Nogtivit is a medicine intended for the soft and painless removal of nails affected by the fungus. Under the action of the ointment, the keratinized layer of the nail softens. After that, it can be easily removed, thereby providing the opportunity for the growth of a new and healthy plate. One package of the Nogtivit preparation, the instruction to which claims a dosage sufficient to remove 4 nails, is actually enough for 1-2 nails. It all depends on the age of the patient and the thickness of his nail plates.

The composition and release form of the drug "Nogtivit"

Nogtivit is available in the form of bags with a heterogeneous emulsion. The volume of the drug in one package is 15 ml. The cost of funds at the time of writing varies from 200 to 400 rubles.

The composition of the drug for removing nails affected by the fungus includes:

  • tea tree oil;
  • mineral oils;
  • urea;
  • beeswax;
  • auxiliary components.

Tea tree oil and beeswax play the role of natural antiseptics. They destroy the pathogenic flora in the outbreak, providing infectious protection.

Urea is the main active ingredient. It breaks down the structure of the nail affected by the fungus, contributing to its painless removal.

Mineral oils are used to further soften the nail plate and the skin around the affected area.

Auxiliary components are necessary to maintain the consistency of the drug during prolonged storage, to create the necessary amount of funds.

There is also reinforced Nogtivit, designed to remove nail plates that have undergone significant deformation and hypertrophy.It additionally includes lactic acid and other elements that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the drug.

Healing properties

The healing properties of nails are due to its constituent components. The drug softens the nails and the tissues around them affected by the fungus. This allows you to remove the affected plate without the intervention of a surgeon.

The cream has some bactericidal effect. Unfortunately, the action of plant substances is not enough to destroy the fungus. Therefore, Nogtivitis should be used in combination with specialized antifungal medications.

On a note! Nogtivitis does not have a strong antiseptic effect and is not used as an independent means to fight infection and treat nail fungus.

Instructions for use

Nogtivitis is a complete drug, therefore, it must be used in strict accordance with the instructions for use.

Dosage and administration


Before applying the ointment, you should steam the legs in warm water (35-38 ° C), adding salt and baking soda. This will increase the sensitivity to the action of the nail plate preparation. The following acts as follows:

  1. Dry your feet.
  2. Glue the skin areas bordering on a sore nail, adhesive plaster.
  3. Without rubbing, apply a thick layer of Nogtivit to the surface of the nail.
  4. Cover the ointment with a bandage from the patch.
  5. Leave the affected area in this form for 3 days.
  6. Three days later, the bandage is removed and the legs are again steamed.
  7. Stitch the softened surface layer of the nail with a nail file.

For a complete cleansing of the nail bed, Nogtivit ointment is applied 3-4 times.

Note: if the ointment has got on bare skin, you must carefully remove it with an alcohol wipe or clean water.

After removing the fungal nail, it is recommended to change shoes, bedding and other household items with which the affected area was in contact.

It is interesting: the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus

Side effects and contraindications

If the dosage is observed, Nogtivit practically has no side effects. In some cases, the development of general or local allergic reactions is possible. Most often, allergies appear in the form of urticaria. Serious processes (anaphylactic shock, swelling of the respiratory tract) does not occur. Local allergies may look like swelling of the nail bed.

Another negative effect of treatment can be damage to the skin near a diseased nail. This happens when the ointment enters the skin and corrodes them. Given the fact that the density of the epidermis is much lower than the density of the nail, its chemical damage can be quite deep.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is personal hypersensitivity to its components and an allergy to them. It is not recommended to use the drug if there are foci of dermatological diseases (psoriasis) on the skin of the foot in the acute stage.

Can pregnant and lactating mothers

The composition of nails is such that it allows you to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation. The medicine consists of components characteristic of the human body, as well as non-aggressive plant substances. Therefore, it does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Actually, Nogtivit is not even absorbed into the bloodstream, acting exclusively on the nail. Therefore, the risk of systemic effects (including on the embryo) is practically absent.

Nogtivit - analogues

Nogivitis has analogues, which include:


The tool splits the affected nail plates due to the presence of urea in it. The method of use does not differ from nails, but has a lower cost and lower efficiency.

Keratolytic patch

Used to remove diseased nails. Contains urea, ketoconazole (an antiseptic) and salicylic acid. Apply by sticking on a sore nail.

Trichloroacetic patch

The active substance is trichloroacetic acid. The application is similar with a keratolytic patch. Destroys the nail layer affected by the fungus, contributes to its easier removal.

Reviews on the treatment of nails

During the application, Nogtivit managed to gain a certain opinion in the circles of doctors and patients. What do people say about using the product?

Igor, 54 years old, dermatologist

“Gone are the days when a nail affected by a fungus could be removed only surgically. Today, for this purpose, we actively use plasters and ointments based on urea. They perfectly split the structure of the nail, make them soft and supple. It remains only to grind off the required layer and treat the pathology zone with mycocidal preparations.

From the entire list of drugs for destroying a nail for myself, I have identified nails. This tool allows you to achieve the expected effect in the vast majority of cases. Unfortunately, its price in pharmacies is slightly higher than that of the same nails and keratolytic plasters.

I used to use nails and myself. As expected, the nail was removed almost completely after 3 procedures for 3 days each. The entire course took 9 days. It is long-lasting, but painless and comfortable. ”

Sergey, 28 years old, entrepreneur

“A couple of years ago it happened to me to visit a public bathhouse. I didn’t really want to go, but my friends persuaded me. I knew! After a while, I noticed strange spots on the toenails. He visited a doctor, was examined. The diagnosis is nail fungus. Then urgent matters appeared, problems at work began. In general, it was not up to such trifles.

He again returned to the need to solve this problem in a year, when the nail is thoroughly mutilated by fungi. Re-visited a specialist who insisted on nail removal surgery. I was always afraid of operations, so I began to look for alternative options.

Having sat on the Internet, I found information about such a drug as nails. According to the manufacturer, it splits the nail and allows you to safely remove it. I decided to try it.

I acted strictly according to the instructions. He steamed his legs, isolated his skin, applied ointment and covered it with a bandage. I did not wait for one day: removed the bandage after two days. Re-steamed the nail and began to grind.

Things progressed surprisingly easily. Just a steamed nail, without nails, it doesn’t grind so well, I tried it. The top layer was removed in a few minutes, after which the case stalled. I had to repeat the procedure.

In total, 4 sessions of 2 days were required. After that, the diseased nail completely disappeared, allowing a new and healthy growth. I didn’t visit that doctor anymore. ”

Irina, 60 years old, senior citizen

“I suffered from nail fungus for a long time, several years. I didn’t want to ask for help - it doesn’t hurt, okay. I got used to itching, tried not to pay attention. During the illness, two nails were deformed, became ugly and crooked.

In the end, I got tired of it, and I went to the doctor. He shamed me for so long that I did not go to the hospital, and then offered a choice of three treatment options: surgical removal of the nail, using resurfacing and with the help of medications. It is clear that I chose the latter.

The doctor recommended nails. I described for a long time exactly how to prepare, how to apply the drug, how to grind a nail after it becomes soft. Finally, I went home and began to try.

In general, I was pleased with the result. The nail was sharpened without much difficulty in 2 weeks. This was supposed to happen faster, but the plate thickness was very large. What did you like:

  • ease of use;
  • cost (not the cheapest, but not too expensive);
  • painless action.

What did not like:

  • The removal process is too long. It took 3 treatments for 4 days each.

In general, the drug is fully functional. If necessary, I will recommend it to my relatives and friends. ”

  • Irina

    I always try to monitor the cleanliness of my legs every day, but then I noticed that itching and redness and an unpleasant smell appeared between my fingers, apparently I spent too much time in winter shoes. Misaligned areas began to drip with misol; he was well able to eliminate itching and redness. She also handled all the shoes she wore. Well, now at work in winter shoes I try not to sit, so that my legs do not sing.