Tart and slightly bitter tincture of viburnum is a traditional Russian drink. Many owners insist berries in a special way on moonshine, vodka, alcohol. Everyone withholds the tricks of cooking. But we managed to learn secrets and find the best recipes for making viburnum tincture.
Material Content:
- 1 Viburnum tincture on vodka - a step-by-step recipe for the winter
- 2 Insist berries on alcohol at home
- 3 Homemade tincture of viburnum on moonshine for the winter
- 4 Option with sea buckthorn and spicy spices
- 5 Recipe for tincture with honey and cognac
- 6 Useful properties of tincture of viburnum
- 7 How to store a drink?
Viburnum tincture on vodka - a step-by-step recipe for the winter
Even in the "Lady - Peasant Woman", master Grigory of Murom treated the guest - Ivan Berestov - with his signature "stumbler": tincture of vodka and berries. Among the secret components, he also listed viburnum, which was highly appreciated in pre-revolutionary Russia for its unusual taste and healing properties. At the same time, tincture of viburnum on vodka is prepared very simply. All you need is a few berries, sugar and a bottle of “little white”.
Essential Ingredients:
- viburnum - 500 g;
- 200 g of sugar;
- a bottle of vodka 0.5 ml;
- a glass of clean water.
- for a slight acidity, you can add a pinch of citric acid; it will also serve as a preservative, increasing the shelf life of the drink.
You can add a handful of pine nuts - the taste will turn out more original.
We prepare the tincture step by step:
- We wash the berries, remove the branches.
- We fall asleep in a 3-liter glass jar.
- Pour viburnum with vodka.
- Berries should be “buried” in vodka by about 2 cm.
- We stir sugar in the water and boil the syrup.
- Let cool.
- Pour syrup into a jar of berries in a thin stream.
- Gently mix the composition.
- Cover the jar with a lid.
- We put her in a cool dark place for three weeks. The more the berry is infused, the tastier will be the tincture.
- Filter the finished drink through cheesecloth.
- Pour into glass bottles.
- We insist a few more days.
- Kalinovka can be drunk!
From these ingredients you get a not too strong drink - 30-35 degrees. It is drunk gently due to the presence of sugar. A glass or two for a good snack will fill the body with heat, raise your appetite, and improve blood circulation.
Insist berries on alcohol at home
The recipe for alcohol is also very popular. The main thing is that the alcohol be purified, that is, safe for health. Such a drink turns out to be quite strong, bitter, purely “masculine”. But alcohol reliably preserves all the useful properties of wedge berries.
- 300 g of viburnum;
- 0.5 l of alcohol;
- 500 ml of water.
Wash the berries and fill them with a transparent glass bottle. Fill with water, and then with alcohol. Close the lid and insist 30-40 days in a cool dark place. After a month, we filter the drink, pour into another bottle and wait another week. Kalinovka is ready for use. You’ll get a drink that can be consumed inside, apply compresses with it for medicinal purposes, add to baking: it gives a special flavor to muffins. Just be sure to know the measure!
Important! Viburnum berries are picked after the first frost: at this time they lose their bitterness, acquire a sweet taste.
Homemade tincture of viburnum on moonshine for the winter
Tincture on viburnum on moonshine - is popular in villages where alcohol and vodka are quite expensive. Craftsmen learned to make amazing moonshine and tinctures on moonshine. Viburnum, like a berry with a bright interesting taste, hides the specific taste of moonshine, making it softer.
It is interesting: viburnum red: useful properties and contraindications
We will need:
- 500 ml of moonshine;
- 250 g of berries of viburnum;
- 100 g of sugar.
We wash the guelder-rose, we fill it with sugar so that it gives juice. We shift it into a glass jar, fill it with moonshine. Mix the contents, cover, remove to a dark place for 14-20 days. We filter the drink, and stand for several more days. The brew is ready! The approximate strength of the drink is 25 degrees.
Sugar can not be added: so Kalinovka will come out a little stronger.
Option with sea buckthorn and spicy spices
Pouring with bitter notes, a little oily due to sea buckthorn and pungent, thanks to spices - an option for lovers of unusual drinks and spicy notes.
We will prepare a spotkach from the following components:
- vodka - 500 ml;
- berries of viburnum - 70 g;
- ripe sea-buckthorn - 70 g;
- a bag of black pepper peas - 25 g (or less, if you want to reduce the severity).
Washed and slightly dried berries of viburnum pour vodka. We close the jar with a lid and stand for 24 hours in a dark place. After a day, we fall asleep with black pepper and again stand the day. Add sea buckthorn. We insist the drink for a month, and then filter it, bottle it. Such a drink warms perfectly: a small glass will stop the disease at the first sign of a cold.
Recipe for tincture with honey and cognac
Many masters of creating homemade liquors and tinctures argue that viburnum is better to insist on cognac, adding a little honey. It turns out an interesting version of the "spotkach", where the sweetness and bitterness are balanced.
Instead of brandy, brandy can be used for the recipe.
Essential Ingredients:
- berries of viburnum - 1.5 kg;
- good aged brandy 5 stars - 0, 7 l;
- water - 1, 5 l;
- high-quality flower honey - 200 g.
We wash the viburnum, put it in a 3-liter jar. Add honey, pour water, mix thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved. Pour cognac, mix again, and then close the jar with a lid. We insist the drink for 5 -7 weeks (the longer the better), filter and bottle. The tincture is not strong, fragrant. She is magnificent as an aperitif, noticeably increasing appetite before a feast.
Useful properties of tincture of viburnum
The beneficial properties of tincture of viburnum have been known for many centuries.Now few people remember, but only a few decades ago, viburnum trees grew in front of every house in the Russian village. Pies with viburnum, tinctures, liqueurs, preserves, compotes - all tasty and unusual due to the interesting taste of the berry. However, it is a powerful natural medicine.
Tincture on viburnum:
- It is an excellent immunomodulator;
- valued as a source of the rarest amino acids;
- increases appetite;
- lowers blood pressure;
- improves the cardiovascular system;
- cures acne, if you regularly lubricate the affected area;
- removes toxins from the body, that is, protects against early aging;
- It has a light diaphoretic, diuretic effect, which is extremely valuable during colds.
You can drink tincture or make compresses with it, use it in the winter after a long stay in the cold, and in the summer after a hard day. 30 ml of tincture will not harm an adult, but will bring only benefit (of course, if you don’t get carried away with liquor).
How to store a drink?
Ready viburnum spotkach easy to store in the winter and even more, if you follow simple storage rules. Taste qualities will remain unchanged.
- Bottles for the preparation of Kalinovka should be used exclusively clean. It is preferable to thoroughly clean them with soda.
- Each bottle should be tightly closed so that the alcohol does not evaporate.
- The optimal volume is 500 ml - in large bottles the tincture quickly loses its “degree” (if you use it from time to time, pouring it from the same container).
- The best place to store is a cellar or refrigerator. In apartments, you can put bottles with Kalinovka on the mezzanine or in a dark, cool place.
We remind you that Kalinovka, although tasty, healthy, is still an alcoholic drink. Be careful with it, keep away from children and people who are craving for a glass.