Adherents of a healthy lifestyle often study and analyze various indicators of their body. Among the most important values is the norm of testosterone in men. What should it be depending on a number of factors, what deviations can lead to and how to prevent them? We’ll talk about this.
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The value of testosterone in the body
Traditionally, this hormone is associated with typical masculine qualities: strength, stamina, masculinity. This is due to the effect that testosterone has on the body:
- Stimulating muscle growth by influencing protein synthesis.
- Determining the size of the penis. The indicators of the male organ in adulthood depend on how much hormone is contained in the growing body of a teenager.
- Generating a low voice timbre as a result of thickening of the vocal cords.
- Effect on the abundance of hair. In this case, excess testosterone is known to lead to early baldness. Although the amount of hair on the arms, legs and chest may remain unchanged.
- Acceleration of metabolism, which prevents the appearance of body fat.
- The formation of a male-type figure - the "triangle" - a highly developed upper part, a thin waist, narrow buttocks.
- Lowering cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis.
- Impact on bone density.
- Protection against diabetes by reducing the amount of glucose in the bloodstream.
- Improving vitality and improving mental activity.
- Increased stamina and performance.
- Increasing male libido and eliminating problems in the genital area.
- Maintain a good mood.
The importance of this androgen is undeniable. Therefore, you need to know what level of testosterone in men is considered the norm.
The norm of the hormone in men
The amount of substance in the body is a variable value. It changes over time. In the morning, its concentration is maximum, and by the evening there is a noticeable decrease. For this reason, sexual desire, due to the biochemical balance, is also dying away.
For an average healthy man, the norm varies from 12 to 33 nmol / L. The share of biologically active component is 3.5–12 nmol / l, the norm of free testosterone is 4.5–42 pg / ml.
Blood test
The concentration of total testosterone is determined using laboratory analysis. When the result gives a deviation in one direction or another, an additional study of free male hormone (not associated with proteins) can be performed.
Blood for diagnosis is taken from a vein. For maximum accuracy, it is important to observe a number of rules before the procedure:
- On the day preceding the event, alcohol and fatty foods should be avoided.
- If it is impossible to abstain from smoking during the day, you should check yourself at least in the next hour before taking the material.
- It is important to avoid excessive physical exertion.
- When taking hormonal drugs, you should check with your doctor about their cancellation for 48 hours before the test.
- It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning (on an empty stomach).
The results are compared with accepted standards separately for each age subgroup, after which a verdict is issued on compliance with the norm or its violation.
Why changes occur
Fluctuations in testosterone occur under the influence of many factors. Here are the main reasons:
- Wrong way of life. Bad habits, an unbalanced diet, lack of motor activity lead to malfunctions in the hormonal system and a decrease in the amount of sex hormone.
- Age. This process is natural and inevitable. After 30 years, testosterone levels begin to fall gradually, decreasing by 1.5% per year. At the age of 40, a significant decrease in its concentration also occurs.
- Health problems. Weak immunity or chronic ailments can introduce an imbalance in the biochemistry of the body.
- Unstable emotional background. Depression, neurosis, stress have a negative effect on the concentration of the hormone, which is why problems with potency in men who feel psychological discomfort are caused.
The effects of low and high testosterone
Any deviation from the norm, even with a plus sign, entails a deterioration in overall well-being and quality of life. The following are typical symptoms of an imbalance.
Testosterone deficiency:
- anemia;
- the appearance of fatty deposits at the waist;
- hair loss;
- muscle sagging;
- excessive sweating;
- nervousness and insomnia;
- fatigue
- tendency to depressive mood;
- infertility;
- lack of sex drive.
- Signs of oversupply:
- abnormal muscle growth;
- mental problems;
- malfunctioning of the thyroid gland;
- changes in the kidneys and liver;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.
As you can see, only maintaining a normal level can provide clarity of thinking, good health, good mood and excellent appearance. What values are taken as a standard based on the age factor?
Age level table
To maintain the hormone at an optimal level, it is important to know the age of testosterone in men.
Age years | Norm, nmol / l |
0 to 2 | 97 |
2 to 4 | 27-110 |
4 to 6 | 37-148 |
6 to 8 | 20-114 |
8 to 10 | 38-132 |
10 to 12 | 21-150 |
12 to 14 | 12-102 |
16 to 60 | 13-71 |
60 to 70 | 15-61 |
70 to 90 | 15-85 |
At the slightest failure it is necessary to consult a specialist in a timely manner and begin treatment.
Treatment methods
In the case of a reduced concentration of male sex hormone, you can resort to several ways to restore balance.
- Change eating habits, preferring foods rich in fiber, high-quality fats and zinc.
- Refuse tobacco and alcohol.
- Do strength training on a regular basis. In this case, the lesson should be about an hour with short pauses between sets.
- Get enough sleep, taking at least 7 hours of sleep.
- Hiking as often as possible.
- Use natural hormone stimulants - ginseng, lure, extract of leuzea, fenugreek, tincture of hawthorn and others. It is important to consult a doctor before using this method, since herbs also have a number of contraindications.
- Adhere to hormone replacement therapy prescribed by your doctor. It can be a course of injections or taking medication in tablets and capsules. In any case, the specialist is engaged in the selection of a treatment regimen.
To lower testosterone levels, it is also recommended to revise the daily menu by adding more products with phytoestrogens (eggs, milk, linseed oil, grapes). Coffee and tea are very useful, because the caffeine contained in them destroys part of the male hormone. But it is better to refuse meat. Such a diet should be introduced on a temporary basis so that a hormonal malfunction does not form with an advantage in the other direction.
In extreme cases, medication is prescribed under the supervision of a doctor.
Testosterone plays an important role in the normal functioning of the male body. Therefore, it is important to monitor its balance, taking the necessary measures at the first sign of deviation.