Manifestations of the common cold are regularly encountered by each person. It occurs for many reasons - non-infectious or infectious. In the first case, getting rid of it is not easy and you cannot do without going to the doctor. If a mild viral infection became the cause of the unpleasant symptoms, it is quite possible to treat the common cold with folk remedies quickly and at home.
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How to quickly cure a runny nose at home?
There are many popular recipes for the treatment of the common cold. The main task that these home remedies solve is to cleanse the nasal cavity of the mucous discharge and relieve inflammation.
The most effective folk recipes
An analysis of the methods offered by traditional medicine shows that it is possible to quickly cure a runny nose at home with the help of such means:
Rinsing with an aqueous solution of salt.
This old method is so effective that it has long been adopted by official medicine. To prepare the solution, pure bottled water is used. 200 ml is heated to 70-80 C, after which 5-7 grams of salt (1 teaspoon without slide) is dissolved in water, baking soda in the same volume and 5 drops of iodine. The solution cools to body temperature and is used to rinse the sinuses. Instead of table salt, you can use sea salt (2 tablespoons). In this case, soda and iodine are not added.
Warming up the nose.
Another old-fashioned treatment for the common cold in the initial stage of a respiratory disease.For warming, small bags with coarse salt are used, which are superimposed on the area of the nasal sinuses on both sides. You can replace the bags with warm boiled eggs. This method is effective and acceptable if there is no high temperature, and the discharge of the nose is liquid and transparent. If it has a different look, the procedure is not carried out.
Warming up stop.
This is done with the help of mustard plasters at the onset of the disease in the absence of fever. Mustard plasters are superimposed on the feet and calves, the legs are wrapped with a dry cloth, socks are put on top. It is better to perform the procedure in the evening, before bedtime. Mustard must be kept for at least an hour, but it is better to leave it overnight.
Each of these tools has a scientific basis. Salt solution, which is called hypertonic in medicine, cleans the sinuses and relieves inflammation. Warming up the nose activates lymph and blood flow, locally increases the temperature of tissues, inhibiting the reproduction of viral particles. Mustard on the feet have an irritating and distracting effect, contribute to the activation of phagocytes.
Home Drops Treatment
Use homemade drops with caution so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.
You can make them according to such recipes:
- Kalanchoe juice is diluted with bottled water in a 1: 1 ratio, poured into a glass container with a lid and instilled 3 drops into each nostril three times a day. Instead of pure water, you can dilute the juice with saline.
- Aloe juice is bred similarly to Kalanchoe juice and is used in the same way.
- Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in 5 teaspoons of bottled water, instill 3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.
The listed funds are safe enough if there is no allergic reaction to the components.
For the treatment of the common cold, traditional medicine often recommends the use of drops based on the juice of onions, garlic, lemon or beets. However, these are very aggressive substances that can cause burns to the nasal mucosa even when diluted with water. Therefore, the use of such radical means is not recommended.
With inhalation
Inhalations are very effective against the common cold. It is best to carry out procedures using a nebulizer - a special device. In its absence, you can use the usual teapot by inserting a funnel made of cardboard into his nose.
For the treatment of the common cold, folk remedies for inhalation are effective:
- dissolve a tablespoon of soda in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cool the solution to 40 C;
- drip 3-5 drops of fir, sage or mint oil in 300 milliliters of water heated to 40 C;
- in 300 milliliters of boiling water, put 1 tablespoon of dry pharmacy chamomile and the same amount of sage, cool the solution under the lid to 40 C;
- in 0.5 liters of boiling water put 1 tablespoon of pine buds, hold in a water bath for 10-15 minutes and cool under a lid to 40 C.
Inhalations with a cold can be not only wet, but also dry. For example, finely chopped onion or 10 minced cloves of garlic are placed on the bottom of an empty kettle. Inhalation of these funds should be as long as possible, periodically blowing their eyes so that volatile products fall on a clean mucous membrane.
Another option for dry inhalation with a runny nose is to put hot potato boiled in its uniform on the bottom of the teapot and drip a few drops of fir or menthol oil on it.
How to cure a runny nose in just one day?
You can get rid of an infectious rhinitis in one day only at the very beginning of the disease, when the very first signs are observed - itching and burning in the nose and sore throat.
If you managed to capture this moment, you need to follow the step by step instructions:
- Thoroughly rinse your nose with saline with soda and iodine.
- Gargle with the same solution.
- Lather your finger with a simple household soap, scrub your nostrils with it and rinse them with warm water.
- Dip cotton swabs in aloe juice or Kalanchoe juice, and insert them into the nostrils.
- Prepare any solution for inhalation.
- Take out tampons, carry out inhalation.
- If the nose flows heavily, blow your nose and, if necessary, rinse your nose again.
- Instill in each nostril 3 drops of diluted aloe juice or Kalanchoe.
- Pour in a bowl of hot water, if possible pour 1 tablespoon of dry mustard into it, wrap yourself and steam your feet.
- After steaming, rub the feet and calves strongly.
- Drink a glass of hot tea with lemon, ginger root and honey or raspberries.
- Put mustard plasters on your feet, put on woolen socks and go to bed.
- If possible, lubricate the nostrils and wings of the nose with tea tree oil.
If you start treatment in the morning, then during the day another 2 times you need to rinse your nose, make inhalation and drip drops. At the same time, you need to drink as much hot tea and liquid in general. It is advisable to alternate inhalation agents.
Treatment in children and infants
Treatment of the common cold in children is best done under the supervision of a doctor. The anatomy of the ENT organs in them is such that even a harmless catarrhal runny nose can easily be complicated by otitis media or become chronic.
Of the listed traditional medicine for children under 7 years old, washing with a hypertonic solution, inhalation and drops from diluted aloe juice are suitable. They can be instilled 1 drop in each nostril 3 times a day. Rinsing should be done very carefully using devices such as Dolphin or Aqualor. If there is no high temperature, you can also steam the child's legs.
For infants, only saline or chamomile broth is suitable. However, they do not need to rinse the nose of the child, but bury - 3 drops in each nostril. If abundant discharge is observed, it must first be removed with a nasal aspirator.
Effective Pregnancy
The treatment of the common cold in pregnant women should be approached from the same positions as in the treatment of children. In this case, it is dangerous to risk - you can not only translate the pathological process into a chronic form, but also get serious complications of the course of pregnancy. Therefore, with all manifestations of a respiratory infection, a woman must consult a doctor and receive adequate therapy.
Traditional medicine can only be used as an adjuvant. For example, pregnancy is not a contraindication for rinsing the nose or dry inhalations. You can lubricate the nasal passages with tea tree oil, instill diluted aloe juice if there is no allergy. But steam procedures and the application of mustard plasters during pregnancy are not recommended.
We quickly treat allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is a non-communicable disease. A runny nose in this case is a reaction of the immune system to a specific allergen. Folk remedies in such a situation are powerless at best, and dangerous in the worst, because they can aggravate symptoms, cause severe swelling of the mucous membrane and lead to fatal consequences.
If a runny nose is allergic in nature, treatment should consist of taking antihistamines and blocking the allergen. Such therapy is carried out only under medical supervision.
It is interesting:nasal congestion without a runny nose
Massage for the treatment of the common cold at home
With a mild runny nose and slight nasal congestion, which are caused by a cold or allergy, you can alleviate the condition of the patient with acupressure. Active points are massaged with fingers, in circular motions, 10 rotations each. Pressure should be moderate.
The location of the massage points is as follows:
- at the base of the wings of the nose on both sides;
- 1 cm above the base of the wings of the nose on both sides;
- on the nose between the eyebrows;
- at the outer corners of the eyes on both sides;
- the tragus ear on both sides.
Paired points are massaged simultaneously. Thus, the complete procedure takes about a minute. After 10-15 minutes, it should be repeated. Massage is contraindicated if there are inflammations or acne on the skin in the area of massage points, as well as at high temperature and severe malaise.
It is important to remember that a runny nose caused by injuries, curvature of the nasal septum, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, polyps in the nose cannot be treated with folk remedies and massage. Also, do not rely on home remedies if the viral infection has turned into a bacterial form. In all such cases, you need to see a doctor.