Sleep disorders are not only its absence, but also problems with the process itself (premature awakening, superficial and intermittent sleep). Folk remedies for insomnia help get rid of these disorders and provide a person with good health and sound sleep.
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The main causes of sleep disturbance
The most common causes of sleep disturbances in relatively healthy people are:
- late and plentiful meal;
- excessive physical or mental activity;
- work with a laptop or computer before going to bed;
- the use of strong tea or coffee;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- work on night shifts;
- uncomfortable sleeping conditions.
If these reasons are excluded, then the problem lies deeper. Only a doctor can figure this out, since similar problems arise with various neurological, mental and endocrine diseases.
Simple and effective folk remedies for insomnia
Treatment of insomnia with folk remedies should be comprehensive. No need to think that taking sleeping pills solves the problem. To establish a normal sleep at home, normal physical activity, special psychotherapy, and the use of special drugs are necessary.
With an ailment in women
Insomnia in women is treated in the following ways:
- Valerian. Shredded root of the plant (2 tbsp. L.) Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour. When boiling, part of the water will evaporate.When it cools down slightly, strain the broth and dilute with clean water so that the total volume is at least 0.5 liters. Herbal medicine is taken every day for 1 tbsp. l before meals, in the evening before bedtime - ½ tbsp.
- Oats 1 tbsp. l apical inflorescences of oats pour 200 ml of boiling water. Such oat tea can be drunk 5 times a day for 75-100 ml.
- Tea from lemon balm, valerian root and motherwort. Take 25 g of each component and pour 200 ml of boiling water into the mixture. Strain and drink in small portions throughout the day.
- Viburnum. Take 50 g of chopped roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water, cook on low heat for half an hour. A filtered product to drink after eating ½ tbsp.
Herbalist can offer a variety of herbal preparations, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
Treatment in men
Men can be offered stronger means:
- Wine with dill. Take 500 g of dill seeds per 500 ml of red wine. Boil for a third of a third hour on low heat, then wrap in a warm towel and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink every night before the end of a quarter cup.
- Celery. Grate the root, pour 5 tbsp. boiled and chilled water. Insist all night. Drink 1 tsp. An hour before meals. three times a day.
- White wine with onions. For 0 5 L of the drink, take 25 g of onion seeds. Insist one and a half weeks in a dark but warm place, occasionally shaking. Strained medicine to drink every 4 hours for 1 tbsp. l
- Horseradish with wine. For 100 g of roots, take a liter of drink. Insist one and a half weeks. Take 1 tbsp. l three times a day with milk to prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa.
The same funds can be taken by women if they do not feed and do not expect a baby.
During pregnancy and lactation
During this period, women are better off not risking and not starting treatment on their own with the help of herbs for insomnia. Many of them can have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy, so taking medicinal decoctions and tinctures is possible only after prior consultation with a phytotherapist. In addition, sleep problems in pregnant women are often physiological in nature: expectant mothers cannot fall asleep normally due to a large abdomen, uncomfortable position, frequent trips to the toilet and the baby's movements. This is a temporary phenomenon that does not require any treatment.
The same applies to nursing mothers. A small child often alarms her mother at night, and then she can never calm down and fall asleep. If this happens every night and several times, my mother generally goes astray and awake. It is best to try to establish this mode with the baby, however, this is a rather difficult task.
One of the good recipes is the infusion of green dill. To do this, take fresh herbs in an amount of 15 g per 0.5 l of boiling water and insist overnight. Over the next day, the infusion should be drunk 5 times. Scheme - 4 days of reception, 2 days of rest.
Folk remedies for a good sleep for children
One of the most harmless ways to treat insomnia in children of any age is honey with milk. This tasty drink is enjoyed by even kids. It produces a mild sedative effect and helps to fall asleep quickly. For this, a glass of warm milk (can be replaced with water) must take 1 tbsp. l honey. But if the child is allergic to bee products, this method of treatment is contraindicated for him.
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The use of chamomile gives good results: take 1 tbsp. In a glass of boiling water. raw materials. Insist in a thermos. Filter the filtered drink into 4 servings and drink throughout the day.
You can correct a child’s sleep by introducing into his diet foods that eliminate insomnia. These are strawberries, bananas, onion salad.
For the elderly
Insomnia in the elderly is an extremely common occurrence. A good help in this case would be hop cones. You need to take 10 g of raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water and set a third of an hour. Take three times a day for 1 tbsp. l
If an elderly person cannot fall asleep due to a strong heartbeat, he can prepare lily of the valley infusion: for 1 tsp. raw materials take 200 ml of boiling water. Consume 5 times a day for 1 tbsp. l The tool quickly removes anxiety symptoms.
Ayurveda for a good sleep
Fans of this ancient science claim that many problems can be eliminated with proper breathing. If the main causes of all problems are increased excitability of the nervous system, stress, a strong intellectual load, a simple exercise will help to cope with this. In his spare time, you just need to breathe through the left nostril, as this technique perfectly calms the nerves and cools the excited mind.
Before going to bed, it is useful to take a bath, drink a glass of hot milk or chamomile broth, massage the feet with warm oil. In the morning, you must do self-massage with oil, take a shower, carry out the necessary breathing exercises, and immerse yourself in a ten-minute meditation.
Aromatherapy for treatment
Pleasant aromas help to relax and tune in to a full night's rest. Of the most common methods, air aromatization, bathing, the use of personal aroma pendants, applying the product to whiskey or forehead are distinguished.
People's advice:peony tincture
Before going to bed, it is advisable to take a relaxing bath with a few drops of essential oil. For a full bath, 6-7 drops are enough.
If the body is weak, enough 4. For relaxation, most often use the oils of such plants:
- an orange;
- lavender;
- cinnamon
- jasmine
- roses;
- nutmeg;
- cloves;
- peppermint;
- daisies;
- bergamot.
Almost all of these oils are combined with each other, so you can make different compositions from them. The optimal number of components is 3-4.
In the bedroom you can put fragrant reseda, geranium, laurel, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus. These plants secrete essential oils that cleanse the air and promote relaxation.
Using an aroma lamp, you need to remember that the smell should be subtle. It is under this condition that it acts more efficiently. The first sessions should not be longer than 20 minutes, later their duration can be increased to 2-3 hours.
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Pillows made from fragrant plants
Special aromatic pillows have an excellent effect, they can be bought or made independently:
- 1 tbsp. hop cones, 3 tbsp. fern leaves packing bay leaf. Mix all the components and fill them with a pillowcase;
- 150 g of lavender, hops, verbena and 2 tbsp. l roots of violets. Grind everything and fill the pillow;
- 2 parts of thyme and 1 part of mint, sage and lavender.
Such herbs and plants are also popular: wormwood, pine needles, geranium, oregano, chamomile, hazel leaves, rosemary, yarrow. You can fill a large pillow with herbs, or you can make a small product and adjust it during sleep to the usual one. A small pillow can also be put on the battery, heat will help quickly spread the fragrance throughout the bedroom. Shake the product slightly before each use.
The fabric for the pillowcase must be natural - from linen, cotton, wool. The shelf life of such products is about 6-8 months, then the components must be replaced.
If the pillow is suddenly damp from excessive moisture, it must be immediately discarded. Fungi and mold inside can be very harmful. While the pillow is not needed, it is advisable to wrap it in a bag so that the aromas do not disappear so quickly.
However, you must remember that aromas are also medicines, so you need to use them carefully and wisely. For example, hops are one of the most popular excipients, but if used excessively, they can cause unreasonable anxiety, sweating, and pain in the chest area.
It is also advisable to take note of the simple rules:
- Get up at the same time in the morning.
- Going to the bedroom only when a persistent feeling of drowsiness appears.
- To equip a bedroom so that it evokes associations only with sleep: soft pillows, dim lights, the absence of gadgets and other distracting objects.
- Do not sleep during the day.
- Do not eat 3-4 hours before your expected bedtime.
Before going to bed, it is advisable to conduct a special relaxing ritual and make it an everyday habit - taking a warm bath, reading a pleasant book.
Quality sleep is the key to good health in the daytime. Therefore, it is worthwhile to make every effort to establish a sleep and rest regime.
- Darya