When the cold period sets in, many get anxious due to the onset of difficult weather conditions, which will inevitably lead to colds. There are many folk remedies for the common cold and nasal congestion that our grandmothers used.
Material Content:
- 1 The fastest folk remedies
- 2 Treatment of chronic and prolonged runny nose
- 3 How to cure an allergic rhinitis with folk remedies?
- 4 Folk remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion for adults
- 5 How to cure ailment for children at home?
- 6 Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy
- 7 How to cure a runny nose for a nursing mother?
- 8 Recommendations
The fastest folk remedies
A weak salt solution is the fastest way to combat the disease. It removes mucus from the sinuses, sanitizes this area, stops inflammation. Due to its unique composition, sea salt gives a soothing and disinfecting effect on the nasal mucosa. To prepare the medicine you will need salt, preferably sea salt (0.5 teaspoon), and water (240 ml).
You can apply and treatment with oils:
- If the runny nose is dry, thuja oil, which must be instilled overnight, will help. Such a folk remedy for the common cold, adults and children should be given only three drops.
- With a severe cold with copious mucus, coniferous decoction is used. For this you will need: boiling water (240 ml) and pine needles oil (1 tsp). These ingredients are combined, covered and insisted. It is enough to wait for cooling, after which the tool is instilled - you will need four drops in each turn.
Also follow simple guidelines:
- If the baby is collecting a lot of mucus in the nose, which does not allow him to suck and eat, you can turn him on his tummy, let him lie down and crawl. For half an hour, the nasal passages are partially cleared.
- You can use aromatherapy. This will help a napkin, which should be dripped with eucalyptus oil and placed near the face. Breathing such a napkin at night, you will feel your nose "snug." This option is suitable for everyone.
- Instead of oil, you can use the "Star", a small amount of which you need to spread on a rag. You can also rub this chest and back with this balm. Many recommend that they lubricate the nose inside, but this should not be done in any case - there is a high probability that the balm will corrode the mucous membrane. Therefore, using a very small amount, you should only smear them around the nose. It is better for small children to apply it above the nostrils, so that in a dream they could not accidentally lick the remedy. Adults can be smeared with an "Asterisk" under the nose.
- At any age, you can use a compress on the nasal region of ordinary cottage cheese, which is heated and placed in gauze.
- Breast milk helps a lot. This natural remedy can be instilled in both small and adult.
- Massage the edges of the nose wings more often.
More materials:runny nose: treatment with folk remedies quickly
Treatment of chronic and prolonged runny nose
The following procedures will help fight prolonged rhinitis of viral origin:
- Lubricate with Vaseline along the very edge of the nostrils. Grind the garlic, grease them with cotton wool and put in the nose. The procedure is repeated three times a day.
- Menthol oil is instilled into the nose in three drops.
- Try propolis. It will help to “pierce” the nose well. For this procedure, you will need water (240 ml), soda (¼ tsp) and propolis (2 drops). Stir and rinse three times throughout the day.
- Mix water (90 ml) and iodine (4 drops). Stir and drink. The same composition should rinse the nose and nasopharynx at least three times throughout the day.
How to cure an allergic rhinitis with folk remedies?
At the first symptoms of an allergy, everyone is accustomed to running to the pharmacy, forgetting that you can do without medication.
We offer the most effective methods to combat allergic rhinitis.
- Effectively treatment with mummy. Prepare water (1 L). Dilute one gram of mummy in it - the liquid will darken and become opaque. Use the product in the morning, washed down with warm milk. At a time, 100 ml of the solution should be taken. Children from one to three years old - 50 ml, from 6 years - 70 ml. From 8 years old, the dose is, like in an adult. Treatment is carried out every six months. The course is 20 days.
- Dandelion juice helps get rid of the disease. The flowers are chopped using a meat grinder. Puree is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed. The juice is diluted in half with water. Boil and drink before meals a couple of times a day. Norm - 3 tbsp. l
- Eating fresh black currants may get rid of rhinitis. Compotes from this berry and jam also help.
- In half a glass of milk drip tar. Drink in the morning before meals. The course is 24 days. Start with one drop of tar. Then increase the dose every day, drop by drop, reaching 12. Then the procedure is repeated in the reverse order.
Folk remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion for adults
Nasal congestion causes great discomfort. Many agree that there is no need to treat the ailment - he himself will pass in the notorious seven days. But why go for a week with discomfort? After all, an untreated problem can lead to serious diseases: frontal sinusitis, sinusitis or sinusitis. Many do not carry out treatment, guided by a reluctance to use drugs. But even without them, it is possible to calmly cope with pathology. There is enough alternative medicine for the common cold, which will quickly help overcome the disease.
For treatment, plants that have an antibacterial effect are used. At the very beginning of the disease, a physical method of removing mucus gives a good result.
- Diluted juice from onions helps to quickly get rid of the first symptoms of a starting cold. Can be used from table beets. Juice (1 h.l.) must be diluted with water (10 tsp.).
- You can carry out the procedure by pulling the solution, which consists of water and salt, from the plate with your nose. To do this, cover the nostril, and the second draw in the solution and blow your nose. You will need water (240 ml), salt (1 tsp) and iodine (3 drops). To mix. Rinse 4 times a day.
- Effectively helps to defeat even a strong cold horseradish. To do this, rub the root and inhale its vapors. For subsequent procedures, you need a new piece of root.
- Boiled peeling potatoes soaked in essential oils of fir, eucalyptus and juniper, give a good effect in dealing with runny nose. Just add 10 - 15 drops.
- To defeat the disease use an infusion of herbs. To do this, pour a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of plantain leaves, linden flowers, sage and chamomile flowers.
- It will help to say goodbye to the nasal congestion Kalanchoe juice. Enough of three drops in each nasal passage. Repeat the procedure three times a day.
- You can squeeze the juice from the aloe leaf, which is buried nose five times a day. It takes six drops each turn.
- Garlic and onions no less help fight the common cold. Pure juice burns the mucous membrane, so it is better to dilute it. Water will need twice as much as juice from a vegetable. Bury three times. It is enough to use two drops.
How to cure ailment for children at home?
For the treatment of runny nose and nasal congestion in children, it is best to use folk remedies, because not a single drug is intended for treatment. All only remove the swelling of the mucosa. Most are not recommended for more than four days, after which addiction to the medicine may occur.
- For young children up to a year, it is best to dig in carrot juice (1 tsp), which is diluted with water (1 tsp). Instead of water, sea buckthorn oil or natural olive oil is used. Remarkably helps with severe congestion, liquefies sputum. You can use beetroot juice in the same way.
- If the child is already five years old, then garlic will help well. To do this, you need a grater, on which you should grind the garlic cloves. Stir with olive oil. To withstand half a day. Dig in two drops. The child needs to be patient for several minutes, will pinch slightly.
- If a runny nose is just beginning, you should lubricate the nose of Kalanchoe, the juice of which is squeezed from a fresh leaf. Perform the procedure three times a day.
- When treating aloe juice, large leaves must be used. Be sure to rinse before squeezing the juice. Mix with water. You will have to dig three times a day five times a day. You will need juice (1 tsp) and water (1 tsp).
Inhalation for children
- Pour water into the kettle. Wait for the water to boil and add soda (4 tsp). Cover with a terry towel and breathe under it for eight minutes. In order not to get a mucous burn, watch the steam - it should not be very hot.
- A decoction of herbs helps well. Pour sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, bay leaf with boiling water. Mix. Breathe the steam, covering your head with a towel.
Not all children give a nose instill. They do not like to feel droplets in their nose. Then ointments will come to the rescue. They will not leak out of the nose and do not enter the throat. You can’t swallow them. Therefore, they remain in the nasal cavity until completely absorbed.
- Mix a couple of spoons of honey with one spoon of mint. Smear three times a day.
- A spoonful of honey mixed with half a spoonful of hypericum oil also helps fight colds.
- Mucosal edema will help to remove table salt. Half a teaspoon is diluted in 100 ml of warm water. You should moisten the swab with the resulting solution and insert it into the nostril. The second is to use a new swab.
Warming up
- If the body temperature is normal, do local heating. Boil a couple of eggs and attach to the nose. Keep until the product cools.
- Coarse sea salt warmed up in a frying pan helps a lot. It is placed in the sock and the sinuses are warmed up.
Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy
Any medications and drops are contraindicated for pregnant women. If there is a violation of mucus secretion, washing the nose helps well. This method gives a quick effect in the fight against infection.
- Use sea salt, which is diluted in water. To do this, you need 240 ml of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.
- For treatment with infusion of medicinal herbs, it will be necessary to mix in equal proportions the roots of the mountaineer snake, meadow clover, licorice root, medicinal calendula and sage. To grind. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the mixture into boiling water (240 ml). Boil. Insist in a thermos for two hours. Then strain. Wash the nose with a previously slightly heated infusion.
- Pour two large spoons of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water. Pour into a thermos. Stand for half an hour. Strain. The resulting infusion can be washed or instilled in the nose.
Any infusion prepared at home can be stored for a day. Therefore, the next day you should brew a new portion.
Inhalation for pregnant women
Inhalations will help to clear the nasal passages, improve sputum discharge. They can be carried out only at normal body temperature.
For inhalation, you need to boil a glass of water and add two large spoons of chamomile flowers. For the procedure, use a steam inhaler, saucepan or kettle. Instead of chamomile, you can brew calendula, coltsfoot, thyme or plantain.
Warming up
With severe congestion with thick secretions, thermal procedures will help. To do this, heat the raw buckwheat in a frying pan, put it in a sock or linen bag and apply it on both sides of the nose. The procedure should not be carried out at temperatures above 38 ° C.
If a runny nose provokes irritation of the nasopharynx, then a warm solution of fresh white cabbage juice is used to rinse. To do this, squeeze the juice from the leaves and mix two large spoons of the product with a cup of water.
How to cure a runny nose for a nursing mother?
Nursing mom is contraindicated in any medications. Therefore, you should help the body in the fight against the virus, using natural products.
- Rinse with water and salt. Half a liter of water will need a tablespoon of salt. Rinse five times a day.
- Dripping in juice. Kalanchoe or aloe is suitable. The bottom sheets should be torn off. To get the infusion, use one tablespoon of juice for five tablespoons of water. Apply three times a day, instilling three drops in the nostril. Such a tool is used only with green purulent discharge. It retains its healing properties for a day, so do not forget to prepare a fresh solution.
- Burying infusion with chamomile. On a glass of hot water add a tablespoon of inflorescences. Insist half an hour. Instill four drops three times a day. Use when a runny nose is caused by a bacterial infection. Chamomile can be replaced by a string or thyme.
- If you have a bad cold, it is recommended to remove dairy products, white bread, milk and sugar from the diet. By eliminating these products, you can quickly defeat the common cold, because excess mucus is released due to these products.
- Experts also recommend drinking plenty of fluids, including linden or chamomile infusions. Thanks to this, the nasopharynx will be constantly wet and the disease will not bother you much.
- Use a humidifier. If the room is constantly necessary humidity, the mucous membrane will not dry out. Due to this, sputum will not thicken. Pour water into the appliance with the addition of vinegar (white). It will help prevent the spread of mold and mildew, which provoke deterioration.
- Rinse throat regularly with brackish water. This will help remove excess fluid from the nasal posterior cavity.
- Avoid even the slightest stress. If you are nervous, then the immune system begins to work incorrectly, which causes a runny nose.
- At the first symptoms, set aside all things and rest.