The modern life rhythm, errors in nutrition, stress lead to the fact that such a delicate problem as constipation becomes more and more relevant among different social and age groups of the population. Do you know about this firsthand? But did you know that there are safe folk remedies for constipation, in effectiveness, not much inferior to pharmaceutical drugs?
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Treatment of constipation with folk remedies
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized constipation as a disease, although the World Association of Gastroenterologists recognizes it as only a symptom of other health problems. Be that as it may, suffering from constipation from this uncertainty is not easier. Lack of stool for several days, discomfort and abdominal pain are a serious reason to consult a doctor, especially if such a condition has become systematic. At the same time, panic ahead of time is not worth it if bowel movement is no longer a daily process, but at the same time the person feels good. Perhaps the lack of a chair according to the usual "schedule" is a variant of the norm, because the frequency of going to the toilet largely depends on the age and physiological characteristics of the patients.
In adults
True constipation is a condition where an act of defecation occurs less than three times a week. Moreover, a small amount of waste feces, their hardness and dryness, the feeling of an incompletely empty intestine after visiting the toilet are characteristic. Constipation may be chronic in nature if a similar condition is observed from six months.In other cases, they speak of acute constipation.
The most common causes of constipation in adults:
- malnutrition, poor in fiber and fluid;
- lack of physical activity, "sedentary work";
- abuse of laxatives and enemas (for example, while losing weight or being carried away by body cleansing);
- pathology of the pelvic organs;
- gastrointestinal tract diseases;
- stresses.
The main physiological accompanying symptoms of constipation are impaired intestinal motility or spasm. It is necessary to get rid of constipation in a timely manner so that they do not develop into chronic forms. In addition, long-term prolonged problems with bowel movements can cause serious complications: colitis, enteritis, rectal inflammation, anal fissures, hemorrhoids. The most serious consequences include the development of cancer of the rectum and colon.
Alternative methods of treating constipation are safe and effective, unlike drug treatment, they are not addictive, reduce the risk of allergic reactions and are suitable for almost everyone.
In older people
In old age, constipation occurs several times more often than in adulthood. The most common cause is intestinal motility disorder due to weakened abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. Significant reasons include a change in the intestinal microflora, and a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes. Contributes to the violation of the systematics of the stool and excessive drug therapy of various age-related ailments.
More materials:laxatives for constipation for the elderly
Constipation in the elderly is necessary to eliminate, since in advanced cases the problem can develop into an intestinal ulcer and to the formation of fecal stones.
Why is folk treatment preferable to medication? As a rule, an organism at a young age is already overloaded with “chemistry”, is it worth it to “hit” it additionally, if you can cope with a delicate problem in simple and affordable ways?
In children
Children's constipation is not uncommon, especially in the first year of life, when the crumb body adapts to extrauterine conditions of life and "adult" food. Particularly affected by a similar problem are children on artificial feeding.
Older kids, at toddlers, become victims of constipation of a psychological nature:
- forcible accustoming to the pot;
- stress when entering kindergarten;
- nutrition change.
Home treatment may include:
- the use of laxative foods;
- the use of local irritants (in the anus - soap, oil, enemas, vent tubes);
- special infusions and teas (herbal, fruit and berry).
Acute constipation, which is episodic in nature, can be treated quite simply by changing the diet with an increase in dietary fiber (from 20 grams per day) and drinking enough (from one liter) of fluid
During pregnancy
Many women first experience constipation during pregnancy. And there is an explanation for this: hormones. Progesterone (it is also called the "pregnancy hormone") causes weakening of the intestinal muscles, which reduces its motility. At a later date, the reason for stool retention is the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the internal organs and intestines. In addition, during the period of expectation of the baby, a change in the eating habits of the mother occurs, which also affects the quality and quantity of bowel movements.
Constipation in a "delicate" position is very dangerous for the woman herself and the fetus. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are frequent consequences of a lack of regular stool in expectant mothers. And the toxins that are released into the blood of a woman with stagnation of feces are harmful to the child.
Simple and affordable, and most importantly, safe methods of getting rid of constipation are considered popular. Every expectant mother should know how to help herself with this condition.
Folk remedies for constipation: fast and effective
Treatment of constipation with folk remedies can be very diverse. It is easy to choose not only the most convenient, but even the “tasty” way to establish a chair.
More materials:how to get rid of constipation at home
Fruits, berries and vegetables
By eating foods rich in dietary fiber, we help to increase the amount of feces and stimulate the intestines. Dietary fibers include plant components of food that are resistant to digestive enzymes. At the same time, fibers are not a significant energy source, which is so important for people who monitor weight. Where is the highest content of dietary fiber? Of course, in vegetables, fruits and berries.
The most useful for the normalization of stool with constipation are:
- beets (both fresh and boiled);
- carrot;
- cabbage;
- pumpkin;
- Jerusalem artichoke;
- cucumbers
- apples
- plums
- dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, apricot.
Not only these products are useful, but also salads, juices, compotes and fruit drinks from them.
Recipes for vegetable juices from constipation:
- Take 10 parts carrot juice and three parts - beetroot and cucumber. Mix them. Drink half a glass before meals in the morning or a few sips during the day.
- Mix 2 parts apple juice (freshly squeezed) and one part beetroot juice. Drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Grate 2 carrots, a large apple, squeeze the juice from them. Add the juice of one orange and a pinch of ginger. Drink a drink in 1/3 cup before main meals.
If patients suffer from increased gas formation, the dietary fiber content in the diet should be regulated! Legumes, cabbage, spinach and sorrel contribute to increased gas formation! The opposite, "fixing" effect is given by: persimmon, raisins, pears, bananas, potatoes!
Grass and seeds
Plants are good “helpers” in getting rid of constipation.
Laxative effect:
- senna;
- linen;
- plantain;
- dill;
- fennel;
- caraway seeds and others.
Based on herbs and seeds, decoctions and infusions are prepared.
- A teaspoon of flaxseed is poured with a glass of boiling water. Having insisted the remedy for half an hour, it is taken in ¼ cup before meals.
- Senna grass is brewed like this: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are steamed with 200 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew. Take an infusion for the night.
- Dill, caraway and fennel act similarly to each other. They can be used both one-component and in combination. A tablespoon of seeds is poured with a glass of boiling water and take the present "tea" during the day for ½ cup. Such an infusion can be given even to infants in the absence of allergies (no more than a tablespoon per reception before feeding).
Vegetable oils
Vegetable oils are common folk laxatives, they act purposefully on the entire digestive system as a whole, have an enveloping effect, increase the outflow of bile, and have a mild laxative effect. Almost all types of oil have a similar effect: sunflower, flaxseed, castor, olive, almond and others.
The best way of applying is to take a tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning. Wash down with a glass of water, acidified with lemon juice.
Water treatment
Water has a positive effect on intestinal motility, softens fecal stagnation, and helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.
To treat constipation, it is recommended to take water according to the scheme:
- start the morning with two glasses of warm water;
- Before each meal, drink at least a glass of warm water.
Mineral water is suitable for treatment, but without gas. You can dissolve a spoonful of honey in water or add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
If there are no contraindications, no edema and heart disease, then people suffering from systemic constipation should consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day!
The "water" method allows you to establish bowel movements on the second or third day of treatment, and is very suitable for the prevention of constipation.
Soap for constipation
One of the popular “quick” remedies for constipation is soap. It is successfully used even in infants. A soap candle introduced into the anus has a locally irritating effect, and almost immediately the intestine is emptied.
To make a “candle”, you must use either baby or household soap. A piece of oblong shape is cut from the bar, trying to give it the appearance of a rectal suppository - to round one end and exclude sharp edges. The candle is inserted into the anus, previously the anus area can be greased with petroleum jelly or baby cream.
It is worthwhile to use a soap candle for infants only as an emergency method, you should not abuse the product, since in the future this will lead to the “lazy intestine” syndrome.
Soap is used for enemas. To do this, soapy warm water is poured into Esmarch's mug and the procedure is carried out according to all the rules.
Laxative food
There are many foods that promote bowel movements. These include, first of all: fresh (no more than two days from the moment of production) kefir, sour cream, rye bread, dried fruits, fresh fruits with vegetables, cereals (buckwheat, a bag, oatmeal) and bran, pickles and pickles.
By including these foods in your daily diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of constipation.
Exercise and massage for constipation
A major role in the prevention and treatment of constipation is given to compliance with an active motor regime. Useful walking and skiing, cycling, swimming, outdoor sports. Exercise stimulates the muscles of the abdominal wall and intestinal activity.
Performing simple gymnastics daily, you can get rid of constipation.
Gymnastics includes:
- breathing exercises - on inspiration, inflation of the abdomen, on exhalation - retraction;
- alternate lifting of legs bent at the knees with maximum pressing to the stomach (lying and standing);
- “Bicycle” and “scissors”;
- body twisting;
- torso sideways, forward and backward;
- exercises for the press.
Diet for the disease
If constipation has become chronic, a medical examination is needed. It is possible that the cause of the disease is in the pathologies of the digestive tract. After laboratory and ultrasound examinations, the doctor may prescribe a diet. At home, you can stick to it yourself. The ideal option is table number 3 according to Pevzner.
The diet of those who adhere to therapeutic nutrition should contain cold main dishes, soups (mainly vegetable or non-fat broths), vegetables and fruits, and a sufficient amount of liquid. Exclusions are those that enhance the fermentation and rotting in the intestines of foods, fried, spicy foods, high in salt. Cooked and baked dishes are preferred. At the same time, 4 to 6 meals a day are recommended.
Prevention of constipation at home
It is much easier to prevent a disease than to get rid of it, and with regard to constipation, this axiom is very relevant.
In order not to suffer from constipation, it is important to observe a number of rules:
- adhere to proper nutrition, not forgetting to include vegetables and fruits, cereals, bran in the diet;
- eat regularly in small portions;
- Do not forget about drinking regimen;
- devote enough time to physical activity;
- avoid stressful situations;
- Do not get involved in laxative pharmacy drugs to avoid getting used to them.
Following these rules, and even better, making them a part of everyday life, you can forever forget about such a delicate, but very serious problem like constipation.
- Tatyana