Normozoospermia is a common diagnosis for men with a normally functioning reproductive system. To be more precise, this is the result of a superficial spermogram confirming a satisfactory state of health. In this case, at first glance, there are no obstacles to the conception of a child, and if there are some deviations from the norm, they can be easily corrected.
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What does normozoospermia mean?
The man was diagnosed with normozoospermia - what this means must be considered in more detail. In this case, a surface analysis of the ejaculate was performed, which showed satisfactory results.
Such a study provides the values of four main indicators:
- the number of germ cells in the seminal fluid;
- their concentration in 1 ml of ejaculate;
- sperm viability and activity;
- morphology.
Normozoospermia means that all these parameters are within acceptable limits, but doctors cannot guarantee a man’s ability to naturally procreate. An expanded spermogram can show deviations in other indicators, which are the cause of the incapacity of the reproductive system. If other pathologies are not identified, the indications are given the designation normospermia.
Indications for diagnosis
Analysis for sperm is assigned to all couples who have encountered a problem when trying to conceive a baby. In almost 40% of cases, the reason lies in the reproductive system of men. First, a superficial study of spermogram is carried out, which gives a general idea of the patient's health.The diagnosis of normozoospermia in conclusion indicates a normal fertility in a man, but if pregnancy does not occur, in-depth studies are carried out. At this stage, do not worry about the alleged infertility.
The following indicators in a more detailed analysis may indicate any deviations:
- seminal fluid pH is out of range;
- sperm is too liquid or, conversely, its high viscosity is observed (viscosipathy);
- such deviations as aggregation and agglutination (accumulation of sperm in the form of clots in the first case, gluing them together and with other cells in the second).
These problems significantly reduce the likelihood of a man becoming a father, but with proper treatment and implementation of recommendations there is every chance to bring the testimony back to normal. If more serious violations are detected, the doctor makes an appropriate diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate therapy.
How is the study
It must be understood that the result of a single study cannot be considered one hundred percent reliable. Sperm quality depends on many factors - poor health, stress, fatigue, taking medications, smoking (including passive), junk food. To confirm a particular diagnosis, 2 or 3 studies are prescribed with a break of several weeks.
To obtain the most indicative results, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations given before the appointment of the examination, inform him about the medications taken. This will be taken into account when interpreting the obtained values, perhaps some drugs will have to be canceled for a while. Also, 5 days before the study, it is necessary to abandon the sexual life.
Material sampling is carried out directly in the laboratory in a special room through masturbation. All obtained seminal fluid is collected in a sterile container until it drops. The sample should go to the laboratory in the first 20 minutes after receiving the ejaculate, otherwise the results will be distorted. In case of loss of a certain amount of the analyzed liquid, inform the laboratory assistant about this, since this indicator is also taken into account during the study.
If you follow all the recommendations described, you can count on getting reliable results.
Decoding of spermogram and MAP test results
The decoding of the studies is carried out by the andrologist, he can later prescribe treatment or give a referral to a reproductologist.
Spermogram results take into account the following indicators:
- The volume of the delivered material should be in the range of 2-5 ml. With too little sperm, hypospermia can develop, as a result, suppression of the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles. Too much ejaculation indicates inflammation in the reproductive system.
- The color of healthy sperm is white, milky or grayish. A red tint can indicate an impurity of blood due to trauma or inflammation, and a yellow one can indicate a jaundice disease. Also, due to the intake of certain vitamins, the color changes.
- The pH should be between 7.2-7.8.
- The normal liquefaction time is about 40 minutes. With more viscous sperm, the activity of germ cells decreases.
- The presence of 20-120 million sperm in 1 ml of liquid is considered normal. And their total number in the entire volume is from 40 to 600 million.
- With normospermia, active motile sex cells should be at least 25%, weakly motile - from 50%. At the same time, the number of immobile or pathological sperm should not exceed 50%.
- In healthy material there are no spermagglutination (glued cells), red blood cells, and leukocytes should not be more than 3-4 in the field of view.
If sperm motility is detected, the doctor may suspect immunological infertility. This means that some proteins produced by the male body perceive their own sperm as foreign bodies.In this case, an MAP test is prescribed.
Based on the results of this study, the following problems are judged:
- 0-9% - a negative result, indicates that there is no antibody in the seminal fluid or is present in a small amount;
- 10-30% - a lot of antibodies, but more sperm is normal and fertilization is possible;
- more than 40-50% - indicates the presence of immunological infertility in a man.
The results of the MAP test show how much sperm is coated with antibodies. If a problem is detected, the doctor can prescribe steroid treatment in a timely manner.
What affects the quality of analysis
As already mentioned, sperm is very sensitive to various external changes. Its quality can be affected by any event that is insignificant at first glance - the excitement of taking an analysis, digestive problems, and a quarrel.
Among the factors affecting the condition of the seminal fluid, the following are distinguished:
- having sex or masturbation less than 5 days before the analysis will lead to a decrease in sperm count;
- overheating of the genitals leads to a decrease in sperm motility;
- stress at work and at home also reduces sperm activity;
- inflammation against the background of ongoing infectious or viral diseases;
- alcoholism, smoking, taking illegal drugs in principle negatively affect the condition of the seminal fluid;
- eating fatty, high-calorie foods, non-compliance with the diet;
- wearing tight synthetic underwear.
It is impossible to accurately determine the specific cause of poor sperm quality, most often the combination of problems leaves its mark on the man’s ability to fertilize.
Ways to Improve Performance
Normozoospermia in men does not need medical treatment. If as a result of an extended study any deviation from the norm was detected or the indicators had a borderline value, it is necessary to verify the presence of pathology. Repeated analysis in 1-2 weeks will help to figure out if there really is a problem, or the patient has violated some recommendations given to him.
In any case, the doctor will announce ways to improve spermogram indicators:
- maintain a certain level of physical activity, perform exercises, lead an active lifestyle, to exclude stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
- exclude smoking, drinking alcohol;
- normalize nutrition, refuse fast food;
- check and, if necessary, adjust the hormonal background;
- timely treat emerging infectious and viral diseases.
With a diagnosis of normozoospermia, without special complications in the form of aggregation or agglutination, problems with reproductive function in a man should not arise. Simple implementation of recommendations and a positive psychological attitude will help to significantly improve test results and overall health.