About the methodology for the treatment of diseases developed by Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, probably heard by many. To get rid of ailments, expensive drugs are not required, the treatment is based on the use of conventional hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.
Official science has not yet recognized Neumyvakin's methodology, but does not deny the benefits of such treatment. In any case, she has a lot of followers and, of course, positive results.
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Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich - author of the treatment with hydrogen peroxide and soda
Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is known as an honored inventor, he is the author of 85 inventions. For three decades, he developed the space medicine, laureate of the State Prize. It was he who proposed to the world a method of getting rid of ailments with the help of hydrogen peroxide and soda.
Many diseases arise due to the root cause - lack of oxygen. It would seem, where could the flaw come from? But, given that most people live in urban areas, eat less than healthy and natural food, rarely are in nature, the answer is obvious. Replenishing the body's cells with oxygen, you can get rid of a number of ailments. Regular peroxide becomes an oxygen supplier. As a result of decay, the substance, once in the body, is converted into ordinary water and atomic oxygen.
The effect of oxygen on the body is expressed in:
- the destruction of pathogenic microflora (fungus, bacteria, viruses);
- oxidation of toxic substances, as a result of which they cease to negatively affect the body's systems, primarily the digestive tract;
- supplying cells with oxygen (powerful antioxidant);
- harmonization of the resonant frequency of cells.
Professor Neumyvakin considers baking soda to be another strong substance in the effect of combating ailments. Most suffer from diseases caused by acid-base imbalance. A harmonious solution of soda and water is capable of harmonizing this balance.
How and for which diseases to take hydrogen peroxide inside according to Neumyvakin?
Hydrogen peroxide treatment was first proposed by Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. He believes that hydrogen peroxide shakes the body and awakens its own strengths, immunity, thereby protecting against ailments. There are many pathologies that there is a chance to overcome with the help of this simple tool.
Read also: hydrogen peroxide: indications for use
We list the main ones:
- infectious and viral pathologies;
- all kinds of inflammations;
- dysbiosis;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
- diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders;
- cancer;
- pathology of peripheral vessels;
- rheumatoid polyarthritis;
- hemorrhoids;
- skin diseases, warts, fungal infections of the skin, nails.
Hydrogen peroxide is used as a solution - you can just drink it by adding it to a glass of water. It is also used as a compress, lotion, rinse, and as an injection.
Rules for taking peroxide
If you use hydrogen peroxide for rubbing, rinsing, compresses, then usually dissolve one or two teaspoons of a three percent solution in 50 grams of water.
Taking hydrogen peroxide inside requires careful adherence to dosage and frequency of use. Otherwise, there is a risk of intoxication of the body.
In each case, the dosage is different. With hypertension, for example, on the first day they drink a glass of water (220 mg) with one drop of a three percent solution of peroxide. Add another drop daily and make up to 10 drops. Then they take a break of 7 days. After drinking 200 ml. water, in which 10 drops of peroxide are dissolved. The next day the same scheme. Then a break for three days and again drink the same amount of water and peroxide for three days. Treatment is completed when normal blood pressure is restored.
Peroxide is administered intravenously in a hospital, for example, at the initial stage of a stroke. Dissolve 0.3 ml. peroxide in 20 ml of water, divided into three portions and three times a day, 1/3 of the solution is administered as an injection.
Treatment with baking soda according to Neumyvakin
Treatment with baking soda is described in the professor’s popular book “Soda - Myths and Reality”. A world-famous scientist who has devoted many years to the study of unconventional methods of treatment, is sure that soda is an amazing remedy for many ailments that works wonders.
There is such a thing as "acidification of the blood." This happens when the acid-base balance is disturbed. Normally, this balance should be maintained throughout life. But under certain conditions (malnutrition, for example, alcohol intoxication, etc.), the decay products remain in the body, the pH balance in the blood is disturbed, there are not enough alkaline resources to remove excess acid. Sometimes the opposite happens, alkalization of the body. But in 70 percent, according to the theory of body oxidation, a shift occurs precisely in the acidic direction. And this is the root cause of many diseases, including diabetes, heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis. In general, the body ages faster, teeth deteriorate, brittleness and hair loss increase, and the skin becomes dry.
The use of a solution of soda in the correct proportions returns the lost harmony of the water-alkaline balance and eliminates diseases, or prevents their appearance.
Rules for taking soda
Treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin implies strict adherence to the schedule for taking and concentration of soda solution:
- Start with small doses. The solution should always be warm, not lower than 37 degrees;
- Dissolve soda in water or warm milk. A quarter teaspoon of soda is added to a glass of liquid. They drink it for three days, take a three-day break and drink the solution again, but have already doubled the amount of soda. Each time, increasing the amount of soda, bring it to 1 tablespoon;
- The solution is made as follows: pour soda with boiling water in an amount of half a glass, and then dilute with chilled water to the top of a glass (or this is milk). The solution should not be too hot or cold;
- It is enough for young people to drink two such glasses a day. Older people - three;
- Drink the solution in the morning on an empty stomach, and then half an hour before a meal or two hours after a meal.
There are contraindications to taking soda solution, which should be consulted in advance, consult a doctor. For example, such therapy is not suitable for people with stomach ulcers, pregnancy, third-degree cancer, and diabetes mellitus (such a solution is good only for the prevention of this disease). It is worth knowing that soda solution neutralizes the action of aspirin, so you do not need to take it at the same time.
Is it possible to take peroxide and soda at the same time?
Peroxide and soda should not be taken as solutions at the same time.
Because of this, an extremely undesirable reaction will occur, a high temperature rises. Between receptions of solutions of soda and peroxide should pass at least half an hour.
Neumyvakin treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide at the same time
At the same time, these strong substances are taken only as a means for external use. You can, for example, gargle with a soda solution (1 tbsp. Soda per 1 liter of water) and rinse your nose with a peroxide solution (in a quarter cup of water 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide).
You can also combine the intake of soda solution inside and the external use of a peroxide solution.