Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol in combination with proper nutrition and well-formulated drug therapy provide a quick, positive result. A high level of this substance in the blood indicates that any pathological processes occur in the body. If you do not start treatment in time, you can face dangerous consequences, including thrombosis, stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, sudden coronary death and others.
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Cause and signs of high blood cholesterol
A common misconception is that the level of bad cholesterol rises due to malnutrition. Only 30% of this substance is ingested with food, the remaining 70% is synthesized by the liver.
Cholesterol is an integral part of cell membranes. If its concentration in the blood rises, the residues accumulate on the inner walls of the vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques.
The main causes of high cholesterol:
- overweight, improper metabolism;
- high blood pressure;
- diabetes;
- hereditary predisposition;
- problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- pathology of the kidneys, liver;
- lack of growth hormone;
- alcohol abuse;
- smoking;
- taking medications from certain pharmacokinetic groups;
- chronic diseases that occur in people after 50 years, etc.
There are no specific symptoms of high cholesterol.The disease can be suspected by the following symptoms: dizziness, headache, spider veins on the legs, decreased performance, pain in the heart. Often patients complain that lower limbs hurt when walking or running. Accumulation of cholesterol on the inner surface of blood vessels is a cause of circulatory disorders, which in turn leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and a deterioration in the condition of the whole organism.
How to lower cholesterol folk remedies?
To quickly deal with the problem of high cholesterol, you need to comprehensively approach the solution to the problem. The basis of effective treatment is proper nutrition. If the deviations are serious, you can not do without the use of drugs, but they should be prescribed only by your doctor. They will help to achieve a quick positive effect of traditional medicine. Their advantages include safety, a minimum list of contraindications and side effects.
Herbal fees
Some herbs can reduce cholesterol absorption. They are used to prepare decoctions, tinctures. Well-proven collection of herbs.
The most effective are the following combinations:
- dried, grated mistletoe, periwinkle flowers, field horsetail, hawthorn 15 g each, yarrow 30 g;
- 20 g of dried, powdered wheatgrass and steel root, 20 g of centaury grass, 25 g of juniper fruits, 10 g of walnut leaves;
- Arnica flowers 4 g, yarrow, St. John's wort, 20 g each
Medicines are prepared in the same way. The components of the collection pour a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour. Ready to drink during the day. The course of treatment is 2 months. After the time has elapsed, you need to take a break.
Medicinal plants for high cholesterol
To increase the effectiveness of therapy for high cholesterol, you can use medicinal plants. Their action is aimed at accelerating the elimination of fat-like substances, normalizing blood circulation and metabolic processes, improving the state of blood vessels. Herbs, fruits, roots are used to prepare decoctions, water and alcohol tinctures.
Patients leave positive feedback about such medicinal plants:
- rosehip;
- hawthorn;
- Linden blossom;
- cyanosis blue;
- Golden mustache;
- blackberry leaves;
- chokeberry;
- immortelle and others.
One of the most effective plants is sowing alfalfa. It is specially grown in gardens and cottages. The ground part of the plant can be eaten raw or used to make juice.
The active components of the grass not only cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the joints with arthritis and osteoporosis. And grass strengthens nails and hair.
Propolis for the removal of bad cholesterol.
You can clean the vessels from plaques using bee products. For medicinal purposes, we use bee bread, which is simply absorbed before eating. Based on medical alcohol, you can prepare a medicine for death. Propolis tincture helps a lot. The tool has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the dissolution of fat in blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation.
It is interesting: propolis tincture application
To prepare the product, you need 25 g of crushed propolis, which is placed in a glass container and pour 0.5 l of vodka. We send the medicine to infuse in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight. The product is ready for use in a week. We dilute 5-7 drops of tincture with water, take every day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.
Healthy fruits and vegetables
People who have high cholesterol should enrich their diet with fruits or vegetables. They can be consumed raw or used to prepare various dishes.Berries containing pectins have beneficial properties. A salad of grapefruit, carrots, walnuts, seasoned with yogurt, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Seaweed, horseradish, apples also contribute to the dissolution and excretion of cholesterol. Garlic has also proven itself. It helps with various diseases of the blood vessels. It can simply be consumed, pre-chopped, combined with honey or lemon juice.
Juice therapy
Freshly squeezed juices contain many useful trace elements, vitamins and minerals. They are not only healthy, but also delicious.
We clean the vessels from plaques for five days, using drinks according to this algorithm:
- juice of fresh celery 30 g, carrots - 60 g;
- a mixture of carrot 60 g, beet 50 g and cucumber 20 g juices;
- juice of carrots, apples and celery in equal proportions (50 g each);
- mix carrot 60 g, cabbage 50 g;
- orange fresh 30 g
Juice therapy is preferably carried out once a month. It helps not only lower blood cholesterol, but also cleanse the body of harmful substances, saturate it with useful trace elements.
Norms of water consumption for medicinal purposes
With high cholesterol, water is good. It is recommended to drink plain, non-carbonated water. It reduces blood viscosity, dissolves low density lipoproteins. The rate of fluid intake is calculated taking into account the weight of a person. You need to drink water in the morning and throughout the day for 20 minutes before each meal.
High cholesterol diet therapy
To decide how to lower cholesterol, you need to eat right. The diet should be enriched with protein foods, reducing fat intake. A properly composed diet will help not only prevent the development and progression of atherosclerosis, but also adjust the weight.
The basic principles of nutrition with high cholesterol:
- eat often, but in small portions;
- consume no more than 5 grams of salt per day;
- limit the amount of sugar to 50 g and fat to 60 g;
- eat no more than 2 eggs per day;
- it is good to drink 50 g of dry red wine.
Patients with high cholesterol should abandon bad habits, exclude fatty, spicy, fried foods from the diet, saturate it with protein products, fiber. Egg yolks, dairy products also increase the level of bad cholesterol, so their number will have to be minimized.
Simple carbohydrates need to be replaced with complex ones. To do this, reduce the consumption of sweets, confectionery. Correct carbohydrates are found in cereals, fresh vegetables, durum wheat pasta, and legumes.
What foods lower cholesterol?
The daily menu of a person who has high cholesterol should include foods that help lower the concentration of this substance. Adequate unsaturated fatty acids should be provided to the body. They are found in fish, vegetable oils, egg whites, seeds, nuts, meat.
Such foods effectively reduce cholesterol:
- avocados, grapefruits, kiwi;
- olive oil;
- beans, beans;
- salmon;
- oatmeal;
- fresh berries (black currant).
One of the most popular cholesterol lowering foods is garlic. It contains a substance that, when processed, is converted to allicin. The latter cleanses blood vessels from accumulated plaques.
Before supplementing therapy with folk remedies, you need to consult your doctor. Some components can cause the development of allergic reactions or lead to various complications. Patients with high blood pressure and other chronic pathologies should be especially careful when choosing medications. Clean your blood vessels at home very carefully.The fact is that atherosclerotic plaques that break away from the walls can penetrate the brain or heart, causing a stroke, heart attack or even causing death.
- Claudia