German Spitz has long earned universal acclaim. An active and energetic dog captivates others, and in the blink of an eye becomes the center of attention. However, having bought the small size and cute face of the Spitz, one should not forget that some varieties of the breed can "unexpectedly" turn into a rather large animal, which will cause owners a lot of trouble.

Breed description

Within the breed, which is characterized by pointed muzzles of animals, medium-sized small ears, small eyes, a square physique and a tail adjacent to the back, 5 varieties stand out and are bred separately. If too large or small puppies appear in the litter, they are subject to an expert assessment, as a result of which changes can be made to the pedigree regarding the growth subspecies.

German Spitz can rightly be considered universal dogs: they can perform the functions of not only a companion, but also a guard. Animals are human-centered, easily trained, establish excellent relationships with children and other pets. All Spitz perfectly live in apartment conditions, and in a private house. However, if small species normally do without walking in the fresh air, getting used to a stationary toilet, then large individuals need prolonged training and walking.

Varieties of breed:

NameGrowth at the withers, cmWeight, kgColor
Keeshond or Wolfspitz43-5525-30Sonar gray
Big spitz42-5017-20White, black, brown
Middle Spitz30-388-12White, orange, zonal gray, black, cream, cream-sable, orange-sable, black and tan, spotted.
Small German Spitz23-294-7
Dwarf (Pomeranian)18-223,5

Origin history

German Spitz - refers to the ancient breeds. Peat dogs that lived 2.5 million years ago are considered their ancestors. In the Middle Ages, Spitz dogs were bred for various tasks, as evidenced by their current size: Wolf Spitz dogs in Aachen, Düsseldorf were peasant assistants and were used as guards and shepherds, but in Pomerania, dog handlers took up the job of reducing the size of the dog, which was designed to become a companion of beautiful representatives of the aristocracy. Interestingly, breeding work on breeding miniature dogs at the English court was completed.

On the North American continent, the breed was admitted to the exhibition as a separate group in 1900. The event was the impetus for the creation of a special breed club in Germany. And already 13 years later the first stud book was published.

The nature and behavior of German Spitz

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a sharp mind, thanks to which they quickly learn. They are balanced and friendly to all members of the family. Their loyalty is limitless: Spitz can only be taught to execute commands given by the owner. They are excellent friends, keenly aware of all the changes in the mood of the owner.

Spitzs are playful and remain mobile even in old age. They are good-natured and patient, which can sometimes cause injuries: if a small child hurts a dog, it will endure at the cost of its health, without even making a sound. Therefore, do not leave the animal alone with small households.

Their love of attention and strong affection can cause the Spitz to bark loudly, jump and follow the owner along the heels throughout the day so as not to be alone. In relation to strangers and other animals, the four-legged friend is guided by the attitude of the owner. But courage and determination cannot be taken away from him. During the walk, you must not lose sight of the pet so that it does not get involved in an unequal battle with representatives of service breeds.

Breed standard and puppy selection

Despite the 5 varieties identified by growth, physique and color, a general description of the breed, the nature of which is practically devoid of aggressive features, was approved in 2013 by the ICF Commission:

  • The head is round, medium in size.
  • The nose is small, black.
  • Muzzle - narrowed, shortened.
  • Jaw - regular scissor bite.
  • The eyes are small and slightly elongated.
  • Ears - Small, triangular-shaped auricles set high.
  • Build - a compact square format body with a well-developed chest.
  • The withers are high.
  • The limbs are erect with pronounced angles.
  • The tail is fluffy, adjacent to a short, strong back (double curl is allowed).
  • Wool - a hard coat has a thick and soft undercoat.

Puppy selection

Before purchasing a Spitz, you must first determine its future appointment.

If you plan to participate with your pet in exhibitions, then the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Age - it is better to give preference to six-month-old puppies, whose teeth have changed, their hair and skeleton have formed, and it’s already possible to determine with confidence the future growth and weight category of the animal.
  • Socialization - German Spitz puppies must be socialized, which does not cause breakdowns in nurseries and trusted breeders. From birth, babies communicate not only with their mother, but also with their own kind.
  • The presence of a veterinary passport - documents confirm the healthy condition of the baby and the presence of all necessary vaccinations.

When buying a pet class puppy of a lower price category, discrepancies with exterior standards are allowed. However, one should not forget that, acquiring an inexpensive animal with hands and without documents, from an Spitz-shaped mestizo an animal can grow up, very vaguely reminiscent of a German Spitz.

Features of keeping a dog

With the exception of Wolfspitz, which can live in an aviary, the rest of the breed is considered indoor.

Before purchasing them, you need to take care of the following things:

  • Plank bed - a protected, comfortable place away from heaters is assigned to a small blanket. A bowl of clean water is placed next to it.
  • Toilet - for small species, a tray is used, which is installed near the front door.
  • Leash and carrying - large representatives of the breed require daily long walks on a leash or harness. Although Pomeranian spitzing a visit to the street will only benefit. If the plans include traveling with your pet or participating in exhibitions, then carrying is a must-have accessory.

Care, health and feeding

When getting a dog, the future owner must be aware of all the responsibility that will be assigned to him, including the constant care of the pet.

Hair care

The period of molting in Spitz is pronounced. Until the removal of all old wool, it is necessary to comb out the pet daily. But you should not cut the hairline: this can lead to hypothermia and disease of the animal. Show dogs need grooming with special cosmetics.

When bathing, suitable shampoos and conditioners are necessarily used. When water procedures are completed, the hair of the Spitz should be slightly dampened so as not to create new tangles. Dry the pet with a hairdryer.

Eye, ear and tooth care

Spitz eyes and ears are not susceptible to disease and need only systematic examination and treatment with special lotions applied to cotton pads. The teeth of the pet are cleaned regularly (especially when feeding with natural food).


Spitz can be fed with both dry premium food and natural food. In the case of self-cooking, the diet should be based on dietary meats and offal. Sour-milk products, fruits, vegetables and cereals act as sources of other nutrients. When feeding light-colored Spitz, we must not forget that they are prone to allergies, which often manifests itself in chicken and wheat.


In passive animals, paraanal glands located on both sides of the anus can become inflamed. For prevention purposes, small dogs rarely on the street should be cleaned regularly.

Parenting and training

The training of a smart pet should begin from the first days of its appearance in housing, while establishing conditions for cohabitation. If the Spitz is forbidden to sleep on the master bed, then under no pretext should this be allowed. Otherwise, the dog will form a misconception about the prohibitions. In the future, you can begin to teach the four friends the basic commands, relying only on patience, affection and goodies. The use of force is unacceptable.

Pros and cons of the breed

Advantages of charming dogs:

  • variety of sizes;
  • lack of excessive aggression;
  • pronounced watchdog qualities;
  • lack of a specific smell in wool;
  • goodwill towards children and other pets;
  • adaptability to room maintenance.

The dog German Spitz with all its positive qualities has several disadvantages:

  • the need for large varieties for long walks;
  • soreness of dwarf spitz;
  • loud and frequent barking of small representatives of the breed.

How much is a German Spitz

The cost of puppies is determined not only by the correspondence to the exterior, but also by belonging to the variety:

  • The most expensive type is miniature spitz: the baby’s lower price threshold from titled parents is $ 1,500.
  • Kleinspitz can be purchased from $ 800 to $ 1,500.
  • Medium and large species, despite the rarity, are the cheapest: the cost varies from $ 300-800.

So, if the choice fell on the German Spitz, then before acquiring it is worthwhile to carefully study the characteristics of the breed, the main nuances of its maintenance and care, as well as really evaluate its own strength so as not to doom a faithful dog to a joyless life alone.