Herbal remedies are the best opportunity to take advantage of the healing properties of plants growing in various regions. For example, tincture of lemongrass preserves all the useful qualities of a living plant, therefore it is recommended for healing the body at any time of the year.
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Schizandra tincture: useful properties
Schisandra chinensis is a lianike plant common in the woodland of the Far East. The characteristic features of creepers are a delicate lemon aroma of leaves and bright red clusters of berries. The latter are rich in valuable for health substances and microelements.
The healing properties of lemongrass were noticed in antiquity. Chinese healers successfully used the plant to prepare potions delivered to the imperial court.
In the sixth century, lemongrass was included in the list of obligatory products for the treatment of the emperor. Today, this plant is officially recognized by medicine as a raw material for the manufacture of medicines.
The sweet pulp of lemongrass fruits contains a huge number of important trace elements that determine the medicinal value of the plant:
- Lignins (schizandrin, schizandrol, schizaterin, homisins) are phenolic compounds with unique tonic, adaptogenic and antioxidant properties, as well as antitumor activity. Lemongrass berries contain 10 types of such compounds.
- Catechins - polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids, effective antioxidants.
- Organic substances with acidic properties are citric, malic, tartaric and ascorbic acids, which normalize the activity of the digestive organs and support metabolic processes.
- Vitamins - thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), C, E.
- Pectins are polysaccharides, complex chemical compounds that provide the withdrawal of all types of toxins and cholesterol, rejuvenating the body.
- Tanides are tannins with bactericidal and antifungal properties.
In Chinese medicine, lemongrass is equal in its healing power to ginseng.
Indications for use
In medicine, tincture of lemongrass is used in two types - obtained on the basis of seeds and prepared from ripe fruits of the plant. Both drugs have a powerful tonic effect, due to the activity of biological substances present in parts of the vine.
Lemongrass-based products have analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, expectorant, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.
Read also:Schisandra chinensis - growing and care
Given the wide range of effects on the body, lemongrass tincture is indicated as a therapy for the following conditions:
- depression, asthenia;
- weakness and drowsiness inherent in a weakened body, decreased performance;
- nervous and psychological disorders;
- hypotension;
- visual impairment;
- weakening of cardiac and respiratory activity;
- decreased mental activity;
- the development of atherosclerosis;
- gallstone disease and cholecystitis;
- viral diseases and colds;
- pneumonia, bronchial asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis;
- schizophrenia.
In folk medicine, tincture of Schisandra chinensis is also used to treat impotence, anemia, kidney and liver dysfunctions, some gynecological diseases, with oncology, and also during the recovery period after infections.
Instructions for use tincture of Chinese magnolia vine
The medicine tincture of lemongrass is an alcoholic extract from the fruits and seeds of a plant. The drug is available in dark 50 ml vials. Each package of medicine contains instructions for the use of tincture of lemongrass with a description of indications and contraindications, as well as indicating the recommended therapeutic doses.
Dosage and conditions of administration
The basic rules for the use of the drug include an internal intake of 20-30 drops half an hour before a meal or 4 hours after a meal.
- As a tonic, tincture is taken, starting with 15 drops, slightly diluted with water. As treatment progresses, the single dose is gradually increased to 40 drops.
- To treat hyperopia, tincture of lemongrass is taken 20 drops twice in the afternoon. Three weeks later, take a break for 10 days. Then the course is repeated again.
- From vomiting, nausea, and as a choleretic agent, it is recommended to take 30 drops of tincture three times a day.
- With weakening of the body, nervous exhaustion and overwork, 30 drops of the drug are taken before each meal. If necessary, a single dose may be increased to 45 drops.
- For joint diseases and rheumatism, it is recommended to rub a small amount of tincture of lemongrass into sore spots. On average, the duration of the treatment course is 25 days. After a two-week break, therapy is allowed to repeat.
The effect of the drug persists for 4 hours, but the achievement of a stable therapeutic effect after taking lemongrass tincture is not observed immediately, but develops gradually.
Drug interaction
According to the international drug classification system, lemongrass tincture belongs to the group of general tonic drugs, the intake of which is not compatible with drugs that depress the central nervous system.
It is not recommended to use tincture of lemongrass simultaneously with:
- barbiturates;
- tranquilizers;
- antipsychotics;
- sleeping pills;
- as well as sedatives and antiepileptic drugs.
The use of the drug along with psychostimulants and analeptics enhances the action of the latter.
It is interesting:Far Eastern lemongrass: medicinal properties
Contraindications and side effects
Like most medicines, lemongrass tincture is not indicated for treatment in all patients.
Among the contraindications to taking the medicine:
- epilepsy;
- hypertension;
- cerebrovascular accident;
- acute infectious lesions;
- chronic liver disease;
- nervous agitation;
- pregnancy;
- alcoholism;
- children under 12 years old;
- palpitations.
In the presence of individual intolerance to substances in the magnolia vine, the development of adverse reactions is possible - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, rash, palpitations, and insomnia.
In the event of any negative manifestations after taking the tincture, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
How to make tincture of lemongrass at home?
With vegetable raw materials, lemongrass tincture can be easily prepared independently.
- The berries of the plant are placed in a dark glass container and poured with alcohol at the rate of 1: 5.
- The jar is sealed and placed in a cool dark place for two weeks.
- From time to time, it is recommended to shake the tincture.
After two weeks, such a home remedy is filtered twice and consumed in accordance with medical indications.
Treatment with tincture of lemongrass allows you to restore vigor and clarity of mind, restore lost strength, normalize vision, rejuvenate the body and avoid many diseases.
The main thing is to follow the doctor’s instructions and not deviate from the instructions set out in the instructions for the drug.