Diabetes mellitus is characterized by its imperceptible onset. To prevent pathology, knowledge about the rate of glucose in the blood will help. Even a slight deviation should cause caution. Perhaps in this way the first “bells” of an insidious disease are manifested.
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Table of blood glucose norms by age
With age, hormonal changes occur in people that affect glucose levels. These indicators often change during the day, which is associated with the quality of food intake, physical activity, mental stress, stress, and amount of sleep.
The value of the upper boundary should not be more than 11.1 mmol \ l. The glycogen synthesized by the liver is responsible for the stability of the indicators. After 10 hours, the stocks of this substance are running out. If a person consumes foods that are slowly broken down in the intestines, then the body is gradually enriched with sugar.
Among women
Due to the specific physiological characteristics of women, the fluctuation in blood sugar is pronounced. The glycated level does not always characterize the presence of pathology. Increased values are diagnosed in the menstrual, premenstrual period, during pregnancy, breastfeeding.
An elevated sugar limit is found after 45 years. This is due to the pre-climatic period. In women, the pancreas disrupts glucose breakdown. In this age period, regular blood donation is recommended. It allows you to timely detect the beginning of the pathology.The age table indicates the normal amount of blood sugar in mmol / L.
Type of analysis | More than 40 years | More than 50 years | More than 60 years |
Capillary | 3.3 to 5.5 | 3.8 to 5.9 | 4.1 to 6.2 |
Venous | 4 to 6.1 | 4.1 to 6.3 | 4.5 to 6.5 |
Important! Raising the norm to 7.4 mmol / L requires special attention and regular testing for glycemia.
In men
Male blood glucose is more consistent. Their upper limit is 5.6 mmol / L. However, the glucose surges are diagnosed in the male population. If you take a blood test after eating, the result will be above normal, which has a connection with the work of the pancreas, muscle growth.
After physical exertion, indicators below normal are observed until the body is completely restored. An increase in the norm in men is manifested by a brighter clinical picture than in the female population. This has been linked to increased nutrient demand by muscle tissue.
Age table for normal glucose readings:
Man age | Sugar in mmol / L |
30 years | 3, 32 to 5.78 |
40 years | 3.91 to 5.96 |
50 years | 3.94 to 6.86 |
60 years | 4.45 to 7.77 |
Blood sugar during pregnancy
The gestation period is characterized by scattered blood glucose boundaries. The first analysis women pass at 9 weeks, the second at 26 weeks. Often, during gestation, women are diagnosed with an increase in glucose. After childbirth, this phenomenon passes without a trace.
Typically, gestational diabetes is affected by:
- pregnant age over 30 years;
- increased pressure on the pancreas;
- ovarian cystosis;
- large fruit;
- increased body weight of the future mother;
- hereditary factor.
In pregnant women, the generally accepted glucose boundaries shift.
Sugar above 5.1 mmol / L. is an indicator of diabetes of pregnant women and requires additional examination in the form of:
- glucose tolerance studies;
- fasting home glucose test;
- capillary blood test;
- venous analysis.
The generally accepted norms during pregnancy are the following indicators:
Time | The amount of sugar in mmol / l |
Before eating | 5,8 |
An hour after eating | 6,9 |
2 hours after a meal | 6,2 |
Note: the limits of glucose from a vein are higher than from a finger.
High blood sugar - what does it mean?
The amount of glucose in the blood, which is higher than generally accepted norms, most often means diabetes mellitus. The disease is confirmed by a clinical blood test. If the sample was taken from a finger, it is possible to increase the border to 7 mmol / L, if from a vein - more than 11.1 mmol / L.
Minor excesses may indicate a prediabetic state. In this situation, the morning capillary blood intake shows up to 6 mmol / l, venous - about 7 mmol / l. This condition does not have a clinical picture. So, when passing urine, sugar is not detected. Some women may experience symptoms of prediabetes.
More blood sugar is evidence of a stroke, a heart attack. This is due to vascular damage from an excessive amount of substance. Displaced glucose borders occur during epilepsy. Often the "culprit" of this condition is not only the pancreas, but also other endocrine organs. Perhaps an increase in performance with a low level of hemoglobin. Against this background, there is a decrease in immunity.
Causes of an increase in the enzyme in the blood
Normal blood sugar levels may change in a big way against the background of:
- reduced motor activity (if, before the test was taken, a person had high motor activity, then the liver stores sugar, and the analysis shows a reduced amount of glucose in the blood);
- diets (fasting changes the glucose content, as well as increased consumption of sweet, starchy foods);
- drinking alcohol (even a small amount of alcohol increases blood glucose);
- diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas;
- excess weight, which is often a companion of diabetes;
- transferred surgical intervention;
- taking oral contraceptives, hormonal drugs, diuretics.
What to do when sugar is elevated
If an increase in glucose is detected, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, glycemic tests. It is important to properly prepare for the analysis. It is necessary to monitor the absence of stress before diagnosis, physical activity. The study is carried out strictly on an empty stomach.
It is necessary to reduce the amount of glucose under the supervision of a doctor.
Normalize the condition using the following principles:
- regular and feasible physical activity, which contributes to the normalization of indicators at the onset of diseases;
- regular self-monitoring of sugar levels, carried out at home up to 3 times a day;
- specialist-prescribed drug therapy that allows you to stop diabetes and live a full life.
A special role in increasing the glucose boundary is given to a diet individually selected by a doctor. Nutrition is based on the exclusion or consumption of a minimum number of foods related to fast carbohydrates. If you are overweight, the patient is assigned a low-calorie diet.
Important! Nutrition for people with an increased amount of glucose should be balanced, with the inclusion of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and fats in daily use.
Only on the basis of proper nutrition is it possible to lower blood sugar. You need to eat often, in small portions. Between the main meal a snack is needed.
A blood test for sugar can detect many diseases. However, an increase in boundaries is not always a sign of pathology. Sometimes it indicates an emotional, mental strain, hormonal failure.