Neuromultivitis is a medication that is classified as a multivitamin combination complex.

The medicine contains three basic B vitamins in therapeutic dosages and is designed to improve the functioning of the nervous system, restore damaged nerve fibers, relieve inflammation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and provide a moderate analgesic effect in neuralgia.

Forms of release, composition

Neuromultivitis produced in Austria enters the pharmacy network in two medical forms:

  1. Convex white film-coated tablets having a white or pinkish color with dark pink spots on the cut. Packed in 20 or 60 pieces in a blister and a cardboard box.
  2. Ampoules of dark brown glass with a volume of 2 ml with a ready-made medicinal solution of red color with a specific smell, intended exclusively for insertion into the muscle. In a cardboard pack place 1 or 2 blisters with 5 ampoules.

The composition of Neuromultivitis includes neurotropic vitamins that form the therapeutic basis of the medication:

  • cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) - 200 μg per tablet, 1 mg in an ampoule;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) - 200 mg and 100 mg per tablet and ampoule, respectively;
  • thiamine hydrochloride (B1) - 100 mg in both dosage forms.

As for the additional substances, the tablet form has form-forming components - magnesium stearate, macrogol 6000, cellulose, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, Eudrazhit NE30D, povidone and talc, and the ampoule contains injection water and diethanolamine.

What diseases is prescribed the drug neuromultivitis

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of the drug is determined by the properties of the three B vitamins and their combined therapeutic effect.

Active substances have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the nervous, neuromuscular system by:

  • stimulation of restoration of damaged neurons;
  • activation of metabolism in nerve tissues and the formation of new cells;
  • improve transmission of nerve impulses that control muscle fiber contractions;
  • activating blood flow and improving the functioning of all parts of the nervous system;
  • providing a painkiller effect.


Neuromultivitis is prescribed as one of the drugs in the treatment of neuralgia, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the motor apparatus, including pathologies such as:

  • "Radicular syndrome" with damage to the nerve plexuses of the lumbosacral region (sciatica), lumbago, plexitis, radiculitis; damage to the trigeminal nerve (neuritis); shoulder-scapular syndrome;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • lesions of the nervous system with alcohol intoxication;
  • polyneuritis (multiple lesions of nerve fibers and endings);
  • paralysis of the cervical vertebrae;
  • diabetic, toxic and traumatic polyneuropathy (degenerative-dystrophic changes in the peripheral nerves in diabetes mellitus, infection, poisoning, severe injuries);
  • facial nerve neuritis;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • dorsalgia (pain in the spine) with osteochondrosis or for reasons not identified.

In addition to the indications specified in the official instructions, Neuromultivitis with the permission of the treating specialist is successfully used:

  • with neurological disorders of a different nature, depressive states, psychoses;
  • in the complex treatment of dermatological skin diseases;
  • as one of the auxiliary drugs in the treatment of ocular pathologies;
  • for the prevention of neurological disorders with a deficiency of vitamins of this group;
  • with increased emotional stress, stress, intellectual stress.

How is excreted from the body

B1, B6 and B12 are dissolved in water, therefore, they do not create reserves in the body, are absorbed in the stomach, small intestine, and processed by liver enzymes.

B1 and B6 are excreted by the kidneys, B12 mainly along with bile and in small quantities with urine.

Instructions for use for adults and children

Tablet form

Neuromultivitis tablets, without breaking or biting, are taken orally after a meal, washed down with a sufficient volume of water.

The average dose for a patient from 16 years old is 1 to 3 tablets per day, which depends on the type of disease, the severity of the abnormal process, and age.

The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. With a three-time intake of tablets, experts do not approve of long-term medication treatment (longer than 4 weeks).


To reduce severe pain during the development or exacerbation of diseases in which Neuromultivitis is indicated, the drug solution is slowly (!) Injected deep into the muscle once a day, 2 ml (1 ampoule). The course of treatment is every day for 5 to 10 days.

With the rapid introduction of the drug solution into the muscle, seizures may develop.

Next, they switch to a gentle regimen of administration: one injection 2 to 3 times a week for 14 to 20 days. However, with a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition, it is better to switch to the internal administration of medication in the form of tablets in order to minimize the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Important! Intravenous administration of a solution of Neuromultivitis is prohibited.

Treatment for children and adolescents

In accordance with the instructions, in pediatrics, neuromultivitis in tablets is used only after the adolescent reaches the age of 12 years, since there is no study on the safety of the drug in younger children. An injection agent is not prescribed for patients under 16 years of age.

The complex contains high dosages that exceed the average daily dose of vitamins of this group, so when prescribing to children, there is a real chance of an overdose and the development of severe undesirable reactions. Therefore, instead of neuromultivitis, analogues with a children's dosage should be used.

Features of the drug

Neuromultivitis features include the effect of vitamin B12, which “masks” the symptoms of folic acid deficiency.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Neuromultivitis treatment of nursing mothers and women awaiting the birth of a baby is not recommended due to the lack of information about the harmlessness of the drug for this category of patients.

The state of pregnancy makes the body particularly sensitive and vulnerable, therefore, the rare side effects of the drug in the expectant mother can take a pronounced and unpredictable form, including allergic reactions.

The doses of vitamins in the Neuromultivit complex significantly exceed the daily recommended dose, and therefore B1 in high concentration can affect the course of pregnancy, the development of the embryo and the condition of the woman herself.

B6 will increase heartburn, which pregnant women often suffer from, provoke exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers, liver diseases.

B12 seriously affects blood coagulation, and an overdose can increase its viscosity, cause blood clots, disrupt fetoplacental blood flow and blood supply to the fetus, which is unacceptable.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Contraindications for taking the drug include:

  • allergic reactions to all components
  • medication, including excipients;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 12 years (for tablets), and age up to 16 years (for injection);
  • severe chronic myocardial failure.

With caution, tablets should be taken for people with drug and food allergies, and it is better for such patients to refuse the use of the drug in injections.

Doctors note that in most patients, neuromultivitis in tablets extremely rarely causes undesirable reactions and is well tolerated in compliance with the doses and duration of the prescribed course. If the treatment is carried out in the form of injections, it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition more strictly.

When exceeding the prescribed dose and long-term administration, the following adverse reactions may develop:

  • nausea, manifestations of “urticaria” in the form of an itchy rash and blisters;
  • heartburn as a result of an increase in the concentration of stomach acid;
  • irritation, redness, and itching at the injection site.

In rare cases, you may experience:

  • short-term tachycardia, arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbance);
  • headache, tinnitus; very rarely - sweating, overexcitation or daytime drowsiness, trembling fingers.

If unwanted symptoms appear during treatment with Neuromultivitis, you should stop taking the medication and immediately inform your doctor.

In individual patients, with an incorrect (fast) injection of a solution or ingestion of a solution into a vessel, as well as with an overdose, it may develop:

  • bouts of vomiting, pressure drop, bradycardia (a sharp decrease in heart rate), arrhythmia, convulsions, confusion;
  • dizziness, weakness, hearing impairment, sensation of heat, pain in the heart;
  • acute allergic reaction in the form of angioneurotic edema, shortness of breath, in some cases with a quick injection - anaphylactic shock.

With the described acute adverse reactions, emergency medical attention and an urgent call of the ambulance team are required.

Signs of an overdose of vitamins contained in the drug can appear only after exceeding the course of treatment in the form of injections or after prolonged internal intake of high doses. This can provoke numbness in the extremities, convulsive attacks, lead to eczema, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, hypochromic anemia.

Interaction with other pharmaceuticals

Neuromultivitis should not be combined:

  • with such drugs for Parkinson's disease as: Levodopa, L-dopa, Doparkin, Kaldopa, Dopaflex due to a decrease in the effectiveness of these drugs;
  • with other medicines and complexes containing B vitamins (overdose is possible).

The therapeutic effect of a pharmaceutical is reduced if it is taken together:

  • with alcohol and ethanol-containing drugs;
  • with medicines, which include biguanides (hypoglycemic drugs) and colchicine alkaloid;
  • with isoniazid and penicillin.

Budget analogues of Neuromultivitis

Analogs of Neuromultivitis are other drugs that are close to this neurovitamin complex in their composition and therapeutic effect.

Among them:

  • specific complexes only with B vitamins (in tablets, capsules and ampoules) - Combilipen, Trigamma, Compligam B with the anesthetic Lidocaine, Milgamma, Vitaxone, Neurobion, Blagomaks, Neurovit;
  • common multivitamins containing lower doses of B1, B6 and B12: Complivit, Pikovit, Undevit, Biomax, Hexavit, Gendevit.

One of the budget options for analogues of Neuromultivitis in tablet form with the same combination of active substances is Pentovit. But the dose of vitamins in it is much less, so Pentovit is taken according to a different scheme. Approximately the same cost at Kombilipen, Blagomaks.

Before selecting an analogue, it is better to consult with a treating specialist who will calculate the desired dose and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.