The variety of modern breeds of four-legged pets is truly amazing. Of particular interest are small, but very mobile and active animals called terriers. Among the many representatives of these breeds, we can mention the Norfolk Terrier dog, whose homeland is the English county of the same name.

The origin of the Norfolk Terrier

Norfolk Terriers first appeared in the east of Great Britain in Norfolk at the end of the 19th century. Representatives of this breed have a close relative - the Norwich Terrier. Literally a century ago, these breeds were combined into one, created on the basis of different terriers. Indeed, these creatures are surprisingly similar, with the only difference being that the ears of the Norwich are erect, while those of the Norfolk are down. There is an opinion that Norfolk terriers are more sociable than their closest brothers.

Norfolk belong to the species of hunting burrowing dogs. Initially, these animals were bred to control rodents, in particular rats.

Description and character of the dog

  • The Norfolk Terrier dog has a muscular and stocky physique.
  • The height at the withers should not exceed 26 cm with a weight of 5 - 5.5 kg.
  • The chest is wide, the ribs are curved.
  • The head is rounded, with a large distance between the ears.
  • The latter are medium in size, rounded at the ends and hanging on the sides of the head.
  • Dark eyes are oval.
  • The jaws of the terrier are quite strong, due to which the Norfolk grip is really strong.
  • The neck is muscular, medium in size.
  • The paws of the animal, like the tail, are short and strong.

From each movement, the dog blows endurance and strength. Pet hair is hard, resembling a wire. The standard allows gray, red, black, brown and wheat with a splash of white color.

Norfolk terriers are energetic and active, prefer to play in the fresh air together with the owner. These dogs are very smart and smart. The calm nature of the Norfolk Terrier helps him to find a common language with almost any person, since the dog is completely devoid of aggression.

Finding themselves on a walk, dogs of this breed show curiosity: they like to dig minks, chase cats and birds, because by nature they are hunters. Terriers are very attached to their family. For this reason, these dogs must not be given away or redistributed - they endure separation from loved ones very hard, they may not even survive it.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Norfolk Terrier is distinguished by many indisputable advantages, including love of workloads, good learning ability and ability to train. These animals almost do not fade, are obedient; in the process of upbringing, they rarely show their whims.

The main disadvantage of the Norfolk Terrier is their love of food. Uncontrolled feeding can lead to obesity in the pet and subsequent health problems.

Such dogs should not be started for people who are not ready to devote a lot of time to the dog, since the Norfolk Terrier does not tolerate loneliness and requires continuous communication.

Features of care and maintenance

Norfolk terriers are equally suitable for living in urban or rural areas. The main condition is that these dogs must be kept in a warm, clean place without drafts. Dogs living in the yard need more attention than residents of an apartment or house.

  • The dog’s coat often gets dirty and rolls, and therefore it will be necessary to comb it out quite often - every other day.
  • It is often not advisable to bathe a dog, only if the contamination is difficult to remove by hand.
  • Several times a year, Norfolk Terrier hair should be plucked. It is best to entrust this business to a professional.
  • Once a month, the pet's claws need to be trimmed, as well as to monitor the cleanliness of its ears and eyes.

How to feed a pet

Norfolk Terrier should be fed exclusively with high-quality and wholesome food. The basic product in the diet is meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey and beef).

Attention! Pork should not be fed Norfolk Terrier. The ban is also imposed on potatoes, legumes, sweets, chocolate, bakery products, pickled and smoked foods.

Of particular danger to the digestive system of pets are tubular bones.

The four-legged menu should include cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). Do not forget to treat Norfolk with vegetables, fruits and herbs - they are sources of essential vitamins.

The terrier should always have access to clean water.

Norfolk Terrier Disease, Symptoms, Treatment

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by excellent health. Norfolk - one of the few dogs that have not been found serious inherited pathologies. And although there have been cases when representatives of this breed suffered from epilepsy, such individuals did not take further part in breeding.

Tip. To prevent a potential pet from being affected by epilepsy, you should first carefully study the pedigree of the Norfolk Terrier puppy before buying. You should also carefully consider the detailed description of the breed in order to have an idea of ​​the nature of the dog, its typical diseases and the features of caring for it.

  • Norfolk often worry about respiratory problems. Such pathologies are indicated by wheezing, difficulty swallowing, sometimes even loss of consciousness. The latter may also be a harbinger of epilepsy.
  • In addition, representatives of this breed often have a dislocation of the knee joint or dysplasia of the hip joint.
  • Often occur in these dogs and otitis media.

Note. In order to prevent various infections, the dog is subject to vaccination, which is made starting from the 8th week of the animal's life. However, Norfolk Terriers are highly sensitive to vaccines. For this reason, vaccination should be combined with the parallel use of antiallergic drugs prescribed by your doctor.

Owners of Norfolk Terriers should be extremely attentive to the health status of their pet. If disturbing symptoms have been noticed or the behavior of the animal has changed dramatically, you should contact your veterinarian.

Dog training and education

Norfolk need physical activity, you can and should deal with them. These animals are easy to train in view of a sharp mind and complaisance of character. Difficulties in training are possible in those cases when the owner requires excessive perseverance from the pet.

It should be noted that Norfolk require a qualitatively different approach than, for example, a shepherd. Each task must be turned into a game, encourage a pet, giving a reward (delicacy) and not skimp on praise in case of successful completion of the task.

This variety of terriers is jumping, which means that they will easily take various obstacles.

Note. These miniature terriers are suitable for various sports, for example, mini-agility (special competitions designed specifically for small dogs). Norfolk will also become excellent companions to the owner in his morning runs.

The charming Norfolk Terrier is an excellent choice for the owner who appreciates fearlessness, mobility and a good natured character in the pet. Loving and loyal, these dogs will gladly keep company with their owner on long hikes and walks. Representatives of the breed are unpretentious and will not cause much inconvenience in the content.