Ginseng tincture is a popular tonic used to treat a number of disorders of the nervous system. The drug is sold in pharmacies, but it is quite simple to prepare it yourself.
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Composition of ginseng tincture
Tincture is available in the form of drops in small glass bottles with a capacity of 50 and 100 ml. Each bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser. The composition of the drug is quite simple - this is ginseng root extract. Ethanol (70%) is used as an extractant.
Drops are a brownish liquid with an easily recognizable odor and bitter taste. Since the drug is made from natural raw materials, during prolonged storage a precipitate is formed that does not affect the pharmaceutical properties of the drug.
Each bottle is additionally packed in a cardboard box, which contains detailed instructions for use. The drug can be stored for 3 years, avoiding direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as hypothermia or overheating of the drug. It is best to store the tincture in a darkened room at a temperature of 9-150 C.
Ginseng tincture: healing properties
The properties of the drug are due to the composition of the main active substance. Ginseng root contains a large number of trace elements, B vitamins, vitamin C, glycosides and essential oils. The use of the drug for the female body is the presence of phytoestrogens in the composition of ginseng root.
Features of the drug:
- general strengthening effect;
- toning of the nervous system;
- adaptogenic properties;
- hypertensive effect;
- hypoglycemic property.
The tonic effect of tincture is due to the large number of vitamins in the root composition from which the drug is made. The drug strengthens the immune system, positively affects the activity of the nervous system, protecting against stress and helping to overcome them.
The adaptogenic effect of the tincture is manifested in an increase in endurance, strength and normalization of the emotional state, so this drug is often prescribed to people who regularly face high loads, both mental and physical.
Another useful property of the drug is the stimulation of sexual function in men and women. Ginseng is the best way to increase sexual desire.
Due to the hypertensive effect, ginseng increases blood pressure, thereby relieving fatigue and giving a boost of strength and energy.
The hypoglycemic effect of the drug will be appreciated by people with diabetes, as ginseng tincture helps lower blood glucose levels. At the same time, it increases appetite, so people who follow a strict diet may not be able to tincture.
The drug stimulates the activity of the cerebral cortex, thereby increasing efficiency and improving attention. Reception tinctures enhances the processes of nervous system excitation - this is how the tonic effect of the drug manifests itself. Taking large doses of tincture has the opposite effect - it enhances the inhibitory processes of the nervous system, providing a calming effect.
Indications for use
The drug is used as an independent tool or as part of complex therapy of the following conditions and disorders:
- vegetovascular or neurocirculatory dystonia;
- asthenic syndrome;
- chronic fatigue;
- weakening of cognitive functions of the brain due to stress;
- neurasthenic condition;
- arterial hypotension.
Tincture stimulates metabolism, improves immunity and improves performance, which is why it is often prescribed to people who have had serious illnesses, with the goal of speeding up the restoration of the whole body.
The drug is used to reduce mental performance. It is recommended to take tincture to people whose lifestyle is associated with intense physical activity.
Tincture of ginseng root has a positive effect on potency in men, therefore it can be recommended as a means to normalize sexual function against the background of disorders of neurasthenic origin, neurosis or severe stress.
Instructions for use
Tincture is taken in its pure form, 10-25 drops three times a day. The tool increases appetite, but does not adversely affect the gastric mucosa, so the drug should be drunk half an hour before a meal.
Tincture has a tonic effect, so it should be taken only in the morning. Taking medication in the evening can lead to insomnia.
If the taste of tincture is unpleasant for a person, it is allowed to dilute the product with water in equal proportions. The exact dosage, schedule and duration of treatment depend on the indications. On average, taking tincture is necessary for three weeks. Then you need a three-week break, and the course of treatment can be repeated.
Features of application for women
How to take tincture for women - it depends on the evidence. Representatives of the fair sex usually face migraines against a background of low pressure, decreased performance and chronic fatigue. In this case, tincture of ginseng root is taken 15 drops in the morning and afternoon for three weeks.
For the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia according to the hypotonic type, it is necessary to take a drug of 20 drops three times a day. The first results of treatment will be noticeable after a few days.
To increase sex drive, women should take the drug for two weeks, 20 drops 1 time per day. This is enough to activate the processes of excitation of the nervous system.
Ginseng for men
General indications and dosages of the drug are the same for men and women. Men should know that ginseng tincture helps to solve problems of an intimate nature associated with weakening potency due to prolonged stress, neurosis and other disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. Moreover, tincture of the plant root is widely used in the treatment of psychological impotence.
The benefits of ginseng tincture for men is the stimulating effect of the drug. You can take the drug in two ways - regularly or immediately before sexual intercourse. In the first case, the drug is drunk twice a day for 15 drops, in the second case, tincture is taken 20 drops an hour before sexual intercourse. It is important to consider that the use of tinctures in the evening can be fraught with the development of sleep problems.
Drug interaction
Ginseng tincture is a fairly safe drug, but still requires caution with prolonged use. The drug enhances the effect of anesthetics, including caffeine and phenamine. When taken with a large amount of caffeine, symptoms of arterial hypertension and an increase in heart rate may appear.
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The drug weakens the effect of sleeping pills. Ginseng tincture cannot be taken with antipsychotics, since the effect of the latter is significantly reduced. With simultaneous administration with barbiturates, there is a decrease in the effectiveness of the latter, but an increase in the load on the liver and kidneys.
Ginseng tincture preparation at home
To prepare the tincture yourself, you need to purchase high-quality raw materials. Doing this is better in specialized health food stores or ordering root directly from China.
To prepare the medicine, grind 100 g of the root, place in a glass container and pour 500 ml of vodka. Cork the container with a lid and leave it in a dark, dry place to insist for a month. Every two days, the tincture should be shaken. After a month, the product is filtered and taken according to the described scheme for treatment or prevention.
Contraindications and side effects
You should refuse to take the drug in the following cases:
- intolerance to ginseng;
- childhood;
- hypertension
- insomnia;
- increased irritability of the nervous system;
- epilepsy;
- pregnancy.
The drug contains alcohol. When taking tinctures, you must abandon driving.
Side effects - insomnia, nervous irritability, increased blood pressure. When taking large doses of the drug, nausea with vomiting, migraine, vertigo, shortness of breath appears. If such symptoms appear, stop taking tinctures and consult a doctor. In the case of a strong increase in blood pressure, it is recommended that a person go to bed and calm down, but do not take drugs to reduce blood pressure, since the action of tincture weakens on its own several hours after administration.