In Soviet times, “Tarhun” was popular - a green drink with a pleasant aroma and taste. It can be prepared independently at home, using simple ingredients - sugar, water, lemon and tarragon grass.

What are tarragon lemonade made of?

Despite the fact that “Tarragon” refers to sweet drinks, the plant itself, which gave it its name, comes from the genus wormwood. Seasonings are made from it, it is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Armenian, Arabian and French cuisines cannot do without this herb.

The second name of the plant is tarragon. It is cultivated in all corners of the Earth.

It is undemanding to the soil, and does not need special growing conditions. The plant propagates by dividing the bush in early spring or by seed through seedlings. Seeds are sown in February, and grown seedlings are transplanted into the open ground in the last decade of April. A distance of 50 cm is left between the wells.

The plant is photophilous, but can grow in the shade. It requires regular watering, at least 3 times a month, top dressing with compost, humus and wood ash. During the season, tarragon is cut several times, leaving stems 12 cm long from the soil surface. Harvested for future use, dried in a dark, warm place.

In one place, the grass can grow well up to 10 years. It shows its healing properties in the first 3 years of cultivation. To rejuvenate the plantings, you can plant three-year bushes in the spring.

There are several varieties of tarragon - for the preparation of salads and spicy aromatic varieties. Salad forms are more common in Central Asia and the Caucasus. In cooking, grass is most widely used. It is used for pickling vegetables and mushrooms, sauerkraut, added to soups, meat and fish dishes.Fresh leaves go for the preparation of various salads, sauces, seasonings for poultry.

The most famous herb-based drink is the green, sweet Tarragon.

It was not for nothing that they began to cook it in Soviet times. Since ancient times, it is known that this herb is rich in essential oils that enhance immunity and improve mood.

Classic tarragon recipe

A self-made tarragon drink will be tastier and healthier than bought in a store. Dilute it with carbonated, ordinary boiled or mineral purified water.

The composition of the tarragon drink includes such products:

  • water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • a bunch of young tarragon;
  • mineral water - 1 l.


  1. Syrup is made from 300 ml of water with a glass of sugar.
  2. Leaves are torn off tarragon, rough branches are thrown out. You should get about 70 g of grass.
  3. It is crumpled with a wooden mortar to soften and release juice.
  4. Pour the leaves with hot syrup.
  5. Cover and insist 3 hours.
  6. Then the infusion of syrup and tarragon is filtered through a sieve and a little squeeze the grass with a spoon.
  7. Squeeze juice from 1 lemon using a citrus press, add it to the syrup.

At the final stage of preparation, the liquid is poured into a decanter and diluted to taste with cold mineral water. If necessary, add pieces of ice.

90s alcoholic drink

The drink, which was made in the 90s, was called "Bitter Tarkhun Tincture."


You can now find many recipes on the sites of alkofans with the addition of tarragon grass to ordinary vodka and other alcoholic drinks.

Interestingly, alcoholic tinctures of herbs are also used for medicinal purposes. Tarragon contains many useful substances - essential oils, vitamins, mineral salts. Rub the diseased joints with tincture and apply it to the back with radiculitis.

With the help of tarragon, in many countries, expensive wines and liquors are aromatized. According to a home recipe, add grass to vodka and insist for several weeks. The taste and aroma of the finished alcoholic beverage will differ depending on which branches of tarragon were used - fresh or dried.

There are contraindications to the use of tarragon during pregnancy. Grass can cause a premature birth or miscarriage in a woman.

With lime and lemon

"Tarragon" with lemon and lime is useful for the cardiovascular system.

It contains rutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which helps to improve blood circulation.

You can make a homemade "Tarragon". For this you need:

  • a bunch of tarragon grass - 300 g;
  • lemon or lime;
  • sugar;
  • water.


  1. The tarragon is chopped finely with a knife or in a blender. It is cut hard, but gives the juice right away, so you need to prepare a drink from it quickly.
  2. Prepare syrup. The sweeter you need a drink, the more sugar they put. After boiling, the composition is boiled a little.
  3. Cut into slices of lemons.
  4. Tarragon is poured with hot syrup and filtered.
  5. The resulting concentrate is diluted with mineral water.
  6. Immediately add lemon juice.

Lemonade "Tarhun" will only benefit the body. Strengthens blood vessels, improves appetite, helps to cope with insomnia and stress.

Infused Tarragon at home

This drink was invented in 1887 by one of the Georgian pharmacists. He decided to add tarragon extract to sparkling water along with a little sugar and citric acid.


  • tarragon - 25 g;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • water - 90 ml;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • ice crumb - 1/3 st .;
  • sparkling mineral water - 150 ml.


  1. Beat tarragon with sugar in a blender for 2 minutes, adding 90 ml of cold water.
  2. Filter the composition through a sieve to separate the juice from the meal.
  3. For 1 serving of drink, you need 50 ml of concentrate, 1/3 tbsp. ice crumbs, 40 ml of lemon fresh and mineral water.
  4. All are mixed.

It turns out a cool, tasty drink, bright green in color. It may be slightly bitter, but it retains all the healing power and benefits of tarragon.

Now you know what Tarragon is made of.It will bring a pleasant variety to the familiar menu. This refreshing drink will cheer you up and restore strength to work.