Channel called Littledrill (Littledrill) - one of the most unusual, but at the same time interesting on instagram. His photos collect hundreds of likes and comments. The channel itself is dedicated design photos made in the style of pop art.

New York Photography Studio

Its creators are two female photographer named Shelby Edwards and James Whitney. They opened their own studio in Brooklyn (New York) in 2015. Throughout the entire existence of the studio, many large companies turned to Shelby and James, including Adidas, Coca-Cola and others.

How did the name of the studio come about?

When Shelby is asked how the name of her studio originated, she says: “In fact, the word“ Littledrill ”has no special meaning. This has always been called my personal Instagram channel. When I was little, dad called me "little girl" (translated from English - "little girl"). But I mispronounced this phrase as "littledrill." Since then, this fictitious word has stuck to me. ”

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Features of the direction in art

Pictures posted in Littledrill are done in soft, pleasing colors. They are inspired by pop art. This trend originated in art in the 50s of the last century. In those days, it became a kind of challenge to the art of that time.

Instead of verified and sophisticated images, pop art propagated images from commercials, comics, and the most common everyday objects. The art of pop art is no coincidence at the dawn of the era of consumption - in his works appear and hairsprays, and convertibles, and bananas in rhinestones. Such objects can also be seen in the pictures of the Littledrill studio.A pink Christmas tree, or an avocado with a mini copy of a disco ball inside - all this inspires mood carelessness, ease, a certain naivety.


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Yes, pop art is often called "fast food in art." But maybe lightness is exactly what society has always lacked?

Pop Art Instagram Channel Pop Art Instagram Channel

In one of the small videos Littledrill featured two main "heroes" - spinner and iPhone. Some like these items, others condemn them. But if, after many thousands of years, archaeologists of the future will be engaged in excavations of our civilization, then they will find these things in the thickness of the earth. After all, they are "a sign of our time."