Today maine coons at its peak popularity. Every third owner would like to see "Gentle giant" in your apartment as a furry friend. So, let's look at a photo compilation that proves to us that size really matters.
Maine Coon Facts You May Not Know About
Let's begin with maine coons Is a breed of cats from United States of America.
They are pretty outgoing. Love to be surrounded by hostsbut their not allowed call too intrusive.
Maine Coonsvery affectionate. They like tactile contact and interaction with the owners.
Cats are very are smart. Easily are trained and remember certain the words.
Highly playful. Even in old age they love play and have funlike kittens.
Females Maine Coon reach up 5 kilograms.
Adults males Maine Coon can reach up to 8 kilograms.
Body lengthMaine Coon(from tip of nose to tip of tail) is one meter.
Due to unusual facesas well as large weights and growth many people compare Maine Coon from trotting.
Just look how much they long.
However maine coons far from the largest cat breed. Existsragdollswho are known throughout the world for their gentle nature.
Better from them hide dangerous products or things. Especially if you have a low table.
First maine coons appeared in the state Maine (in the northeast of the United States of America).
They though become attached to people, but at the same time retain a certain independence.
Appearance Maine Coon attributed to 1878 year.
One version of the appearance Maine Coon: they were the result of crossing half wild cats and raccoons.
Another version of the appearance of this breed of cats: maine coons - these are the descendants of 6 domestic cats that Queen Marie Antoinette transported to Maine when she planned to flee France during the French Revolution.
A more believable version: Maine Coons descended fromcrossbreeds of short-haired domestic cats and long-haired catsthat the Vikings brought to America.
Genetic studies explain:maine coons are descendants Norwegian forest cats and the mysterious extinct domestic breed.
Maine Coon has a long thick coatwhich is even on pads paws.
That's why maine coons harsh winters, cold and wind. Can easily walk on the snow.
It’s a pity that only cats can get fat, and at the same time all people will consider them cute and funny.
Wool so thick and longthat is easily capable even repel water.
They come in different colors and patterns, including smoky, cream, mackerel and tortie.
Velvet Cat Formally Being maine coon half that turned 26 years old on August 1, 2015 is the oldest cat in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records.
Length record belongs maine coon nicknamed Stewie. In the fully extended state, its length was 123 centimeters from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Moreover, he was 8 years. Unfortunately, in 2013, the cat died of cancer.
Typically, cats are known for preferring to stay away from water. But not Maine Coons. They are love water. Maybe this is due to the fact that their woolas we have indicated pushes away water.
Some maine coons born with six with fingers on the paws. But they connected it with genetic mutation. At exhibitions now similar maine coons are not in price. However, now you can meet fewer such cats.
In Russia you can buy Maine Coon from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles. It is best to buy them not with hands, but in nurseries designated for this.
Maine Coons basically Do not need a special diet. Just make sure their food is quality, rich vitamins, protein and others useful substancesso your cat stays healthy, beautiful and energetic.
Would you like to have a cat of such an interesting breed?