A strong German shepherd has long been a reference dog. She is able to understand the owner at a glance, ready to give her life for him. Everyone who buys a puppy and correctly educates him will be able to evaluate all the advantages of the breed.
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Description and characteristics of the breed
The systematic breeding of the breed began more than 100 years ago in Germany. The ancestors of the German Shepherd were dogs, guarding the sheep. This breed was created for human service - selection was successful. Dogs have become talented performers: they are very amenable to training. With a good upbringing and training, they unquestioningly carry out the work entrusted to them, they are always restrained and balanced.
It is difficult to find more talented service and guard animals.
A wonderful scent helps them find smuggling while working at customs, and a powerful physique helps them to be security guards and neutralize hooligans.
German Shepherd is suitable for families with children. She will never harm the child, she will be happy to take part in outdoor children's games. But she needs to pay a lot of attention, then she will respond with love and obedience.
Origin history
The man who made the German Shepherd a world-famous breed was captain Max von Stefanitz. He put a lot of work into the formation of the breed: until his death, for 36 years, he headed the Union of German Shepherd Owners. Dog Khorand, owned by the captain, became the ancestor of the breed, winner of exhibitions. 5 years after the death of Stefanitz, the Second World War began.
At the end of the war, the number of dogs suitable for breeding was reduced to a few individuals. The breed was revived only thanks to the work of enthusiasts.
Life span
German shepherds do not belong to centenarians: how many dogs live depends on many reasons.
The maximum lifespan of healthy individuals is about 15 years.
The following factors lead to a reduction in this period:
- hereditary diseases;
- excess weight;
- nervous stress;
- unbalanced nutrition;
- lack of movement in urban apartments.
Large dogs live smaller than their medium-sized counterparts due to joint problems. Good care, regular visits to the veterinarian and good nutrition can significantly extend the life of the pet.
German Shepherd breed standard
The standard, approved at the end of the 19th century, subsequently changed several times. The latest edition refers to 2010. At first glance, the dog gives the impression of a strong, muscular animal of medium height with a slightly elongated body.
There are many breeding lines: some breeders focus on the exterior, others on the service qualities of the dog.
But a single standard has been approved, which purebred animals must comply with:
- maximum growth at the withers of males - 65 cm (in females 5 cm less), body length 10-15% longer than growth;
- head shape like a wedge, the width of the skull corresponds to the length;
- jaws strong, with a scissor bite and 42 teeth;
- nose straight, without hump and hollow;
- eyes oval, set slightly obliquely, dark;
- black nose lobe;
- neck Muscular
- ears erect, looking at the sink forward;
- strong, straight back and moderately wide chest;
- tail lowered and slightly curved, with elongated hair;
- front paws straight, back slightly set back;
- leather without folds;
- wool stiff, short, tight-fitting, with undercoat, on the neck and limbs it is slightly longer;
- the weight males up to 42 kg, bitches - up to 32 kg.
Necessarily evaluated also the temperament of the shepherd. He should not have signs of cowardice or aggression towards people and other animals. A long-haired German shepherd has been a separate breed since 2010, but long-haired puppies can be born to smooth-haired parents.
Puppy selection criteria
Puppy selection starts at home, before visiting shows and kennels. First you need to decide who to take - a bitch or a dog. For beginner dog breeders, those who buy their first dog, dog handlers are advised to take a bitch. She is more obedient and calm, capable of a subtle perception of reality, better than a dog amenable to training.
In males there are also qualities attractive to the owner - courage, strength, indefatigability and excitement. But they almost always try to dominate man. Their upbringing will require firmness of character and iron will.
You can buy an adult dog, but at the risk of getting a lot of bad habits in the kit. The breeder is most satisfied with the puppy’s self-education.
Before buying, you need to determine for what purpose the dog is needed - just like a pet, a winner of exhibitions or for service, protection, protection.
A beautiful dog with a beautiful exterior does not always have good service qualities. Therefore, you need to focus on the achievements of parents - suitability for service is well inherited. The black German shepherd most likely will not become the winner of the exhibitions, black color is the priority.
Do not dwell on the first litter you like. Better to go to different nurseries. Preference should be given to suburban establishments where puppies can spend a lot of time in the fresh air. There they are healthier and stronger.
Choosing a litter, it will be easy to find a puppy you like in it. He should not be cowardly or too aggressive. You need to choose an active and balanced baby.Better yet, if he himself “chooses” you. After examining the future pet, you need to make sure that he is healthy, has no birth defects that can lead to disqualification. It is necessary to make adjustments for age, to take into account when the ears of the German shepherd stand, the bite and color are finally formed. The breeder needs to request a puppy card.
The purpose and nature of the dog
The breed has different breeding lines, its best representatives may differ in their ability to work. Trained German shepherd dogs are used in the police service, at customs. They smell smuggling by the smell, help to find criminals and missing people.
The owners of the German Shepherd must be athletic people leading an active lifestyle. A dog needs a lot of loads so that the excess of its energy is directed only in a positive direction.
Maintenance, care and feeding
Dogs are fed natural food or high-quality dry food. In summer, you need more food than in winter, because physical activity increases. The amount of dry food for an adult animal is about 600 g. But the exact figure depends on the pet’s appetite, its weight, the quality of the food and much more. As for the kids, the breeder needs to find out how to feed the puppy for the first time.
A treat for a dog is best prepared on its own. To do this, boil chicken or beef, and dry in the oven at low temperature. Dried pieces of meat will be an excellent treat during training, tasty and healthy.
German shepherd sheds. After it remains a lot of wool on furniture and carpets. This is one minus of the large number of advantages of the breed. Comb the dog with several combs - with long teeth and short, as well as a furminator. On top, they are smoothed with a special rubber mitten to remove dead skin. The abdomen and legs are washed daily after a walk. Bathe completely as necessary when the coat becomes dirty.
Walk your pet at least 2 times a day. For walking, it is convenient to use a harness so that the dog does not strangle in a collar. With the help of such ammunition, she will be able to tow a child on a sled, skier or cyclist.
How to train and raise a German shepherd
The sooner you start training your puppy, the better. Until a certain age, he must be educated, understand the commands of the owner. Classes from 6 months are the norm, but simple teams are taught even earlier. The main thing is to establish contact with the pet, then he will do everything to please the owner. For the sake of praise and approval, he will easily master the necessary model of behavior and various tricks, even without grueling training and repeated repetitions. To encourage dogs they use different tricks - praise, give a treat, allow you to play with your favorite toy.
It’s easy to train a German shepherd on a leash. At first, at home, they regularly put on her collar for a short time, and then a collar with a tied leash. Soon you can go out with the dog.
To accustom to a muzzle is a little more difficult. They begin to do this even in puppyhood. Buy a puppy a small plastic muzzle, suitable in size. They are fed for several days in a row from a muzzle, building an association with a bowl for food. When looking at the muzzle, the puppy should have the most positive emotions. When he gets used to this thing, they put it on his face, gradually increasing the wearing time.
It is important to play with a dog. Various balls, frisbee are suitable for this. German shepherds love to swim. Specially accustom them to water is not necessary. If you make the little puppy swim, it can cause a protest on his part.
Pros and cons of the breed
German shepherd is very mobile. She needs regular physical activity, daily training, long walks and games. A lazy person, limited in time and strength, should not have such a dog. This is probably the only minus of the breed.
The positive qualities include the quick-wittedness of shepherd dogs, their natural health and endurance. They are loyal to the owner, get along well with children and other animals.
In order not to be disappointed in the nature of the future pet, it is advisable to know how to choose the right puppy using the Campbell test.
How much is a dog
The price of a German shepherd puppy purchased in a kennel is from 300 to 900 dollars and above. Breeders spend a lot of money on keeping breeding animals, breeding, medical care, raising puppies, so this price is justified and cannot be lower.
For 300 dollars they sell animals without outstanding qualities and even with small defects.
A good purebred puppy will have to pay about $ 500. And the posterity of prize parents is sold at the maximum price