The medicine "No-shpa" is known to everyone. This is not surprising, since the remedy helps in a few minutes to relieve the pain provoked by spasm. The medication is inexpensive, but helps in a variety of cases, so doctors recommend that you always keep it in your home medicine cabinet.
Material Content:
- 1 Release forms and composition
- 2 Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- 3 In what cases is No-Shpu prescribed
- 4 At what age is the drug allowed
- 5 Instructions for use and dosage
- 6 Indications and use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- 7 Drug Interactions and Alcohol Compatibility
- 8 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 9 Analogues of the drug
Release forms and composition
The drug is simple in composition. It has only one active substance - drotaverine. It is it that is responsible for the analgesic effect. All other ingredients of the composition may vary depending on the form of production of the drug. There are only two of them and both of them suggest a systemic effect on the body.
- Pills. This is an option for oral administration. The active substance will be absorbed through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, so the medicine takes some time.
- Injection. This form is used for severe pain. The active substance enters the bloodstream almost immediately and begins to affect spasmodic tissues.
And dragees, and injections act the same. The injection solution works quickly, but the person does not always have the opportunity to give an injection. In this case, you can take a pill to relieve pain.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The drug is famous for its antispasmodic effect.The main task of the active substance is to relax the muscles, which have come into a state of excessive tone. As a result, the motor activity of smooth muscle tissue is normalized, and the expansion of blood vessels is also observed, since their walls are formed by muscle fibers.
The active substance is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Its maximum concentration in the blood can be fixed after 45-60 minutes. It acts for a long time, up to 6 - 8 hours, after which, if necessary, a second dose is possible.
The medicine will be completely removed from the body in 72 hours. All incoming volume is metabolized. Most of it is utilized by the kidneys and urinary system. A certain amount of the spent drug leaves the body through the digestive tract by excretion into the bile produced by the liver.
In what cases is No-Shpu prescribed
The spectrum of conditions in which medicines with drotaverine in the composition are used is quite wide. To understand what the medicine helps with, it is enough to once again pay attention to the mechanism of its action.
“No-spa” relaxes the muscles, which means it helps to cope with the pain that was provoked by a spasm in any part of the body.
Prescribe a medicine for various pathologies associated with the transition of the smooth muscles of the biliary tract into a state of hypertonicity.
The list of such diseases includes:
- papillitis;
- cholecystitis;
- recholecystitis;
- cholangiolithiasis;
- cholecystolithiasis.
The use of the drug is also appropriate for diseases of the bladder. The medication will help to cope with the symptoms of inflammation of its walls, as well as the urinary ducts. This allows you to prescribe a medicine for cystitis, nephrolithiasis.
The tool will become an indispensable assistant in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract, in particular with peptic ulcer and gastritis. The walls of the stomach and intestines, which suffer when bacteria enter, are also formed by muscle tissue.
This is not a complete list of indications for using the medicine. No-shpa is also good for headaches. The vast majority of patients claim that the tablets help to cope with migraine attacks, and also quickly reduce pressure by expanding the lumen of the blood vessels supplying the brain with oxygen.
Women note that without the drug can not do with severe menstrual pain. The uterus contracts during the discharge, which is often accompanied by discomfort. To remove excess tone and improve well-being, you can use drugs based on drotaverine.
Important! No-shpa and all its analogues only relieve pain, but do not affect the cause of increased muscle tone. In fact, this is only symptomatic therapy, which is designed to improve the condition.
At what age is the drug allowed
The product has a soft and gentle effect, so age restrictions are not strict. Intramuscular administration of the drug is carried out even for babies up to a year. Tablets are recommended to be given only after 6 years, when the child can swallow pills without difficulty and drink it with water.
Instructions for use and dosage
If there are difficulties with the choice of the necessary dosage, you can always clarify these data in the annotation to the drug.
No-Shpa tablets
The daily dose for an adult patient is from 3 to 6 tablets (120 - 240 mg of the active substance). This volume is required to be divided into three stages with approximately equal intervals between them. Sometimes a single dose is enough.
Doctors warn that despite the safety of the medication, it should not be taken without the permission of a doctor. The specialist needs to show up if improvements do not occur even 48 hours after taking the first dose.
“But Shpa” is given to children in a reduced dosage. Volume will depend on age. So, a child from 6 to 12 years old should receive 80 mg per day, and children over 12 years old should receive 160 mg. The specified dose is divided into two doses.
No Shpa Forte Tablets
No-Shpa Forte is an advanced medicine with a high concentration of the active substance. It costs more, but also works more efficiently.
The daily dose will be the same as for the previous version of the medication:
- 6 - 12 years old - 80 mg (1 tablet);
- up to 12 years - 160 mg (2 tablets);
- from 18 years old - 120 - 240 mg, depending on the intensity of the pain.
On a note. If the recommended dosage does not help cope with the pain, it is possible that the symptom has a different origin, not related to muscle tension. In this case, a doctor’s consultation will be mandatory.
In ampoules for injections
Injections are given to both small patients and adults. The dose can range from 40 to 240 mg per day. Usually, three procedures are performed per day so that the active substance enters the blood evenly.
Indications and use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
The period of bearing a child is difficult for many. One of the most common diagnoses is uterine hypertonicity. This condition in the later stages is fraught with premature birth, and in the first and second trimesters - termination of pregnancy. Symptom, indicating an increase in uterine tone, are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. In some women, spotting from the vagina is observed, but they may not be.
It is imperative to bring smooth muscle to normal. To this end, doctors prescribe drugs based on drotaverine. “But Shpa” is often used during pregnancy, since the drug is absolutely safe for the fetus developing in the womb.
The dosage for the pregnant woman is selected individually. Usually, 80-160 mg per day is enough to normalize the condition, but the volume of the medication can be increased to 240 mg per day.
Sometimes drotaverine in the form of injections is prescribed in the last trimester to stimulate labor. The required dose is 40 mg of the drug intramuscularly.
Drug Interactions and Alcohol Compatibility
The use of the drug is actively practiced by narcologists in order to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover syndrome in alcoholics. The tool normalizes blood pressure, reduces headache, relieves tremors.
In all other cases, combining drug treatment and drinking is prohibited.
This limitation is associated simultaneously with several reasons, which include:
- increased risk of side effects;
- negative effects on the kidneys and liver;
- decreased effectiveness of the drug.
“No-shpa” practically does not interact with other medicines. It is only capable of enhancing the effects of other antispasmodics or weakening the effect of taking Levodopa and its analogues used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The medicine is not prescribed in the following conditions:
- hypersensitivity to its components;
- lactose deficiency;
- severe renal failure;
- liver damage;
- low cardiac output syndrome.
Side effects rarely develop, but may include:
- lowering blood pressure;
- heart palpitations;
- allergic reactions;
- intestinal disorders;
- headache;
- nausea.
It is imperative not to exceed the allowable dosage. When taking more, cardiac arrhythmia is observed, which in the most severe cases can cause a fatal outcome. The lethal dose of this drug is 1.6 - 2.4 grams.
Analogues of the drug
If necessary, the doctor may choose another drug with exactly the same or similar effect. The completely identical analogs of No-shpa do not differ in the components that make up the composition. The most famous among them is Drotaverin.
An alternative antispasmodic is Papaverine. It also relaxes smooth muscles and helps deal with pain. Its main difference is the form of release.The patient can use the medication in the form of rectal suppositories, which allows you to enter the active substance into the bloodstream at a record speed.
The decision to prescribe any antispasmodic is always made by the doctor. It is the specialist who decides what will become more effective in each specific situation, and selects a dosage that is safe for the patient.