This breed has gained great popularity in the CIS countries as a multi-talented, able to work on hunting for many types of game. The German Reed Terrier is a versatile jaeger dog, a dream of many hunters. It will be interesting for all dog breeders to learn about the features of the content of the animal.
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Origin history
The breed was bred in Germany in the 20s of the last century. The German hunting terrier (yagd terrier) owes its appearance to Walter Zangenberg - a famous German breeder, a great hunting lover. He set himself the task of bringing out the most functional dog, which has inexhaustible spite for the beast, endurance, medium-sized and dark hair.
In 1923, Walter was presented with four almost black Fox Terrier puppies, which were rejected from pedigree breeding for an unacceptable dark tan color. It was they who became the founders of modern individuals. The ancestors of the yagd terriers also include Old English terriers, fox terriers and welsh terriers. They were used in breeding to consolidate working qualities, selecting the best hunting dogs. The first breed standard was approved in 1934.
After the war, when Germany was divided into two states, the best representatives of the yagdas remained in Germany. In the GDR, breed recovery occurred from several dogs through repeated inbreeding, which led to hereditary diseases.It was forbidden to export full breeding animals from the country.
Dogs that came to Russia in the 70s were puppies rejected in the West, with mental disorders and defects in the exterior. Over the past 15 years, the population of yagd terriers has been updated thanks to the arrival of excellent representatives of the breed from abroad and the work of Russian nurseries. To this day, the berries are in good standing with experienced hunters. Dogs are used to hunt birds, track ungulates, and prey on mink animals.
Description of the German Reptile Terrier
The animals are medium-sized, the maximum height at the withers for the male is 40 cm, the minimum for the female is 33 cm. The constitution type is strong, dry, strong bones, strong legs, excellent musculature. Males weigh up to 10 kg, bitches - about 8 kg.
Terrier dogs have innate malice, they have a “dead” grip, and the processes of inhibition are poorly developed. This animal, with a thoughtful and calm gaze, turns into a rabid beast with crazy eyes in an instant.
With proper and timely upbringing in relations with the owner, the yagd is known as a balanced dog. On the hunt, she has no equal in excitement and courage. The dog is very independent, require a special approach in education. An inexperienced owner can turn into a home tyrant.
Varieties of dogs
Terrier dogs are smooth-haired and wire-haired. They have a dense undercoat, well adapted for life in an aviary. Both varieties of the breed are allowed to cross, and therefore there is no strict distinction between them. There are also animals with an intermediate type of wool - broken. These are wire-haired dogs with poor hair: short hair on the body, underdeveloped hair.
Wire-haired terriers are more popular. It is believed that dogs are protected from hunting injuries due to their tough "robe". They are better suited for life in the aviary. This opinion is only partially true. Smooth-haired breeds also have a warm and thick undercoat, which helps them tolerate frost well.
Life span
A yagd terrier can die on the hunt because of its reckless courage, its readiness to pursue the beast until its exhaustion. With reasonable upbringing and handling of the pet, its average life expectancy is 14 years.
Like all hunting dogs, the berries are distinguished by excellent health. Of the hereditary diseases, only Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is seen, which is expressed in increased vulnerability and sensitivity of the skin.
Purpose and character
Jagdterrier is a small breed that is used exclusively for hunting. The dog has a complex character, independent, imperious, not enduring humiliation and indifference. Persistence and fortitude in the animal will be enough for several large dogs. He is fearless, easily engages in battle with a wild boar and other large beast, exceeding it in size and strength.
This hunting dog without hesitation goes into the water to feed a shot bird, it can be afloat for several hours. The modern yagd terrier is the concentration of energy and strength in a small canine body. The dog’s movements are very energetic, he runs a quick gallop.
The small size allows the animal to quite successfully drive the beast into the hole, following it. Under the ground, the dog gives voice and the owner can only dig a hole on the surface in the place where the dog holds a fox or badger.
Breed standard and puppy selection
In appearance, the yagd terrier is a small dog with a black and tan coat. It is proportionately folded and very active. The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
Standard requirement, breed description:
- head slightly elongated wedge-shaped;
- the muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull;
- stop weakly expressed;
- nose is black or brown;
- cheekbones and chin are clearly visible;
- large teeth and powerful jaws, scissor bite;
- small oval-shaped eyes, dark brown;
- high-set ears-triangles;
- powerful neck of medium length;
- strong and straight back, deep chest;
- the tail does not bend to the back, can stop at 1/3 of the length;
- limbs are straight, located under the body;
- free movements with a strong push of the hind legs;
- skin without folds.
Color is allowed black, grayish black or dark brown. Scorching marks on the muzzle, chest and legs are clearly visible. Dogs with white spots are rejected.
When buying a hunting individual, you can not contact random people. The thoroughbred puppies of a yagd terrier are on sale through cynological societies, clubs or federation of hunting dog breeding. Having bought a pet with documents from manufacturers, with proven working and exterior qualities, you can not doubt his health and learning ability.
Maintenance, care and feeding
The dog is unpretentious in grooming. Despite the apparent fragility, she is not afraid of the cold, works well in the cold. Wire-haired and smooth-haired yagd terriers can live on the street, in an aviary with a booth, on the insulated loggia of a city apartment.
Special care for the coat is not required; it is combed out several times a week with a hard brush. If the dog lives in the apartment, bathe once a month or as needed. Attention requires claws, teeth, ears. Claws are cut with clippers once a month, teeth are cleaned for the prevention of tartar several times a week. For ears in a veterinary pharmacy buy a special lotion that is applied to a cotton swab, wipe the ear passages of the pet once a week.
They are fed mainly meat, adding some vegetables and porridge to the daily diet. There are no problems with appetite - increased activity requires replenishment of energy reserves. The natural products that the dog is given also include scar, fish fillet, quail eggs, dairy products, greens. When choosing ready-made dry feeds, they prefer holistic products of the super premium class.
Yagdas need daily walks, interesting and time-consuming. At the weekend they go out with the dog to the countryside, to the forest. Keeping in a private house with free access to the courtyard is more convenient, but does not exempt from daily activities with a pet.
Training of a German hunting terrier
Raising a puppy should begin very early, training carefully, not paying attention to the small growth of the dog. This dog with a strong character, it requires a respectful attitude. You cannot scream for submission, otherwise the dog will become embittered, stop trusting the person, refuse to help on the hunt.
The animal is endowed with fearless anger towards the beast. By nature, this is a dog with a balanced and mobile psyche, he has excellent reflexes. He learns commands quickly, but does not need hard training. You can take OKD at a special site with other dogs and an instructor. Training of the yagd terrier should be carried out taking into account the independent nature of the hunting breed.
At exhibitions, in addition to the exterior, the individual qualities of the nominee are checked. Judges evaluate the work on the bird, on the trail of the beast, make sure of the dog’s ability to understand the owner’s commands, experience the speed of reaction and movements, endurance and strength. Hunting clubs organize competitions and training for yagdas.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
The positive qualities of the German Terrier will be immediately appreciated by an experienced hunter. It is for such a person that the German dog is intended. He will never be just a companion dog or pet.
Advantages of the German hunting terrier:
- bold and stubborn character;
- enjoys work;
- hardy, healthy, energetic;
- reliable, devoted to his master;
- sociable, fearless and non-aggressive;
- eats little and does not require special care;
- It lends itself well to training and training with proper handling.
The disadvantages of the breed include the difficulty of training for an inexperienced dog breeder and narrow specialization - the berries are intended only for hunting.
Intelligent, active, hardworking, completely dedicated dogs. So you can describe the German hunting terriers. Their courage amazes and delights. Sometimes it seems that they completely lack the instinct of self-preservation.