Few talk about the unpleasant problems associated with using the toilet. Nevertheless, according to statistics, almost one in three people knows firsthand about the inflamed nodes located under the skin in the anus, which hurt and bleed. In such cases, the patient is diagnosed with external hemorrhoids, the treatment of which must be started immediately before the disease has passed into a serious form.
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Features of treatment for external hemorrhoids
Pregnancy, venous wall weakness, constipation, diarrhea, excessive tension during bowel movements can provoke the disease. Stretching and swelling of the walls of blood vessels leads to the formation of nodes from which droplets of blood can stand out.
The most effective method is the removal of cones. Surgical intervention can permanently or permanently rid the patient of this unpleasant disease. As a rule, the operation is performed in severe cases when the hemorrhoidal nodes are very large, and the patient complains of severe pain.
But most often, doctors resort to conservative treatment.
The methods of therapy can be divided into drug and non-drug. If the cause of hemorrhoids is constipation, then the patient, first of all, needs to eliminate this problem. In many cases, dietary correction is sufficient. If you do not remove the root causes, all other efforts will be useless, so it is not always worth starting with taking medication.
If treatment is started on time, then the symptoms will begin to subside quickly.The disease is best treated at the initial stage, when pathological changes are still insignificant.
The most effective means and methods of treatment
For the treatment, various means are used - tablets, ointments, suppositories - both purchased and home-made.
Suppositories, ointments and preparations
Among the medicines used to treat hemorrhoids, there are different groups:
- wound healing;
- painkillers;
- antiseptic;
- thrombo-absorbable;
- anti-inflammatory.
Many patients believe that hemorrhoids are treated only by local means. But modern pharmaceuticals also offer tablets for internal use, which help to remove the weakness of the venous walls. Means for ingestion not only relieve symptoms, but also produce a powerful therapeutic effect.
Of the drugs that increase the tone of the veins and reduce blood stasis, it is worth mentioning Venoflebin, Troxevasin, Detralex. For pain relief, ointments based on lidocaine or benzocaine are often used.
With hemorrhoids, it is very important to relieve swelling and inflammation. Local anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, hydrocortisone) can do this very well. Wounds and fissures are well healed by a drug with shark liver extract - Relief.
Of the antibacterial drugs in the treatment of external hemorrhoids, Levomekol ointment is used. Suppositories with this type of hemorrhoids are not used, since the nodes are located outside. But if there are cones and are located directly in the anus, then suppositories can not be dispensed with.
Folk remedies
Since time immemorial, people have been successfully treating hemorrhoids with simple and affordable means. From medicinal herbs, you can make a decoction and use it for compresses. The most popular plants: aloe, chamomile, yarrow, garlic, celandine.
Common recipes:
- Garlic. Chop 250 g of cloves and pour 2.5 l of warm milk. Add 200 g chopped onion. To make baths.
- Potatoes. Most often, freshly squeezed juice and potato starch are used. It is applied in the form of compresses.
- Aloe. Cut along the leaves, apply the pulp to the inflamed area.
- Propolis. An ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be done independently. For 5 g of propolis, take 50 g of animal fat, melt in a water bath, strain and cool. Apply a thin layer on inflamed nodes.
Sea buckthorn ointment has a good wound healing effect. You can just grind the berries of sea buckthorn, moisten the resulting juice with gauze folded in several layers and attach it to the anus.
If the patient suffers from constipation, he can use herbal laxatives. One of the most effective is buckthorn bark, which liquefies stool. The broth is consumed before going to bed, hoping that in the morning it will be possible to safely go to the toilet.
It is interesting:Hemorrhoid treatment at home quickly
Baths with herbs, infusions
At home, you can do therapeutic baths - a mixture of warm water with herbs. A basin or other container is filled with the prepared solution and sit in it for a quarter of an hour. Water temperature can vary from 15 to 40 degrees. However, if a person is diagnosed with inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs, he can not do cold baths.
In some cases, steam baths are recommended. Since the water is very hot, you can not sit in a container with a solution. It is enough to sit over the basin, cover yourself with a towel and wait until the steam ceases to stand out.
During treatment, it is also not recommended to use toilet paper. It is better to replace it with wet wipes or washing.
Diet for external hemorrhoids
Persons with such a problem need to pay a lot of attention to their diet. First of all, fixing foods should be excluded from the diet - coffee, tea, chocolate, rice, muffin. It is advisable to consume more vegetables, fruits, sauerkraut, dairy products.However, this should be approached wisely: products containing a large amount of fiber can cause increased gas formation, which is also bad. It is also necessary to establish a drinking regime - you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
How to treat a disease during pregnancy and lactation
Unfortunately, more than half of pregnant women suffer from this unpleasant disease due to physiological changes in the body. A constantly growing uterus presses on the organs located below, because of this, blood stagnates.
External hemorrhoids during pregnancy are treated only with gentle means that can not harm an unborn baby. Most often, in the first trimester, ointments and creams are prescribed (Relief, sea buckthorn ointment). In the following months, pregnant women can use Procto-glivenol and Hepatrombin.
With hemorrhoids, stages 2-3 sometimes resort to surgical intervention - laser cauterization, sclerotherapy, ligation with latex rings.
In the initial stages, specially designed exercises that improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles and reduce the level of uterine pressure on the pelvic organs help a lot.
Even if this problem was bypassed for the expectant mother, then during childbirth, many still encounter this unpleasant phenomenon, so you have to be treated during lactation. From the list of medicines, it is necessary to exclude those that can affect lactation and a small child.
Of laxatives to facilitate the passage of feces, lactating appoint Dufalac, Forlax.
Preventive measures
Preventive measures are very simple. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and do not forget about moderate physical activity. Alcohol, spicy foods should be excluded. Monotonous sedentary or standing work is of particular danger, it must be diluted with physical exercises so that blood does not stagnate in the pelvic organs. However, no need to lift weights or squats.
Particular attention should be paid to prevention with a hereditary predisposition to this disease - in whom relatives suffered from hemorrhoids or varicose veins.