzymes - prostaglandins, which, in turn, provoke the appearance of pain. The substance reduces the severity of inflammation. It has an antipyretic property.
  • Drotaverine hydrochloride blocks the formation of enzymes that are precursors of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid), which induces a reduction in smooth muscle fiber. Reception of the substance helps to relax muscles and relieve spasm mainly in organs and tissues lined with smooth muscles: vessels, renal and bile ducts, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.
  • Codeine by stimulating opioid receptors, it soothes pain centers and reduces their excitability. By itself, it quenches pain and enhances the effect of taking paracetamol.

The combination of components has a quick analgesic effect. Despite the inclusion of codeine, a drug from the opiate category, compliance with the dosage and recommendations on the duration of administration excludes the development of dependence.

Packaging of the original medicine costs around 200 rubles. The drug is dispensed strictly according to the prescription.

Release form

The drug is available exclusively in the form of tablets of light yellow color with dark spots. The shape is elongated, oval. In the middle there is a mark for division.

Packed in 6 pieces in aluminum blisters. Each box includes two cachets and instructions.

pharmachologic effect

Paracetamol actively adsorbed by intestinal cells. The maximum concentration of a substance is determined in the blood after 30-60 minutes. The body is evenly distributed. It does not interact with plasma proteins.

After 2 hours, the concentration is halved. A tenth of the taken paracetamol is decomposed by the liver, 87% by the kidneys, and only 3% is excreted in its original form.

Drotaverine hydrochloride well absorbed in the digestive tract. Entering the blood, interacts with its protein components. Peak concentration is observed 45-60 minutes after administration. It splits in half only after 8-10 hours.

It can penetrate the placental filter from the mother to the fetus. It is decomposed mainly by the liver and excreted from the body with feces and urine.

Codeine also absorbed almost completely. Connects with plasma blood agents. An hour after administration reaches the highest concentration. Selectively focuses in the lungs, liver, kidneys and muscles. Does not affect brain tissue.

It breaks down in the liver into morphine and a codeine derivative. Penetrates through the placenta. Excreted in breast milk.

Activity decreases by half in 2.5-3.5 hours after administration. After a day, the substance is almost completely removed from the body with urine.

The simultaneous use of paracetamol and drotaverine up to 7 times slows the removal of the latter from the body. Thanks to the combined action of the components, a lasting antispasmodic effect is ensured.

Codeine does not affect the rate of decay of other components, however, improves their absorption. In the presence of codeine, the bioavailability of an antispasmodic is improved, which also has a positive effect on the duration of the effect of the combined drug.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the lack of information on the safety of the drug in pregnant and lactating women, it cannot be used to treat persons belonging to these categories. Since codeine, which is part of the composition, can pass through the placenta and excreted along with breast milk, it is likely that the combined product can have a negative effect on the fetus or the breastfed baby.


To prevent toxic effects on the liver, the simultaneous use of a combination agent with other paracetamol-based drugs is contraindicated. Assign No-rods can only be persons no younger than 6 years old.

Since the product contains codeine, it can not be taken with alcohol and drugs in order to avoid a depressing effect on the nervous system. Codeine is dangerous in cases of impaired respiratory function and heart failure, therefore, it is not prescribed for people suffering from these pathologies.

Absolute contraindications are:

  • the presence of fresh head injury;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • headache caused by drug poisoning;
  • antidepressant treatment over the next two weeks;
  • violation of the function of the formation of blood cells;
  • dyspeptic disorders provoked by the use of antibiotics;
  • damage to the liver, kidneys of medium and high severity;
  • sensitivity to any of the components.

The medicine is prescribed with caution to elderly people with reduced hepatic and renal function. Patients predisposed to arterial hypotension should consider the risks associated with taking the drug. Drotaverin dilates blood vessels and has the ability to reduce pressure.

Against the background of prolonged use of the drug, a deterioration in blood coagulation may be noted. People taking anticoagulant therapy should be given special care with a combination of drugs.

Side effects of the drug

Subject to the dosing rate, undesirable effects are not more common than in one out of a thousand patients.

When testing the drug, the following complaints were highlighted:

  • allergic skin reactions;
  • suppression of blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • depression, increased headache;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • depression of the respiratory center;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system;
  • when taking high doses - irreversible damage to the liver and inhibition of renal function.

As a rule, when the dose is reduced or the drug is canceled, kidney function is restored.

Dosage and route of administration

Without monitoring vital signs, anesthesia with a combined agent can be performed for no more than 3 days in a row. Noshpalgin tablets are washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The best therapeutic effect is observed when taken separately from food (half an hour before or 2 hours after eating).

A single dose is 1-2 tablets. The next dose may occur no earlier than 8 hours. With a short course of treatment up to 3 days, the maximum daily norm is up to 6 tablets. Long-term therapy allows no more than 4 pieces of Noshpalgin per day.

The permissible dose for children under 12 years is up to 2 tablets per day. A one-time norm is from 0.5 to 1 pieces with breaks of 10-12 hours.


Overdose symptoms are associated with the toxic effect of the drug on the liver, hematopoiesis system, pathological effects on the heart muscle and respiratory center.

Key features:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • blurred consciousness;
  • sticky sweat;
  • nausea;
  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • oppressive fatigue, loss of strength.

In difficult situations: loss of consciousness, convulsive muscle contractions, respiratory arrest, oppression of the heart, coma.

When taking the drug in terms of paracetamol in a dosage of more than 10 g, severe liver damage develops. Symptoms increase within 3 days. Lack of necessary measures can lead to irreversible consequences.

If an overdose is suspected, the victim needs to rinse the stomach as soon as possible. If necessary, carry out forced ventilation of the lungs. Introduce naloxone and acetylcysteine ​​as antidotes.

Interaction with other drugs

In connection with a possible increase in toxic effects on the liver, inhibition of brain, respiratory and cardiac activity, impaired hematopoiesis, it is forbidden to take No-scalp along with the drugs:

  • for the treatment of parkinsonism;
  • based on paracetamol, chloramphenicol, doxorubicin, metoclopramide, domperidone, cholestyramine, cyclizine, cimetidine, mexiletine, cisapride, ritonavir;
  • containing alcohol, psychotropic substances and analgesics.

During prolonged use, the effect of treatment with blood thinners increases and the effectiveness of insulin therapy decreases.

Special instructions for admission

Instructions for use Noshpalgin warns patients about a possible decrease in platelets during prolonged treatment. When prescribing the drug for more than three consecutive days, it is necessary to monitor the blood coagulation rate and the formation of liver enzymes in a laboratory. For patients with impaired liver and kidney function, the attending physician calculates the intake rate individually.

Storage conditions

Special storage conditions of the drug are not required. Tablets should be protected from heating above 30 ° C.

Shelf life

For 3 years.


Unispaz-N - analgesic of identical composition. Contains drotaverine and paracetamol in the same amounts. Without codeine. The patent for the production belongs to the company Unique Pharmaceutical. In one package - 12 tablets. The price per box does not exceed 120 rubles. The method of administration is exactly the same as that of Noshpalgin.

Citramon-P - combined painkiller. Composition: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, caffeine. Contraindicated during pregnancy and during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Round tablets in a paper package of 10 pcs. The average price is 20 rubles. No more than 3 tablets are allowed per dose and no more than 6 during the day. The drug is prescribed once for adults and children from 14 years old.

Spazmalgon - effective painkiller, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory. The main active ingredient is metamizole sodium. 1-2 tablets are taken 2-3 times a day (up to 6 tablets in 24 hours). Children from 6 to 15 years ½ - 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. Contraindicated in pregnancy, damage to the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Available in tablets in the amount of 20 pieces at a price of 170 rubles per pack.

The combined drug under discussion due to the addition of the strength of all its components provides a quick analgesic result. However, Noshpalgin is not intended for prolonged use. Over time, this may require a dose adjustment.