Headache is a common problem that greatly affects the quality of life. No one is safe from this symptom, therefore it is important to always have a fast-acting drug on hand. One of the time-tested remedies is No-Shpa for a headache. However, this medicine is not a panacea, and is ineffective against some forms of cephalgia.
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The composition of the drug
No-Shpa is one of the most famous and sought after antispasmodics. The main active ingredient is drotaverine. The medicine is available in tablets and injectable solutions. The former contain 40 mg of active ingredient, auxiliary components in the composition - talc, starch, lactose, magnesium stearate. They are small in size, round in shape and yellow in color.
The solution for injection is available in a dosage of 20 mg / 1 ml. Injections are done intramuscularly, but the drug is also used for intravenous administration. In addition to the main active ingredient, the composition contains water for injection, sodium metabisulfite and ethanol.
Tablets are available in 6, 12, 24 in blisters, and 60 and 100 pieces in a polymer bottle. The drug is sold over the counter.
Does No-Shpa help with a headache?
The medication is an antispasmodic, so No-Shpa helps with headaches in only three cases:
- cephalgia of tension;
- migraine;
- vascular headache.
Headache (cephalgia) of tension is associated with stress, lack of rest, intense physical exertion.This is the most common type of pain syndrome that every person has encountered at least once in a lifetime. The medication helps eliminate discomfort, but is not always effective enough.
It is advisable to take No-Shpa tablets if the cephalalgia of tension spreads like a compressing hoop. With aching pain in the frontal part, the drug is most often ineffective.
Migraine is a specific headache caused by spasm of the vessels of the meningeal branch. It is manifested by a strong action on only one side of the head, and is also accompanied by nausea and photosensitivity. But-Shpa in this case is effective only at the beginning of the attack, and does not help all patients.
Vascular headache is associated with a change in blood pressure. It is manifested by vasospasm against the background of arterial hypertension. In this case, the antispasmodic quickly helps relieve cephalgia, but special antihypertensive drugs are used to normalize the pressure.
In other words, the remedy is really effective if the headache is caused by vasospasm. In other cases, it is advisable to use non-steroidal drugs or analgesics, and it is better to consult with a neurologist about the appointment of the optimal treatment regimen.
The mechanism of action on the focus of pain
The drug is characterized by antispasmodic, vasodilator and hypotensive effect. The drug does not have analgesic properties, a decrease in pain occurs due to a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the internal organs and vasodilation.
In the case of a headache, the analgesic effect is achieved due to the effect on the underlying cause of discomfort - vasospasm. The product dilates blood vessels, thereby contributing to the normalization of cerebral blood flow, due to which relief comes quickly. However, such a mechanism of action explains why No-Shpa is not always effective against cephalgia, because it does not block the transmission of pain impulses, as analgesics do.
Instructions for use and dosage
For headache, it is recommended to take one tablet of the drug and wait about 40 minutes. If during this time the expected effect is not achieved, a repeated dose should not be taken.
In general, the medicine is relatively safe, because it can be used for 1-2 tablets up to three times a day, washed down with the required amount of water. Eating does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Absolute contraindications are severe forms of renal, hepatic and heart failure, as well as intolerance to the active substance.
Side effects:
- allergic reactions;
- chills and fever;
- hypotension;
- tachycardia;
- confusion of consciousness;
- nausea and vomiting.
An overdose of a substance can lead to severe violations in the work of the heart, up to a fatal outcome. If this condition is suspected, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and call a doctor.
The medicine should not be taken for children under 6 years.
No-Shpa from headache during pregnancy is allowed to receive, since it does not adversely affect the fetus.
The active substance can pass into breast milk, so during lactation you should refrain from taking the medicine.
Full analogues - Drotaverinum and Spazmonet in tablets. These medicines have an identical composition. With a headache, you can replace the drug with Papaverine, since this drug has a more pronounced effect on the vessels of the brain, therefore it is suitable for cephalgia against a background of spasm.
It is recommended to take blood pressure before taking the drug. The medication will not help to eliminate the pain syndrome if cephalgia is caused by a decrease in pressure - in this case, due to relaxation of the vessels, the headache can only intensify.
But Shpa is really able to get rid of some types of cephalgia, but it is recommended to remember that this medicine is intended to eliminate pain in the digestive tract, and therefore it is better to take it as directed by a doctor.