Often, folk remedies for sinusitis are used as concomitant, complementing traditional drug therapy. They are represented by the introduction of various means into the nose, warming up and other manipulations that are easy to perform at home. However, when planning to try a recipe on yourself, and even more so on a small child, it is worthwhile to figure out whether it is really safe and whether you should expect a tangible effect from it.
Material Content:
- 1 Folk remedies for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis in adults
- 2 How to treat acute and chronic sinusitis with folk remedies in children
- 3 How to treat sinusitis with homemade drops and turund
- 4 What to do with sinusitis is not recommended
- 5 How to protect yourself and your child from the disease
Folk remedies for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis in adults
Alternative medicine offers dozens of methods for self-management of symptoms of pathology. This and laying turund with various substances, and homemade drops, and even massage, compresses and aromatherapy.
However, all of them must be applied competently, subject to certain rules:
- Before using homemade drops or performing procedures to flush the nasal passages, vasoconstrictive drops should be used. On the one hand, this will increase the effectiveness of the procedure, and on the other, it will prevent the spread of infection and protect against possible complications (for example, otitis media). Worth remembering! Rinsing of the nasal passages is permissible only in case of free nasal breathing.If it is difficult, vasoconstrictor drops should be used.
- It is advisable to combine traditional medicine and taking antihistamines. This will avoid the development of allergic reactions, and in addition, reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
- It is important to follow the instructions for the drugs used and not to increase the duration of their exposure. An independent increase in the time of the procedure and the dose of the drug will lead to a burn of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
- You can not start the disease. If improvements from alternative therapy do not occur, it is necessary to resort to treatment with traditional methods, which are best understood by the doctor.
- Herbal recipes should not be used as the only possible treatment for the disease. The optimal use is the parallel use of drugs and alternative medicine under the close supervision of a doctor.
Despite the form of the course and the type of sinusitis, before using any folk remedy, it is necessary to find out if there is an allergy to the components of the drug. A sensitivity test should be performed first. To do this, you need to apply the composition to the elbow bend or to the skin behind the earlobe, soak for 20 minutes, and then rinse with water. If the procedure did not cause any traces and discomfort, you can use the recipe.
The most effective recipes for traditional medicine
For the treatment of any form of sinusitis, the following alternative medicine are most often used:
- The most effective in the fight against this pathology is rinsing the nose with decoctions of various medicinal herbs or saline. For this procedure, decoctions of chamomile, celandine, ready-made infusion of propolis or home-made saline are suitable. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the liquid used - it should not be hot, but the use of a cool composition contributes to the development of complications and deterioration of well-being. The procedure should be repeated from three times a day.In the prepared herbal decoction, you can add 0.5 tsp. sea salt, which will delay and liquefy the accumulated viscous secret.Rinsing should be performed using a ten-cube syringe (or pump), controlling that the pressure of its contents is not strong. Otherwise, this will lead to the casting of pathogenic flora into the auditory tube and the development of complications.
- In addition to washing, another effective way to treat sinusitis is the use of homemade drops. For example, from sea buckthorn oil or peppermint. However, such drops are made from a variety of plants - aloe leaves, onion pulp or beetroot. Honey drops are another composition that is widely used in folk medicine in the fight against sinusitis. Honey is also used in its pure form, introducing the melted honey mass alternately into the nostrils and mixing in various proportions with the juices of plants or herbs. Drops are instilled up to 4 times during the day for a pair of pieces in both nasal passages.Juice obtained from caustic plants (for example, onion or garlic) should not be used in its pure form! It must be diluted with boiled water.
- The use of turund with various compositions. To make them, you will need cotton or a cotton pad, which should be twisted with a dense, thick tourniquet, and, after impregnating with a medicinal substance, set in each nostril for exposure. Typically, the procedure takes 5 to 10 minutes, and should be carried out twice a day. As a therapeutic component, an infusion of herbs (for example, chamomile, St. John's wort) or a beekeeping product prepared in a special way is suitable.
Inhalation and warming up as a treatment method
The purpose of the use of inhalation in sinusitis is to dilute the thick secret accumulated in the sinuses.
For the procedure you will need:
- A large basin or pan. It is necessary to boil water for inhalation. The wider the capacity, the more steam will form.
- Active substance. It can be essential oils of mint, fir, Zvezdochka balm, propolis. The components used for inhalation can not only facilitate breathing and soften thick secretions, but also help in the fight against bacteria, having an antiseptic effect. If essential oils are not at hand, inhalation can be carried out on ordinary boiled potatoes.
- Thick, large towel or plaid. They need to cover their heads with the pan to create a sauna effect.
- A small dry towel, woolen scarf or shawl. After the procedure, the steamed face should be wrapped and allowed to cool. After this, do not go out in the cold, as a sharp change in temperature can lead to poor health.
However, this procedure has a number of contraindications for use - increased body temperature, diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs, acute form of purulent sinusitis.
Read also:treatment of sinusitis at home
Acupressure for sinusitis
The use of acupressure for sinusitis can enhance blood circulation to the affected tissues, helping to relieve unpleasant symptoms, eliminating the feeling of stuffiness and reducing the pain symptom.
In addition, acupressure can be used at any stage of the disease. The technique for performing manipulations consists in alternating pressure, stroking and rubbing movements to specific points. The pressure exerted during the massage should not be too strong, but soft strokes will not bring the desired effect. The duration of exposure to the point is at least one minute, and in general massage takes about a quarter of an hour.
The main points for massage are:
- located in the area of the sinuses of the nose;
- on the upper lip under the wings of the nose;
- between the eyebrow, on the outer and inner corners of the eyes.
Acupressure has a number of contraindications. So, it should not be carried out with injured, inflamed skin, as well as in cases of warts and papillomas. It should not be performed both by expectant mothers, and children of the first year of life, as well as persons with oncology.
How to treat acute and chronic sinusitis with folk remedies in children
If everything is clear with how to treat sinusitis in adults, it’s worthwhile to figure out what kind of manipulations will help alleviate the condition of small patients.
- For example, washing the nose with children is contraindicated, which is associated with the proximity of the auditory tube and its position - this procedure increases the risk of infection and the development of otitis media.
- In addition, the child will not fit drops in the nose from onion, garlic juices or squeezes from other caustic plants, since they can provoke a burn of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
The optimal method for the treatment of sinusitis in children is the instillation of drops from a decoction of medicinal plants or a prepared saline solution, as well as acupressure and laying turund.
Worth paying attention to! Beekeeping products are a strong allergen, therefore, they should be used with great care to treat the disease in children, starting with small doses and reducing the time of exposure.
How to treat sinusitis with homemade drops and turund
As a medicinal composition for turund, it is easiest to take a heated mixture made from an equal amount:
- soap;
- onion juice;
- any vegetable oil;
- fresh milk;
- and warm honey.
You can also use a three-day infusion prepared from 1 tsp. propolis and 2 tbsp. l vegetable and butter, heated in a water bath to 40 ° C. Such compounds contribute to the discharge of mucus and pus accumulated in the sinuses.
As home-made drops, juice obtained from cyclamen, beets, onions, a solution of sea salt, infusions of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile, calendula or hypericum) is suitable.
The most popular traditional medicine recipe is drops made from a glass of beet juice and 1 hour.l honey. The resulting composition should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. You can also prepare drops based on celandine juice, aloe and honey, taken in equal parts. It is necessary to bury such a composition 3-4 times a day.
Effective and safe inhalation and warming
As a medicine for inhalation, you can use the essential oils of cedar, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon balm. They should be added to the water prepared for inhalation.
Herbal preparations can be used, for example, calendula, chamomile and sage flowers. They should be introduced directly into the water for boiling. Such procedures can cure sinusitis, because they can fight inflammation, thin the mucus, and help cleanse the sinuses.
And adding boiling water a little balm “Asterisk”, you can facilitate nasal breathing.
How to do acupressure for children with sinusitis
In children older than the first year of life, the massage technique and exposure points do not differ from the massage technique for adults. However, the force of pressure and friction should be reduced. In addition, massage should not be performed with cold hands.
What to do with sinusitis is not recommended
The main prohibitions in the independent treatment of sinusitis are:
- warming the nose and sinuses, the use of warm compresses;
- exposure to hypothermia;
- exit to the cold after inhalations;
- excess exposure time and dose of drugs;
- performing nose washing with shortness of breath;
- inhalation at elevated body temperature;
- the use of undiluted aggressive compounds as homemade drops.
In case of deterioration in well-being, you should immediately consult a specialist for advice.
How to protect yourself and your child from the disease
The main preventive measures include:
- compliance with hygiene rules, regular hand washing, hygienic washing of the nasal cavity, prevention of acute respiratory infections and SARS;
- timely treatment of caries and diseases of the oral cavity, because they are the cause of odontogenic sinusitis;
- timely and proper treatment of ENT diseases, preventing the transition of the disease into a chronic condition;
- adherence to a healthy lifestyle.
In addition, in order to protect yourself from sinusitis, you should:
- avoid overcooling, prolonged stay on the street at low temperatures;
- wear a hat that matches the weather;
- organize favorable indoor air parameters, avoid excessively dry and hot, especially in winter time.
In case of unpleasant symptoms and a long-term runny nose, you should definitely consult a doctor. Use only folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis, especially in children, is unacceptable.