Treatment with alternative methods allows you to get rid of many ailments and often - much more successfully than medical exposure. We present to your attention one of the most effective home remedies with universal properties - tincture of celandine on vodka. You will learn the prescription and use of a unique medicine from an article prepared by our experts.
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The healing properties of tincture of celandine on vodka
The herb celandine is well known to traditional medicine admirers for its healing properties. Already by the name of the plant, one can judge its healing possibilities: celandine - means a "clean body", without irritation and disease.
And indeed, despite the fact that the plant is considered poisonous, even a simple effect on the skin with celandine juice can eliminate such "troubles" as warts or acne. It is not surprising that in Russia the grass is known as the “warthog”.
Whereas the origin of the Latin name for the celandine Chelidonium, which means “swallow,” is connected with the legend that in ancient times these birds treated the plants of their chicks with juice.
Celandine is a seemingly unpretentious plant with bright yellow flowers and carved leaves of a dull green color. It can be found both in a forest clearing, and in a summer cottage, and even in the yard, next to the house.Such unpretentiousness and prevalence of celandine increases its availability, which means everyone who needs it has a chance to take advantage of the miraculous properties of grass.
Therapeutic components in the composition of the grass
Celandine tincture on alcohol owes its properties to valuable plant components.
In its composition:
- vitamins - ascorbic acid and carotene, from which vitamin A is formed;
- volatile - biologically active substances, a natural analogue of antibiotics;
- organic acids that support the acid-base balance of the body are normal - succinic, malic, citric;
- essential oils and resins with healing properties, as well as complex macromolecular compounds;
- flavonoids that activate metabolic processes;
- several types of toxic alkaloids that provide anesthetic, narcotic and tonic effects.
An infusion made from celandine has all the valuable qualities of a living plant, and its biologically active components, when used correctly, can bring invaluable benefits to human health.
Indications for use of tincture
It is scientifically proven that celandine has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anticonvulsant, diuretic and analgesic effect.
The healing properties of the herb help with pathologies:
- skin - acne, burns, exacerbations of psoriasis, scabies infection, chronic eczema, warts and papillomas, ulcers;
- liver - hepatitis, cholecystitis;
- respiratory system - bronchitis and asthma, pneumonia and tuberculosis and even whooping cough;
- ENT organs - tonsillitis, laryngitis, runny nose;
- gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the mucosa, pancreatitis, eneterocolitis
- musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis;
- female urogenital system - vaginitis, endometriosis, colpitis, cervicitis.
The use of tincture from celandine allows you to get rid of headaches and migraines. In folk medicine, this plant is actively and fairly successfully used to suppress the growth of tumors.
Homemade recipes for vodka or alcohol
To prepare a therapeutic agent from celandine, all parts of the plant are used: stems, leaves, root or juice.
It is believed that the most healing power celandine grass gains during the first flowering - that is, in the spring. At this time of the year, the plant is filled with juices as much as possible, so the amount of valuable components in the collected raw materials reaches the limit.
Features of the preparation of raw materials
In folk medicine, several methods of preparing a medicine are used. Each of them is distinguished by the type of main raw material, as well as the purpose and specifics of application. Freshly picked grass is washed and dried, then tincture is prepared according to the recipe.
For drying, it is allowed to collect celandine at any time of the year
The grass is laid out in a sunny place and kept for 10 days. To avoid the appearance of rot or mold in certain areas of the plant, it must be regularly turned over. This method allows you to make a large number of blanks for the preparation of drugs from a dried plant.
To prepare the juice from which the tincture will be made, you must first grind the plant (you can crank it through a meat grinder) and squeeze the juice out of it. It is further recommended that the resulting mixture be kept in the cold for three days, then strain through cheesecloth.
Types of Recipes
Features of the preparation of alcohol extracts from celandine:
- from fresh grass. Freshly picked plants are cut into small pieces, stacked to the very neck of a prepared three-liter jar and poured with vodka. The jar is closed, wrapped and put in a warm place for two weeks. The optimal therapeutic effect is provided by the remedy, which was insisted for six months.
- from dried grass.The crushed dry plant is folded into a prepared container and poured with vodka or alcohol. If you wish, you can add a little honey - one tablespoon of honey is enough for a 300-gram jar. The tool is insisted for a month, periodically mixing the contents of the container;
- from juice. The resulting juice is combined with vodka and incubated for two weeks. Two parts of the juice take one part of vodka;
- with fresh or dry grass, fill the jar, pour vodka to the very top and cover with gauze folded in several layers. The mixture is cleaned in a cold place and kept for two weeks. On the 15th day, the infusion is filtered, and the pomace is poured with vodka again. For 100 mg of the mixture take 300 mg of vodka. The infusion period is from two weeks to a month.
The prepared tincture should be stored in a dark place, ideally if the walls of the dishes are also dark
The assortment of most pharmacies involves the sale of ready-made tinctures of celandine. For its preparation, pharmacists use only one recipe - dry raw materials are poured with alcohol and can withstand the required number of days.
Celandine tincture on vodka - application
Alcohol tinctures of herbs are characterized by a high concentration of active substances obtained from the plant. In addition, thanks to alcohol, the active components penetrate the body faster and provide a therapeutic effect than decoctions or water infusions.
When drinking alcohol tinctures, it must be remembered that celandine is toxic and non-compliance with the dosage is fraught with the development of adverse reactions. The amount of funds taken depends on its strength - the stronger the tincture, the lower the therapeutic dose.
For children under 8 years of age, tincture of celandine is not recommended. The use of tincture by children aged 8-16 years is possible, but should be controlled by a pediatrician and a neurologist. If any side effects occur, the drug should be stopped immediately.
Methods of using tincture
Treatment using celandine extract is carried out in two ways:
- course 21 days. Then take a break for two weeks. The course with a break is repeated twice. If the expected therapeutic result is not observed, you should go to the second method of administration or completely stop the treatment with grass;
- course of 14 days. Then take a break for another 14 days. If the patient worsens, the duration of the break is increased to 21 days or the drug is completely stopped.
The medicine is taken on an empty stomach, diluted with a small amount of water.
Regardless of the chosen course of treatment, the first dose always starts with a small dosage. For an adult healthy person, the first dose is limited to 4 drops. Two drops of medicine are enough for elderly people and children. As treatment progresses, the dose increases.
For a single dose, a dose of up to 15 drops is considered safe
It is undesirable to take tinctures at the same time as other drugs.
Treatment of pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract
Due to the antispasmodic properties of celandine, an alcoholic extract from the herb is successfully used to eliminate many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver:
- Botkin's disease (jaundice). The bactericidal properties of the drug can normalize the function of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, provided that 15 to 20 drops of tincture are taken three times a day. The result of admission is a decrease in the level of bilirubin, release from fibrosis, a decrease in inflammatory foci by eliminating necrotic changes in the cells;
- cholecystitis. Acceptance of 15 drops three times a day, subject to a diet that excludes fatty and fried foods. The result is the elimination of soreness and cramping, the restoration of the natural level of patency of the gallbladder;
- stomach ulcer. The recommended intake is a teaspoon of the product before each meal for 20 days. The result - the elimination of pain, a normal level of acidity, improved appetite and overall well-being, weight gain;
- gastritis.Reception of tincture in a tablespoon half an hour before meals for a week. The result - elimination of heartburn, normalization of acidity, healing of the mucosa, restoration of intestinal microflora;
- enterocolitis. The bactericidal properties of tinctures suppress the vital activity of bacteria that cause the disease. Admission - 15 drops of the product before meals, subject to strict dietary compliance. The result is the normalization of stool, the elimination of pain, cramping and other symptoms of the disease, improving overall well-being.
Many traditional healers believe that the effect of celandine on the digestive tract improves if you take a tincture with a small amount of honey.
Skin Disease Treatment
The external use of celandine extract is particularly effective in the treatment of skin pathologies.
Papillomas and warts will go away if periodically treated with tincture of grass. Do not apply the product to a large number of papillomas at the same time - this can enhance the toxic effect of the plant on the body. The course of treatment is three weeks. Then, in the absence of allergic reactions, you can use the tool to treat other areas with skin lesions.
The influence of tincture from the celandine by the method of gauze lotions and spot cauterization provides the removal of various local formations on the skin - polyps, corns, rashes, eczema and dermatitis. A total of about 250 such diseases are known. Affected areas should be lubricated three times a day.
For optimal results, it is recommended to combine local treatment with internal intake of 10-15 drops before each meal.
The effect of treatment with tincture for other types of pathologies
The use of menopause relieves the characteristic discomfort associated with hot flashes and hormonal surges. To do this, a few drops of tincture are taken before meals for 14 days.
A daily intake of 10 drops of tincture per day is a preventive measure that prevents the formation of kidney stones.
For the treatment of allergies, a teaspoon of celandine extract is taken twice a day - before breakfast and before dinner. The course of treatment is 12 days.
With prostate adenoma, two teaspoons of tincture is diluted in 100 ml of water and taken throughout the day.
With inflammation of the joints caused by osteochondrosis, tincture is used to prepare compresses. To do this, half a glass of funds is heated, impregnated with gauze and do wraps of painful areas.
The same compresses can be used for toothache - a cotton swab dipped in tincture is applied to the gum surrounding the diseased tooth.
Features of treatment for oncology
There are legends about the use of the properties of celandine in the fight against oncology in folk medicine. Despite the lack of proven clinical trials of the herb, many healers seek the full recovery of cancer patients, even with metastases.
Researchers attribute the therapeutic effect to the activity of the main components of celandine - chelidonin, berberine and sanguinarine. After testing the tincture of celandine in the laboratory, the antitumor activity of its components was recognized by WHO.
In folk medicine, two methods of treating oncology with celandine exhaust are used. The standard course provides for an initial intake of 5 drops of the drug, with a gradual increase in the amount of one drop per day. Upon reaching 30 drops, the dosage is reduced by five drops.
The course of admission is a month. Repeat course - no less than 30 days later. The total number is two courses per year.
Method "Hill". It starts with taking 5 drops of the drug with a gradual increase to 21 drops in one go. Then the dose is reduced in the opposite direction - drop by drop. The course is completed upon reaching five drops per day.
More than three courses per year are not recommended. The break between courses should be at least 10 days. The Gorka method can also be used to prevent tumors.
General recommendations for the treatment of oncology
In most cases, the use of tincture of celandine provides a lasting therapeutic result. Nevertheless, herbalists recommend that preventive treatment with herbs be carried out once a year.
During the medication should be constantly monitored. It is important that the total dosage per day should not exceed two teaspoons. And to reduce the toxicity of the drug, it is worth increasing the use of milk and dairy products.
Harm from the use of tinctures
According to herbalists, when treating with tincture of celandine, maximum caution should be exercised, due to the toxicity of the drug.
Non-compliance with the dosage, as well as some individual characteristics of the body can provoke the appearance of side effects:
- nausea and other symptoms characteristic of a digestive tract disorder;
- inflammatory processes in the tissues of the liver;
- acute hepatitis with stagnation of bile and primary tissue damage;
- hallucinations, fainting;
- cramps, paralysis.
The occurrence of adverse reactions is often the result of prolonged use of celandine alcohol extracts. If the patient shows signs of an overdose of the drug, due to the use of more than two consecutive weeks, it is necessary to rinse the stomach urgently and call a doctor.
It is strictly forbidden to use tinctures for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 8 years old, patients with angina pectoris and bronchial asthma, as well as suffering from nervous disorders and epilepsy. In addition, do not apply the product on open wounds.
Celandine is poisonous, but if properly handled, it can have a therapeutic effect that is beyond the power of even medicines. The main thing is to follow the rules of use and dosage of the drug, and recovery will not take long.