Before prescribing this or that medicine to a child, you should know the exact dosage, the main rules of administration, and also from what age the use of this drug is allowed. No-Shpa is indicated for children in cases where the use of an antispasmodic drug is required.
Material Content:
- 1 Description of release forms for children and their composition
- 2 Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- 3 From what age can a No-Shpa be given to a child
- 4 Indications for use of the drug
- 5 Instructions for use and dosage for children
- 6 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 7 Analogs of an antispasmodic
Description of release forms for children and their composition
The basis of the component composition of the drug is drotaverine - a chemical compound that is part of the group of myotropic antispasmodics.
No-Shpa is available in several forms:
- 40 mg tablets;
- ampoules with injection 20 mg / 1 ml;
And also a number of additional compounds are included in the preparation: magnesium stearate, povidone, talc, starch. Ampoules also contain substances such as metabisulfite, ethanol, and purified water.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
This antispasmodic is a common medicine and is in demand for the treatment of various pathologies. The main active compound has the ability to act on contractile tissue, as well as blood vessels. The medication has a direct effect on the state of muscle tone, its decrease. And also at the same time there is an expansion of blood vessels, including oxygen saturation of tissues.
In the case of high body temperature, which significantly exceeds subfebrile indicators, No-Shpa is able to improve the patient's condition, as the blood vessels dilate, heat transfer through the skin increases, which helps to lower the temperature. However, in this case, medication that is related to NSAIDs is required. With abdominal pain, this drug helps to relax the spasmodic areas of the muscles of the internal organs.
Regardless of the chosen dosage form of the drug, the rate of absorption of the main compound will be the same. The therapeutic effect is observed already half an hour after use. With internal administration, the result is achieved after 15 minutes. The maximum saturation with drotaverine is reached in about an hour.
From what age can a No-Shpa be given to a child
The active compound is a synthetic component that has been synthesized by artificial method. Given that the main substance of this drug is not organic, No-Shpa is rarely prescribed for children under six years of age. For babies up to a year, the drug can only be indicated in rare situations when the benefit exceeds the potential danger. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to prescribe medication for babies to eliminate intestinal colic - in this case, special medicines should be preferred.
Indications for use of the drug
According to the instructions for use, this medication is not capable of exerting an analgesic effect, so the range of prescriptions applies only to conditions caused by spasm.
As a rule, the medicine is used to relax contractile tissue and relieve pain discomfort.
- Spasm of smooth contractile tissue of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, exacerbation of gastritis, cardiospasm, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colitis).
- Migraines of an acute nature.
- Spasm of contractile tissue of the biliary tract (cholecystitis, cholangitis).
- Pathological disorders of the urinary system (inflammation of the bladder, spasm of the bladder, nephrolithiasis).
- An attack of white fever.
- Bronchospasm causing coughing attacks.
- Stool disorder caused by bowel spasm.
- Arterial spasm.
It is important to note that No-Shpa is used exclusively for symptomatic therapy, in order to eliminate the spasm that provoked painful discomfort. For this reason, this medication is often an additional drug. At temperature, it often acts as a fast-acting antipyretic.
Instructions for use and dosage for children
The specialist prescribes the medicine only to patients who have reached the age of one year. In other cases, taking pills can trigger the progression of serious disorders that affect many body systems. The dosage of No-Shpa for children directly depends on age, as well as other individual indicators.
No Shpa Tablets
You can drink the medicine, regardless of the food.
Breasts should first crush the right amount and mix with a certain amount of liquid.
- Patients under six years of age are recommended to take 1/3 of the pill up to a maximum of 6 times per day. The amount of the drug depends on the condition of the child. For this age group, two tablets per day will be sufficient. Exceeding the dosage can cause negative reactions.
- Children from six to 12 years of age are shown taking ½ tablet No-Shpa up to eight times a day. The maximum amount of medication for this group is four tablets.
- Older patients may take one tablet up to five times a day. The permissible amount of funds is 5 pieces per day.
It is extremely important to consider that you can give such a medication to your child for no more than two days.If the negative manifestations and symptoms continue to bother the baby, you should seek qualified help.
In ampoules for injections
Often the attending physician prescribes this antispasmodic to small children in the form of a solution for injections. In this case, patients will need enough 1 ml (20 mg) of the drug for a single dose. It is strictly forbidden to use the injection solution on your own. After the procedure, a person is recommended to be in a horizontal position for at least ten minutes. This is due to the fact that there is an increase in pressure, as a result of which often weakness occurs in the body and muscles.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The presented antispasmodic is used to treat patients with increased caution, since the instructions for use contain a number of contraindications.
The use of tablets is not allowed for the following ailments:
- The patient's age is up to one year.
- Patients under 18 years of age (for injection).
- Decreased blood pressure in the child.
- Individual intolerance to individual components, including drotaverine.
- The presence of bronchial asthma.
- Atherosclerosis (chronic vascular disease), arterial hypotension.
- The presence of active pain in the abdomen.
- Glaucoma.
- Myocardial dysfunction.
- Lactase deficiency or an individual reaction to galactose.
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Impaired kidney or liver function (failure).
Only in individual cases and as prescribed by a doctor, is the drug presented for treatment of infants who are not yet a year old. Babies are given only a few drops using an injection solution. This may be necessary for white fever. If the instructions are not followed or prolonged use of the product often negative reactions occur.
Side effects include the following symptoms: impaired digestion, nausea and vomiting, constipation, gas formation, fatigue, dizziness, sleep disturbance, an allergic reaction, and a change in blood pressure. In case of exceeding the allowable dosage, serious failures in the work of the nervous system, up to cardiac arrest, are noted. The victim will need medical attention, gastric lavage and blood tests.
Analogs of an antispasmodic
But-Shpa is not the only drug that has an antispasmodic effect. In pharmacies you can find a certain number of analogues: Russian Drotaverin, No-shpalgin, Drotaverin Teva, Spazmonet, Spazmol. The listed synonyms contain a similar active compound. It is recommended to carry out the replacement of the prescribed medication after consultation with a specialist.