Folk recipes allow you to use a huge amount of valuable health products that are not involved in traditional medicine. Among them - tincture on pine nuts, a remedy, the level of healing potential of which can well be compared with many drugs.
Material Content:
The chemical composition of tincture on pine nuts
Pine nuts are seeds of cedar pine that grows in Siberia. Despite the name, pine nuts are not related to cedars - the seeds of these trees are inedible.
The so-called "cedar" is an alcohol tincture made from pine nuts. Cedar pine nuts are rich in nutrients, most of which are preserved in the manufacture of tinctures.
The drink contains:
- cedar oil, rich in record amounts of vitamin E and P, as well as lecithin, unsaturated fatty acids and aminocarboxylic acids;
- nitrogenous substances - multifunctional protein compounds, which include nitrogen;
- carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, sucrose and starch;
- vitamins A, C, D, K and group B, including B2 (riboflavin), which supports the life of working cells;
- trace elements - magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, molybdenum, aluminum, boron, silicon, nickel, silver, silicon, strontium, potassium, sulfur;
- deficient amino acids - lysine, methionine, tryptophan, arginine, essential components of the proteins of living organisms;
- fiber - important dietary fiber for human life;
- pectin substances.
Not only the kernels, but also the nutshells are distinguished by a high level of biological value. Therefore, tincture is prepared both from kernels and from inshell pine nuts.
Beneficial features
Since the process of preparing cedar does not require heat treatment, all the valuable substances contained in the seeds of Siberian pine go into the drink. Thus, the use of tincture is due to the value of nutrients in its composition.
The healing properties of tincture on pine nuts can hardly be overestimated:
- normalization of cholesterol in the blood;
- compensation for protein hunger when switching to a vegetarian diet;
- restoration of the functions of the liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
- the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body;
- stimulation of the functionality of the gonads;
- improving the quality of the blood;
- strengthening the nervous system;
- stabilization of metabolic processes;
- improvement of mental activity;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- strengthening the potential of the immune system;
- increased tone and performance;
- tissue regeneration, healing of wounds, burns and bruises;
- restoration of elasticity of cartilage and articular tissues;
- lymph cleansing;
- improved hearing and vision;
- antitumor effect.
A characteristic feature of the effect of pine nut is considered the absence of a hangover after its use. However, a large amount of drink will not make the healing process more intensive.
Kedrovka benefits health only if you drink it in a course, as a medicine - with the exact observance of the recommended dose.
What diseases does it help
Tincture from the seeds of Siberian pine can be used not only as an internal, but also as an external remedy. The method of application is determined by what diseases a person wants to get rid of.
Internal intake of tincture allows you to restore strength and strengthen the body, get rid of cold symptoms, relieve back pain, improve well-being with kidney diseases, fill up the deficiency of vitamins and valuable biological substances during vitamin deficiency, improve the gastrointestinal tract, increase the resistance of the nervous system to stress and irritants , restore hearing and improve eye health.
Externally, cedar tincture is used for skin lesions:
- as lotions for healing wounds and cuts;
- like rubbing with colds;
- as a rinse for inflammatory processes in the throat;
- for douching in diseases of the female genital area;
- in the form of baths with lichen, pustular lesions, eczema.
For joint pain and salt deposition, both internal and external use of cedar is recommended.
With gastritis and an ulcer, the remedy protects the mucous membrane from irritations, has an enveloping and astringent effect, relieves soreness, and eliminates inflammatory processes.
With arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis, cedar tincture helps to relieve pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, and returns mobility to joints and vertebrae.
The main indications for use
Tincture from the seeds of Siberian pine is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
Among the main indications for the use of the drug:
- gastrointestinal tract pathologies - gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer, chronic hemorrhoids, biliary tract dyskinesia;
- kidney pathologies, including urolithiasis;
- anemia, leukemia and blood diseases;
- rheumatism;
- gout, lumbago and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- endemic goiter;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- scurvy;
- avitaminosis;
- ovarian cyst;
- uterine fibroids;
- deafness;
- neurosis;
- tonsillitis;
- bronchial asthma, bronchitis;
- decreased potency;
- skin diseases.
Acceptance of cedar is recommended for weight loss, loss of strength, a decrease in the body's defenses, as well as for the prevention of cancer.
Tincture on pine nuts: recipes
There are several recipes for tinctures, different in composition and cooking technology. However, not a single recipe will provide the proper therapeutic result if the choice of raw materials is made incorrectly.
Harvesting pine nuts occurs in early autumn. Accordingly, it is better to buy raw materials for the preparation of a medicinal drink during this period.
Fresh and high-quality nuts have a rich brown shell color. And the peeled kernels should be a gentle cream color, without spots or splashes. Any discoloration of the shell or kernels indicates the duration of storage.
Such a product is unlikely to be beneficial. In addition, stale nuts often change their taste and become bitter.
Raw material preparation
To prepare the tincture, an alcohol base is necessary. In traditional medicine, this role is played by alcohol, while folk recipes can be replaced - vodka or high-quality moonshine.
Before starting to prepare the drink, the seeds of cedar Siberian pine need to be thoroughly washed, cleaned of debris and impurities. Then they are poured with boiling water, after a few minutes the water is drained, repeating the procedure twice.
The fact is that on the surface of the shells of each nut a large amount of resinous substances is collected, the use of which can harm the health of the pancreas. In addition, resins have a pungent odor that can spoil the taste of tinctures.
Under the influence of boiling water, resins dissolve and pass into water. The effectiveness of the process can be judged by the color of the water - after pouring the liquid becomes brown.
We cook on vodka
The most popular among traditional healers is the classic recipe - tincture on pine nuts on vodka. Its preparation is simple: 500 ml of vodka is poured into 50 g of nuts and put in a dark place for two weeks. Then filter through gauze, cotton or dense tissue.
When taken, the cedar is diluted with water or tea. The magnitude of the therapeutic dose depends on the type of disease. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, take one tablespoon of tincture three times a day. For diseases of the digestive tract - 20 drops after a meal.
The course of treatment is a month. Then take a break for six months.
A single dose should not exceed 50 ml of tincture.
Moonshine cedar
On a half-liter can of moonshine take:
- 25 g pine nuts with shells;
- a tablespoon of sugar;
- a pinch of vanillin or a clove bud.
The peeled nuts are crushed with a hammer and poured into a glass jar. Then add sugar and vanilla or cloves, pour moonshine and mix. Then a tightly closed jar is placed in a dark but warm place and can withstand 10 days. It is recommended that you shake the contents of the jar every three days.
During this time, tincture on pine nuts on moonshine manages to infuse and acquire healing properties. Nevertheless, after filtering the drink, it is recommended to stand it for another three days in a dark place. Thus, the taste indicators of tincture are improved. Cedar is transparent, the color of cognac.
Tincture on pine nuts for alcohol
According to the traditional recipe, cedar with alcohol is prepared on peeled nuts. 50 g of nucleoli are filled with half a liter of alcohol and left in a dark place for three weeks.
From the inshell pine nuts
A drink made from peeled nuts has a high nutritional value. And with the addition of additional ingredients - also taste.
For eight liters of alcohol, take two liter cans of nuts with shells, seven buds of cloves, 250 g of honey and four tablespoons of oak bark. Withstand at least a month in a dark place.
To whom tincture is contraindicated
Cedar treatment is not recommended for all patients. In some cases, taking tincture can harm the body.
Among the main contraindications:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- alcoholism;
- hypersensitivity to pine nuts;
- children under 12 years old;
- transport management and work with industrial equipment;
- complex forms of liver pathologies.
Even in the absence of obvious contraindications, before proceeding with treatment with cedar, it is necessary to coordinate their actions with the doctor and seek his approval.