They often say: do not believe your eyes. Looking at the following photos, you can verify the truth of this parting word. To finally understand what is happening on them, you need to look at them properly.
For example, in this picture fluffy puppy camouflaged under a rug.
Tire marks left on the road are similar to a 3D 3-D pattern. But in reality, of course, they are not.
At first glance, an old painting or a cross-stitch kit is depicted here. But this Welsh Korg is actually just looking through the door glass and the small metal net.
And this is how a soccer field in Greenland looks like from above. Just looking at him makes him cool - we hope that these ice floes do not bother the players.
Optical illusion.
Light falls on a pigeon so that it becomes like wall graffiti.
The humanized doggie.
No, these piles do not support the sky. It’s just that their height coincides perfectly with the horizon line.
The house looks like it is loading.
The terrible sight actually turned out to be just green from a tomato.
Clouds cover the mountain halfway. She’s floating in the sky.
Friendly backpack.
Do you want to ride a huge dog?
The African lake does not look like marmalade or frozen blood.
Cerberus actually exists.
Taking pictures on horseback, make sure that no one is watching you from behind.
A girl with three legs? ... It's too much.